Status Awarded
Contract number 700284851
Solicitation number 10026415/A
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Status Awarded
Contract number 700284851
Solicitation number 10026415/A
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Contract value
This contract was awarded to:
INTERNET INTERCONNECTION SERVICES (IIS) This is a Request for Responses for Evaluation (RFRE) pertaining to Internet Interconnection Services (IIS) which is an initiative of Shared Services Canada (SSC) . The purpose of this RFRE is to initiate the process for the procurement of the IIS Solution by inviting suppliers to submit responses to SSC for Canada's evaluation. Further, by responding to this RFRE, Respondents are indicating their intent to participate in the procurement process for the acquisition and support of the IIS Solution. The requirement is for a redundant Internet Interconnection Service (IIS) that will provide it with the ability to access Public Internet Services and also aid in the delivery of programs and services to Canadians. The following services make up the IIS requirement which will be delivered on an as-and-when-requested basis: " providing the Internet Interconnection Services (IIS); " providing Anti-Distributed Denial of Service scrubbing service (DDoS); " the relocation of circuits; and " any deliverables required by the Contract. The services will be delivered in the National Capital Region (NCR) and the Toronto Area (TOR), Canada, excluding any locations in areas subject to any of the Comprehensive Land Claims Agreements. The requirement consists of three redundant IIS Service Interface Points (SIP) provided under two or three separate resulting Contracts, two SIPs in the NCR and one SIP in the Toronto Area; where each SIP must have the capacity and the reliability to be able to handle all the Internet traffic in the event of the failure of the others. The contract will require the provision of additional IIS SIPs within the same GC Datacenter or to other GC Datacenters within the NCR and Toronto Area on an as and when requested basis. The resulting contracts will be used by SSC to provide shared services to its clients, that include SSC itself, those government institutions for whom SSC's services are mandatory at any point during the Contract Period, and those other organizations for whom SSC's services are optional at any point during the Contract Period and that choose to use those services from time to time. It is intended to result in the award of two or three contracts, each for a period of 3 years, plus a 1 year irrevocable option allowing Canada to extend the term of the contract. As part of this RFRE, we have also included a Draft RFP for the Internet Interconnection Services (IIS). This RFRE is the first part of a multi-stage solicitation process. In this first stage, suppliers are requested to submit only certain information for evaluation, while in the next stage, only those suppliers who have successfully passed the initial evaluation (Successful Respondents) will be provided bid solicitation(s) detailing the full requirement for the purpose of bidding. There is a security requirement associated with this requirement. For additional information, see Draft RFP, Part 6 - Security and Financial Requirements. This procurement is subject to a National Security Exception and is, therefore, excluded from all of the obligations of the trade agreements.
Refer to the description above for full details.