Building 18 Cold Room at AAFC- St-Johns Research and Development Centre, NL
Status Expired
Contract number 3000772977
Solicitation number o1B46-23-137
Publication date
Contract award date
Last amendment date
Contract value
Status Expired
Contract number 3000772977
Solicitation number o1B46-23-137
Publication date
Contract award date
Last amendment date
Contract value
Construction invitation to tender 01B46-23-137 (two phases)
Building 18 Cold Room at AAFC- St-Johns Research and Development Centre, NL
This is a two phase selection process. Refer to the Special Instructions to Bidders.
Tenders for the project indicated above, will be accepted at the following address, up to the tender closing date and time indicated below:
Scope of Work:
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) intends to retain a Contractor to provide construction services for
St-John’s Research and Development Centre in the province of Newfoundland.
The scope of this project is to repair the vehicle ramp for access to the top level of building 18 located at the St. John’s Research and Development Centre off Brookfield Road. The scope of work required from the successful contractor is to remove the concrete and asphalt surface off the top of a underground cold room. Once existing surface is removed, the contractor is to place structural fill and construct a surface consisting of both concrete and asphalt. Site grading and landscaping to match existing conditions in the proximity of the ramp. The contractor is to note that building 18 will be active during construction with AAFC personnel on site. Adjacent to the ramp is a lunchroom and a garage for fleet vehicles. Close attention should be given to work that may affect the functionality of these spaces.
It is required that this work will need to be completed no later than end of December 2023. Contractor will need to account for any construction methods required to complete during winter months, including but not limited to concrete placement.
Optional Site Visit:
A. Phase One
1. There will not be a site visit for the Phase One solicitation process.
B. Phase Two
1. There will be a Phase Two site visit. The date, time and location for the Phase Two site visit will be identified during Phase Two.
2. The Phase Two site visit for this project is OPTIONAL. The representative of the Bidder should sign the Site Visit Attendance Sheet at the site visit.
Tender Period Closing Date and Time: October 10th, 2023 at 02:00 pm (EDT).
Information requests and inquiries related to this tender process are to be directed, in writing, ONLY to the AAFC Contract Officer identified below. Bidders who contact anyone other than the AAFC Contract Officer to obtain such information during the solicitation period may, for that reason alone, be disqualified.
AAFC reserves the right to accept any Proposal in whole or in part, without prior negotiation and reject any or all Proposals
AAFC Contract Officer:
Carol Rahal
Team lead
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada- Eastern Service Center
2001 Robert-Bourassa, Pièce 671-TEN,
Montréal, Qc H3A 3N2
Tel.: 514-231-3209
8 Gullage Avenue
The contract will be for a period of 2 month(s), from 2023/10/30 to 2023/12/31.
CAD 122,900.00
A contracting officer can use limited tendering for specific reasons outlined in the applicable trade agreements. The reason for this contract is described below:
2001 Robert-Bourassa avenue