Aviation Replacement Parts for the Various Aircrafts
Status Expired
Contract number W8485-258323/001/DAP4
Solicitation number W8485-258323/A
Publication date
Contract award date
Last amendment date
Contract value
Status Expired
Contract number W8485-258323/001/DAP4
Solicitation number W8485-258323/A
Publication date
Contract award date
Last amendment date
Contract value
Notice of Proposed Procurement (NPP)
Department of National Defence
Supply Arrangement - W8485-184741 Series - Aviation Replacement Parts
Solicitation: W8485-258323/A
This requirement is to acquire 1 item for the Various Aircraft for the Department of National Defence (DND), Directorate of Aerospace Procurement (DAP) 4.
This Request for proposal (RFP) is open only to Qualified Supply Arrangement (SA) Holders of Supply Arrangement W8485-184741 series. The following companies have been invited to submit a proposal:
Tower Aerospace
M1 Composites Technology
Aero Technical Components Inc.
AllClear Aerospace and Defence Inc.
Mills/Sterling Aerospace Inc.
Kenn Borek Air
Canada West Avionics
B S F (Business Solutions Fasteners) International Inc.
JHT Defense Inc.
The RFP documents will be e-mailed directly by the Contracting officer to the Qualified SA Holders who are being invited to bid on this requirement. Bidders are advised that Government Electronics Tendering System (GETS) is not responsible for the distribution of the RFP documents.
Inquiries regarding this RFP requirement are to be submitted to the Contracting Authority listed below:
Aerospace Equipment Program Management (DGAEPM)
Department of National Defence (DND) / Government of Canada
455, Boulvard de la carrière, Gatineau (QC) J8Y 6V7
Tel: N/A
NOTE: On-going Opportunity for Qualification
A Notice will be posted at least once a year on the Government Electronic Tendering Service (GETS) to allow more Suppliers to become qualified for Supply Arrangement W8485-184741 Series.
Please submit your request to the Supply Arrangement Authority below:
Edmond Egikian, Supply Team Leader
Government of Canada | Public Services and Procurement Canada
Land and Aerospace Equipment Procurement and Support Sector
Civilian Aircraft Division - CAG
Please note that our Division is teleworking during the COVID-19.
The best way to contact us is by email: edmond.egikian@tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca
180 Portage Close
The contract will be for a period of 2 month(s), from 2024/09/12 to 2024/11/22.
CAD 94,318.00
A contracting officer can use limited tendering for specific reasons outlined in the applicable trade agreements. The reason for this contract is described below:
455 Boul de la Carriere