Vista Clearing Services Canada-US Boundary
Status Awarded
Contract number 7000002144
Solicitation number NRCan-5000036378
Publication date
Contract award date
Status Awarded
Contract number 7000002144
Solicitation number NRCan-5000036378
Publication date
Contract award date
NRCan has a need to put in place a Request for Supply Arrangement (RFSA) for the delivery of vista clearing services between the Canada-US boundary.
2.1 Trade Agreements
The requirement is subject to the provisions of the Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT).
This procurement is NAFTA exempt according to Annex 1001.1b-2 Services; Section B – Excluded Coverage, Schedule for Canada:
F004 Land Treatment Practices Services (plowing/clearing, etc.)
F059 Natural Resources and Conservation Services
This procurement is WTO exempt as it is not included in the inclusion list under Appendix 1: Annex 4 – Services.
Refer to the description above for full details.