Title: Specialized Trailers – DND Road Transportation Source List for large scale requirements (DND/D MAJ PROC 8) (2022-001)

Status Awarded

Contract number 21-00980540-9

Solicitation number 2022-001

Publication date

Contract award date

    This contract was awarded to:
    T-Lane Transportation and Logistics

    Title: Specialized Trailers – DND Road Transportation Source List for large scale requirements (DND/D MAJ PROC 8) (2022-001)

    1. Background

    The Department of National Defence (DND) moves materiel domestically, and at time to/from United States, on an as required basis to support exercises and operations. DND accomplishes this task through its own means but also contracts directly with industry for the movement of oversized cargo / vehicles by road. To contract for transportation requirements that arise, DND maintains Source Lists of pre-qualified service providers and brokers.

    2. Source List

    DND is soliciting industry applications for the Specialized Trailers - DND Road Transportation Source List to support large scale requirements.

    This Source List is created to support primarily large road movement of 200 to 400 loads of oversized cargo such as large vehicles, trailers and containers over a 2 to 4 month period only within Canada requiring Specialized Trailers, including flatbed trailers, step deck trailers, removable goose neck (RGN) trailers, and similar-type trailers.

    Source List Applicants must either own or access under established network (agreement/partnership/subcontracting) Specialized Trailers to conduct movement of this magnitude (capacity) and have a demonstrated experience of managing a high number of loads over a defined period.

    3. Validity Period

    The Specialized Trailers - DND Road Transportation Source List will remain valid for a two-year period, beginning January 24th 2022. During this timeframe, large scale requirements that arise will be issued to the members of the Specialized Trailers - DND Road Transportation Source List.

    4. Application Process

    To be included in the Specialized Trailers - DND Road Transportation Source List, Applicants must address all qualifying criteria in the appropriate Application Form.

    Applications submitted by January 19th 2022 will be reviewed immediately and successful applicants included in the appropriate Source List effective January 24th 2022. Applications submitted after January 19th 2022 will be reviewed by DND as time and resources permit and once approved will be included in the Source List for the remainder of the validity period.

    DND reserves the right to:

    (a) seek clarification from the applicant on any or all aspects of the document(s) submitted in response to this solicitation; 

    (b) cancel this solicitation at any time; and

    (c) reissue this solicitation.

    5. Source List Application:

    Specialized Trailers - DND Road Transportation Source List Application – Annex A


    1. Some contracts are of high value; therefore Source List members must have and demonstrate, if requested, the financial means to deal with high dollar value contracts. There may be a requirement for the broker/provider to submit a performance bond and/or other forms of contract security in conjunction with a bid and/or tender solicitation.
    2. Be aware that some DND requirements arise on an urgent basis and may require contracted road transportation services within a less than 48 hour time frame.
    3. Be advised that DND may conduct a credit check and/or security check of the company and its Principals.

    6. Planning Considerations

    If a service provider/broker is found to be in breach of Contract, in addition to any other remedy available to the Crown, temporary or permanent removal from the relevant Source List(s) may result.

    Transportation services are exempt from the provisions of the:

    Canada - Chile Free Trade Agreement (CCFTA);

    Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP);

    Canada - Colombia Free Trade Agreement;

    Canada - European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA);

    Canada - Honduras Free Trade Agreement;

    Canada - Korea Free Trade Agreement;

    Canada - Panama Free Trade Agreement;

    Canada - Peru Free Trade Agreement (CPFTA);

    Canada - Ukraine Free Trade Agreement (CUFTA);

    Canada - United Kingdom Trade Continuity Agreement (Canada-UK TCA); and

    World Trade Organization Agreement on Government Procurement (WTO-AGP).

    The Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA) applies.

    7. Submissions

    Service providers and brokers wishing to be considered for inclusion in the Specialized Trailers - DND Road Transportation Source List must forward their application by 14:00 EST on January 19th 2022 to:

    Attention: D Maj Proc 8-2-3 / Mr. Sylvain Beaulieu

    Applications must be sent by e-mail:

    Email: TransportationContracting@forces.gc.ca

    8. Joint venture

    A joint venture is an association of two or more parties who combine their money, property, knowledge, expertise or other resources in a single joint business enterprise, sometimes referred as a consortium, to submit an application together on a requirement. Source List Applicants who apply as a joint venture must indicate clearly that it is a joint venture and provide the following information:

    1. the name of each member of the joint venture;
    2. the name of the representative of the joint venture, i.e. the member chosen by the other members to act on their behalf, if applicable;
    3. the name of the joint venture, if applicable.

    If the information is not clearly provided in the application, the Source List Applicant must provide the information on request from the Contracting Authority.

    The application must be signed by all the members of the joint venture unless one member has been appointed to act on behalf of all members of the joint venture. The Contracting Authority may, at any time, require each member of the joint venture to confirm that the representative has been appointed with full authority to act as its representative for the purposes of the Source List.

    Q&A #1

    Question 1: With regards to qualifying criterion RC4 are suppliers allowed to use “large complex road movements” as examples if the move was completed in partnership with another supplier?

    Answer 1: For the purpose of qualifying criteria RC1 to RC13, "Source List Applicants" means the person or entity (or, in the case of a joint venture, the persons or entities) submitting an application. It does not include the parent, subsidiaries or other affiliates of the Source List Applicant, or its subcontractors. The following exception will be allowed for RC4: for the purpose of qualifying criterion RC4, Source List Applicants may have subcontracted portions of the work identified in the large complex road movements or portions of the work could have been performed by a partner of the applicant, but the Source List Applicant must have acted as the main coordinator/project manager for the project.

    With that said, for RC4, the examples submitted must have been performed (i.e. coordinated/managed) by the entity who is submitting an application. For example, if the project was performed by vendor A with support from vendor B (i.e. vendor B did not act as the main coordinator/project manager, but only performed portions of the work), then the only way that vendor B could submit the example is if vendor A and B submit an application as a formal joint venture.

    Suppliers should note that Source List Applicants who pre-qualify as a joint venture will only be allowed to bid on requirements issued under the Source List as the same joint venture (i.e. each member of the joint venture will not be authorized to bid separately).

    Please refer to new section 8. Joint Venture that was added to the Source List Notice and attached Amendment 01 to Annex A - Specialized Trailers - DND Road Transportation Source List Application (changes are identified in red).

    Procurement method
    Competitive – Open Bidding

    Contract duration

    Refer to the description above for full details.

    Commodity - GSIN

    • V401B - Transportation
    Contact information

    Contracting organization

    Department of National Defence
    101 Colonel By Dr
    Ottawa, Ontario, K1A0K2
    Contracting authority
    Beaulieu, Sylvain
    101 Colonel By Drive
    Ottawa, ON, K1A 0K2

    Buying organization(s)

    Department of National Defence
    101 Colonel By Dr
    Ottawa, Ontario, K1A0K2
    Date modified: