Status Awarded
Contract number W8482-218436/003/DMARP4
Solicitation number W8482-218436/A
Publication date
Contract award date
Contract value
Status Awarded
Contract number W8482-218436/003/DMARP4
Solicitation number W8482-218436/A
Publication date
Contract award date
Contract value
Item 9, GSIN: N5930, NSN: 20-010-4230, SWITCH,PUSH
Quantity: 10, Unit of Issue: EA, to be delivered to CFB Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Item 10, GSIN: N5930, NSN: 20-010-4230, SWITCH,PUSH
Quantity: 10, Unit of Issue: EA, to be delivered to CFB Esquimalt, British Columbia.
Item 13, N5930, NSN: 01-341-0975, SWITCH,PUSH
Quantity: 5, Unit of Issue: EA, to be delivered to CFB Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Item 14, N5930, NSN: 01-341-0975, SWITCH,PUSH
Quantity: 5, Unit of Issue: EA, to be delivered to CFB Esquimalt, British Columbia.
Refer to the description above for full details.