Professional Evaluation Services for Canadian Heritage policies, programs and initiatives
Status Awarded
Contract number 46001750
Solicitation number 10211043
Publication date
Contract award date
Contract value
Status Awarded
Contract number 46001750
Solicitation number 10211043
Publication date
Contract award date
Contract value
Professional Evaluation Services for Canadian Heritage policies, programs and initiatives
Task and solutions professional services (TSPS) requirement.
This requirement is for Canadian Heritage.
This requirement is only open only to those Supply Arrangement Holders who qualified under Tier 1 stream for the following categories and levels:
Two (2) Evaluation Services Consultants (2.12) – Senior
One (1) Evaluation Services Consultant (2.12) – Intermediate
One (1) Evaluation Services Consultant (2.12)– Junior
One (1) Performance Measurement Consultant (2.13) - Senior
It is intended to result in the award of up to five (5) contract(s) each for an initial period until 31 March 2023, plus three (3) one-year irrevocable option(s) allowing Canada to extend the term of the contract(s).
Refer to the description above for full details.