TBIPS - One ERP Technical Analyst – Level 3
Status Awarded
Contract number 5p300-16-5388
Solicitation number 5P300-16-5388
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Contract value
Status Awarded
Contract number 5p300-16-5388
Solicitation number 5P300-16-5388
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Contract value
Canadian Heritage (PCH) and Parks Canada Agency (PCA) requires the service of a senior ERP technical Analyst level 3 for the maintenance and development of the Government of Canada (GC) Human Resources Management System (HRMS) version 8.9 as well as for the migration to the Government of Canada (GC) My GCHR PeopleSoft version 9.1. The Human Resources Directorate (HRD) of both PCH and PCA have a requirement for an ERP Technical Analyst with an expertise of at least 10 or more years of experience with PeopleSoft HRMS.
Refer to the description above for full details.