Amend 011 - Passenger Motor Vehicles - JANKEL TACTICAL SYSTEMS, LLC
Contract number 08324-180310/001/HP
Solicitation number 08324-180310/A
Contract award date
Expiry date
Amendment date
Contract value CAD 19,883,261.00
Contract number 08324-180310/001/HP
Solicitation number 08324-180310/A
Contract award date
Expiry date
Amendment date
Contract value CAD 19,883,261.00
The contract will be for a period of 13205 month(s), from 2002/07/19 to 3103/01/05.
This is the total value of this contract, which includes the initial contract value and the sum of all amendments.
CAD 19,883,261.00
A contracting officer can use limited tendering for specific reasons outlined in the applicable trade agreements. The reason for this contract is described below: