Status Awarded
Contract number W8482-183073/002/DMARP4
Solicitation number W8482-183073/B
Publication date
Contract award date
Status Awarded
Contract number W8482-183073/002/DMARP4
Solicitation number W8482-183073/B
Publication date
Contract award date
The Department of National Defence has awarded a contract for the items detailed below. The delivery is scheduled for CFB Halifax and CFB Esquimalt.
Item 1, GSIN: 5340 NSN: 5340-20-000-0508, LATCH ASSEMBLY
Quantity: 300, Unit of Issue: EA, to be delivered to CFB Halifax.
Item 2, GSIN: 5340 NSN: 5340-20-000-0508, LATCH ASSEMBLY
Quantity: 300, Unit of Issue: EA, to be delivered to CFB Esquimalt.
Refer to the description above for full details.