Tunnel Mountain Village 1 Rehabilitation – Banff National Park
Status Awarded
Contract number 5P420-18-0210
Solicitation number 5P420-18-0210/A
Publication date
Contract award date
Contract value
Status Awarded
Contract number 5P420-18-0210
Solicitation number 5P420-18-0210/A
Publication date
Contract award date
Contract value
The Tunnel Mountain Village 1 Campground Utility Rehabilitation project aims to strategically renovate underground and select surface infrastructure. This involves replacement of all utilities including water, sanitary, electrical and the installation of natural gas lines. Water and natural gas tie in upgrades between Village 1 and Trailer Court campground will be conducted. Roads are to be repaired, and a bus turnaround is to be constructed.
The entire campground is to be closed following Labour Day, with the southern half of the campground re-opening for operation for summer 2019, with the northern loops to be completed for fall of 2019.
Refer to the description above for full details.