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  • SAP Ariba on Saturday, February 15 from 7:00 pm until 10:59 pm (Eastern Time)   

Non-Executive Recruitment and Executive Search Services

Status Awarded

Contract number 2532

Solicitation number RFSO #2020-2532

Publication date

Contract award date

Last amendment date

    This contract was awarded to:
    The Caldwell Partners International Inc.

    CDIC has in the past drawn heavily upon temporary staffing services to meet increased resource demands. These demands are variable and may be tied to the economic environment which could result in the need to increase CDIC’s regular staff complement to meet priorities and objectives identified in its Corporate Plan, and to meet its mandate. 

    For recruitment services, CDIC is always on the look out for experienced and talented additions to the organization that reflect the full range of diversity within Canadian society. CDIC regularly uses recruitment and search services to augment its own outreach and recruitment activities. In addition, CDIC uses recruitment and search services to identify unique and specialized skillsets not readily available in the market. 

    This Request for Standing Offer (RFSO) is to solicit proposals to establish an “as and when required” multi-year procurement vehicle with a qualified pool of suppliers capable of providing non-executive recruitment services and/or executive search services in various functions/service categories for any one or both of the following two (2) Service Streams:

    SERVICE STREAM #1: Non-Executive Recruitment Services

    (Includes fourteen (14) functions across two (2) service categories)

    SERVICE STREAM #2: Executive Search Services

    (Includes fourteen (14) functions across two (2) service categories)

    Please see the RFSO for further details regarding the Service Streams, service categories and functions.

    Amended the closing time for the Proposal Submission Deadline to reflect the 24 hour clock to read 14:00 h (changed from 2:00 p.m.).

    Addendum #1 (Amendment)

    Amended Appendix “C-2” (Reference Engagement Form Requirements / Instructions)

    Amended Appendix "D-2" (Financial Offer for Service Stream #2)

    Addendum #2 (Q&A)

    Business address
    79 Wellington Street West, TD South Tower, Suite 2410
    Toronto, ON, M5K 1E7
    Procurement method
    Competitive – Open Bidding

    Contract duration

    Refer to the description above for full details.

    Commodity - GSIN

    • R201H - Executive Search Services
    • R201AA - Temporary Help Services, General Office Support
    • R201BA - Temporary Help Services - Professional and Technical
    • R201AC - Temporary Help Services - Administrative
    Contact information
    Contracting authority
    Hollander, Judy Ann
    50 O'Connor Street, 17th Floor
    Ottawa, ON, K1P 6L2
    Date modified: