Dune Crossing Boardwalk Repairs, Cavendish Beach Complex and Brackley Beach Complex, Prince Edward Island National Park PEI
Contract number5P468-22-0280
Solicitation number5P468-22-0280/A
Publication date
Contract award date
Last amendment date
Amendment value
CAD 297,192.20CAD 297 192.20
This contract was awarded to:
CP Construction Services Inc
Parks Canada requires a Prime General Contractor for the purpose of this project, to repair the Cavendish & Brackley Beach Dune Crossings stairs, and accessible ramps so they are structurally sound and safe for visitors.
Elements of this project include the following:
This work includes the provision of all materials, labour, equipment, and ancillaries, as necessary for the completion of the work as indicated on the drawings and as described in the specifications and notes.