Salmon Charter Patrol Services – Haida Gwaii / Central Coast / North Coast

Status Awarded

Contract number F5211-130405

Solicitation number F5211-130405

Publication date

Contract award date


    This contract was awarded to:

    Awarded multiple Standing Offers
    Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) has a requirement to conduct Salmon Charter Patrol Services in the Pacific north coast of British Columbia.  The contractor must have the ability to assess salmon stocks, report on fishing activities, collect and provide catch statistics, conduct stream inventories, and collect biological samples. In addition, it must possess the tools and equipment to conduct the work.
    The intent is to establish a standing offer for each charter area so that the contractor can be called up to provide services on an as and when required basis.   The inclusion of estimated days per year in the cost proposal document is not a commitment by DFO.    It is anticipated that resource managers will endeavour to be in contact with contractors to discuss an upcoming season and what possible level of effort may be considered so that contractors can plan their business accordingly.  These discussions are not a commitment or guarantee by DFO to call up or contract for these estimates.
    Standing offers are not a guarantee of business and Fisheries and Oceans Canada is not obligated to use these services.
    Standing Offer Dates
    May 1, 2014 through to April 30, 2017
    Contract Area of Operation
    Project work for a charter area will be specified by the Resource Manager each year.
    Objectives of the Requirement
    The contractor will be required to provide the services, information, and equipment at the frequency and in the manner herein described. This is to be carried out as independently as is efficiently feasible. No direction, supervision, or other assistance in addition to the stipulations of this statement of work, the initial annual mobilization meeting, and response to required progress reports will be provided by Fisheries and Oceans Canada unless necessitated by urgent, unforeseen events.
    Fisheries and Oceans Canada requires an informational database in order to make quality fishery management decisions. The contractor’s role in this regard is to provide or disseminate the information outlined below as applicable to your charter area. You are expected to use methods that are effective and efficient. Forms that will be provided must be fully completed, and where no standard format is provided, information must be presented in a clear, concise manner that facilitates incorporation into the Fisheries and Oceans Canada database.
    Requirements and Objectives
    The contractor will need to develop the methodologies to carry out, on an ongoing basis, the actions essential to the effective realization of Fisheries and Oceans Canada requirements and objectives. The Information Collection and Information Dissemination requirements are as follows:
    Information Collection
    Info Type	Fishery	Format	Frequency
    1. Catch data and gear counts in contract area.	Salmon	Catch reporting log	As appropriate for the fishery
    2. Spawn timing, distribution and abundance of fry/juvenile/adult for designated streams in contract area. Stream activity (log jams erosion/silting/deleterious acts/ substances).	Salmon	-Stream inspection log
    -Annual stream report
    -Sampling programs (i.e. tagging, trapping)
    -Stream narrative	-After each inspection
    - end of each contract
    -after completion of program
    - end of each contract
    3. Any information pertinent to management and protection of any segment of the fishery.	All	-Weekly activity report
    -Occurrence report	Weekly unless urgent action required.
    Information Dissemination
    1. Communication of opening and closure announcements and associated info by VHF radio or notice posting in contract area	All stakeholders/client groups	Fisheries and Oceans Canada
    2. Response to information requests from all stakeholders/client groups or general public regarding coastal/inland fishery regulations, notice to industry, or public notices.	All	Regulations, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Contractor,
    Fishing plans
    3. Health and safety plan. This plan is required in the event of an accident or injury to the contractor or others.	Fisheries and Oceans Canada	Contractor
    In addition the contractor may be required to monitor, collect, record and report, or assist in, the following objectives.
    1.	Maintain clearly marked fishing boundary signs.
    2.	Personal contact with fishery participants (commercial, aboriginal or recreational) in charter area.
    3.	Effectively maintain streams in assigned charter area.
    4.	Timely capture of brood stock and egg take for salmonid enhancement projects.
    5.	Timely and appropriate biological samples and photos for reports or analysis by others.
    6.	Suitable accommodation and meals, including an extra berth or berths for Department staff or observer.
    7.	Observance and compliance with all applicable health and safety standards. 
    8.	Fully inform fishing public and/or client group regarding policy, regulation, notices to industry, fishing plans, etc.
    Charter Area Locations
    Haida Gwaii
    	Area 2E East Coast Moresby Island
    Primarily from Cumshewa Inlet to Juan Perez Sound (sub-areas 2-3 to 2-12)
    	Area 2E/W Skidegate / West Coast 
    East Skidegate Inlet (S/A 2-1) and west coast of Haida Gwaii from Tasu Sound to Kano Inlet 
    (sub-areas 2-42 to 2-71)
    North Coast
    	Area 3 & 4  Nass North / Skeena	
    The contractor will most likely work on commercial salmon net fisheries in Areas 3 and 4. Stream assessments will most likely be in Area 3.
    	Area 3 & 4  Nass South / Skeena 	
    The contractor will most likely work on commercial salmon net fisheries in Areas 3 and 4. Stream assessments will most likely be in Area 3.
    	Area 4  Skeena	
    The contractor will most likely work on commercial salmon net fisheries in Area 4. Stream assessments will most likely be in Area 4 and the northern portion of Area 5.
    	Area 6  Kitimat North	
    The contractor will most likely work on commercial salmon net fisheries in Area 6. Stream assessments will most likely be in the northern portion of Area 6.
    	Area 6 Kitimat South
     The contractor will most likely work on commercial salmon net fisheries in Area 6. Stream assessments will most likely be in the southern portion of Area 6. Be prepared to frequent exposed waters such as the west side of Aristabal Island.
    **Depending on salmon run strength, the contractor will be prepared to work throughout
    Areas 3 to 6 **
    Central Coast
    	Area 7 & 8 Bella Bella
    The contractor will most likely work on commercial salmon net fisheries and stream assessments in Area 7.
    	Area 7 & 8 Bella Coola / Namu 
    The contractor will most likely work on commercial salmon net fisheries and stream assessments in Area 8.
    	Area 9 & 10  Rivers / Smith
    The contractor will most likely work in Area 8 and the Rivers and Smith Inlets.
    **Depending on salmon run strength, the contractor will be prepared to work throughout
     Areas 7 to 10**
    Procurement method
    Competitive – Open Bidding

    Contract duration

    Refer to the description above for full details.

    Commodity - GSIN

    • V101AA - Vessel Charter
    Contact information

    Contracting organization

    Fisheries and Oceans Canada
    200 Kent St, Station 13E228
    Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0E6
    Contracting authority
    Walker, Kimberly
    301 Bishop Drive
    Fredericton, NB, E3C 2M6

    Buying organization(s)

    Fisheries and Oceans Canada
    200 Kent St, Station 13E228
    Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0E6
    Date modified: