Manta Robotics LLC.
is interested in partnering up on the following tender opportunity:
Tender notice title: Annual Fuel Tank Inspection Services at RCMP Detachments located in Manitoba
Publication date 2023/07/25
Closing date and time 2023/08/25 16:00 EDT
Manta Robotics LLC. details
Manta Robotics performs tank inspections
Manta Robotics is capable of fully satisfying Tank inspections to comply with SPCC and API-653 standards. Our main emphasis is to do the integrity inspection to the bottom of your AST’s completely complying to SP001/API-653 inspections (internal) while the tank is in full operations, meaning without disruptions, draining, cleaning, safety considerations due to confined space, spillage and lost time. We at Manta Robotics can do this with our CERTIFIED ROV’s (Class 1 Div 1 Group D) and for smaller tanks with our Probe. This would assist the operations greatly in a much more cost-effective manner than traditional inspections. We also are able to have the external portion of the tanks inspected at the same time.
First name Ron
Last name MARSDEN