Fraser Burrard Diving Ltd
is interested in partnering up on the following tender opportunity:
Tender notice title: F1700-230184 – Saltwater Intake and Pumphouse Upgrade
Publication date 2023/07/14
Closing date and time 2023/07/28 14:00 EDT
Fraser Burrard Diving Ltd details
Marine Pipelines, Inspection, General Contracting,
Many successful HDPE marine pipeline supply and installations including outfalls, intakes, force mains, water and tailings transfers over land. Steel high pressure force main marine crossings. FBD employs our own team of certified HDPE fusion technicians, divers, labourers, office admin, boat operators, etc. HDPE marine installations we have completed from 4” to 60”. Engineering inspection range in numbers from 40-80 annually. We are fully bonded and capable of general contracting marine outfall projects. FBD has an excellent WSBC record and we are COR certified. We can supply personnel qualifications and experience upon request.
First name Tony
Last name Sandberg