Design and Install Irrigation System and Control Valve
Status Awarded
Contract number 465-1-16-C27
Solicitation number 465-1-16-C27
Publication date
Contract award date
Contract value
Status Awarded
Contract number 465-1-16-C27
Solicitation number 465-1-16-C27
Publication date
Contract award date
Contract value
Sealed tenders will be received by the A/Materiel Manager, AAFC until 2:00 p.m., local Regina time, Tuesday, June 23, 2015, for the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Canada - Swift Current Research Centre, SWIFT CURRENT, Saskatchewan, Contract #27. The work generally consists of the Design, Supply and Installation of an Irrigation System and Control Valve. Bidders are responsible for obtaining copies of bid forms, special instructions and amendments issued prior to bid closing, and are to ensure they are addressed in the submitted bid. This procurement contains mandatory requirements. Failure to comply may result in rejection of your bid. Firms intending to submit bids on this project should obtain bid documents through the GETS service provider at . Firms that obtain bid documents from a source other than the official site run the risk of not receiving a complete package.
Refer to the description above for full details.