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Highway 5 Renovations – Wood Buffalo National Park

Status Expired

Contract number 5P468-23-0320

Solicitation number 5P468-23-0320/A-001

Publication date

Contract award date

Last amendment date

Contract value

CAD 6,159,654.00

    This contract was awarded to:
    851791 NWT Ltd. O/A Rowe's Construction


    Parks Canada requires renovations to Highway 5 located in Wood Buffalo National Park (WBNP), Northwest Territories. Work includes supply of chip seal aggregate, surface mixing and compaction, roadway failure repairs, and application of an asphaltic surface treatment.

    Business address

    25 Studney Drive

    Hay River, NT, X0E 0R6
    Notice type
    Request for Proposal
    Procurement method
    Competitive – Open Bidding
    Selection criteria
    Lowest Price
    Region(s) of delivery
    Northwest Territories

    Contract duration

    The contract will be for a period of 5 month(s), from 2024/04/15 to 2024/09/15.

    Commodity - UNSPSC

    • 72141104 - Highway and road resurfacing service

    Trade agreements

    • Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA)

    Reason for limited tendering

    A contracting officer can use limited tendering for specific reasons outlined in the applicable trade agreements. The reason for this contract is described below:

    • None
    Contact information

    Contracting organization

    Parks Canada

    220 - 4 Avenue SE, Suite 720

    Calgary, Alberta, T2G 4X3
    Contracting authority
    Jen Maheu
    (587) 432-8458
    Date modified: