Learning Disability Assessments (NB)

Solicitation number 21208-20-3549357

Publication date

Closing date and time 2020/08/13 13:00 EDT

Last amendment date


    This requirement is for: The Correctional Service of Canada, psychologist for Atlantic Institution (Renous, New Brunswick) and Dorchester Penitentiary complex (Dorchester, New Brunswick) in the Atlantic Region.

    Trade agreement:

    This procurement is not subject to any trade agreement.

    Tendering procedures: All interested suppliers may submit a bid.

    Competitive Procurement Strategy: lowest priced compliant bid.

    Set-aside under the Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Business:

    This procurement is not subject to any set-asides for Aboriginal Suppliers.

    Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement:

    This procurement is not subject to a Comprehensive Land Claims Agreement.

    Security Requirements: This contract includes security requirements.

    Nature of Requirements:

    The following is a summary of the statement of work for this requirement.

    The Correctional Service Canada has a requirement to provide the services of a psychologist for Atlantic Institution (Renous, New Brunswick) and Dorchester Penitentiary complex (Dorchester, New Brunswick) in the Atlantic Region.

    The psychologist will provide psychological assessment and/or treatment services to offenders and collaborate with the interdisciplinary health services team that includes, but is not limited to nursing, psychology, social work, occupational therapy and other allied healthcare professionals. Collaboration with the case management team is also essential and in community sites, the treatment/supervision team also includes the Parole Officer Supervisor, Parole Officer, and the CSC staff psychologist and/or the Project Authority.


    Provide Specific Learning Disability Assessment services to offenders, as requested by the Project Authority, at Atlantic Institution and at Dorchester Penitentiary in the Atlantic Region.


    The Contractor must provide mental health services to offenders, as requested by the Project Authority, in accordance with the National Essential Health Services Framework including any amendment to this Framework issued by CSC during the contract period and any optional period if and when exercised by CSC. 

    These services include, but are not limited to the following:

    a. Participate in meetings as a consultant including case conferences, the Interdisciplinary Mental Health Team or the Correctional Intervention Board and other related activities as requested;

    b. Participate in CSC training, including orientation to CSC and CSC’s risk assessment requirements as requested;

    c. Provide consultation services for the resolution of CSC internal offender grievance and investigative processes as requested; and

    d. Prepare and submit psychological assessment and other reports as requested by the Project Authority.

    Specific Learning Disability Assessment Services:

    a. The Contractor must perform and submit Specific Learning Disability assessment reports to the CSC Project Authority and designates for sharing with third parties including the Parole Board of Canada;

    b. Dates and times for offender interviews will be set by mutual agreement between the Project Authority and the Contractor;

    c. The Contractor must conduct assessment interviews, administer all psychological tests (unless prearranged for self-report measure – see part f, below), interpret test results, and review offender files. Relevant files include Education and Training, Sentence Management, Case Management, and Psychology files. However, on occasion and if relevant to the specific case, the Contractor must review the Health Care and Security Intelligence files or, alternatively, consult with Health Care and/or Security Intelligence staff about the offender. Consultation with other CSC personnel about the offenders’ referral and/or behaviour might also be necessary. The Contractor must integrate information obtained through testing, file review, clinical interview, and if relevant, staff member interviews, into a comprehensive assessment report;

    d. The Contractor must provide the Project Authority and designates with all original test data;

    e. The Contractor must interpret all tests in a standardized manner with the use of norms supplied by the test publisher and/or author only. Placement of percentiles tests scores in reports is acceptable when deemed necessary by the Contractor, as part of the standardized test reporting process, or when requested by the Project Authority. Reports must not contain raw test scores under any circumstances;

    f. Specific Learning Disability Assessment reports must comply with the following requested content and format. Sections may be added to the standardized format according to case-specific needs. Please note that this format is not necessarily all-inclusive, but represents the minimum number of areas to be covered:

    i. Demographic information: Full name, age, date of birth, FPS number and ethnicity if relevant;

    ii. Reason for Referral: Specific referral criteria, source and date of referral, document that the limits of confidentiality (informed consent) have been discussed with the offender, sharing of information;

    iii. Interview Information: Date(s) seen, location of interview and the length of the interview(s);

    iv. Documentation Reviewed: Indicate briefly what critical documents were reviewed for the assessment as well as what critical information or documents were, or were not, available to the author;

    v. Brief Psychosocial History: Provide the elements of the history, which contribute to the analysis of the case. Include, as applicable, a brief overview of family, marital, school, employment, psychiatric/mental health, substance abuse, behavioural and adjustment problems, medical injuries and impairments. The focus should be on elements directly relating to learning disability and/or deficits.

    vi. Summary of Previous Assessments: A brief summary of findings of previous psychological and/or psychiatric assessment reports including assessments of cognitive functioning and/or intellectual disability assessment and/or academic achievement. This will typically include a review of CoMHISS results if these results are available. 

    vii. Evaluation of Specific Learning Disability: A comprehensive assessment is required that evaluates the diagnostic criteria delineated in the most recent Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (APA) using clinical evaluation, collateral information and psychometrically sound measures that are both individualized and culturally appropriate. This will normally include the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (e.g. WAIS-IV) and a test of academic achievement such as the Wide Range Achievement Test (current version) and/or the Woodcock-Johnson (current version) Test of Achievement. Based on the offender’s academic level, language and cultural background, additional standardized tests may be used in order to identify other deficits in academic domains such as academic domains and/or adaptive skills. This will include a brief synopsis of psychological tests administered and their validity, interpretation, and diagnosis where appropriate and applicable.

    viii. Diagnostic Impression: The diagnosis of Specific Learning Disability will be based on the most recent Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (APA) criteria with consideration being given to differential diagnosis. The Contractor will specify all academic domains and subskills that are impaired including the current level of severity. 

    ix. Recommendations: If the assessment results in a diagnosis/confirmation of Specific Learning Disability, the report will specify recommendations as to the provision of appropriate care and interventions and the level of support and assistance required in order to support successful learning opportunities and interventions. Strengths and weakness will be identified. 

    x. Offender and Contractor Signature Block: The Contractor must sign the report and copies. Unless pre-arranged with the Project Authority, the Contractor must share the information with the offender and request that the offender sign the report to acknowledge that the information has been shared. CSC will distribute copies of the report in accordance with policy requirements. 

    g. The Contractor must advise the Project Authority if he/she is unable to share the reports and coordinate signatures with the offender. At the discretion and prior approval of the project authority, CSC will assume the information sharing and offender signature responsibility.

    h. The Contractor must share the final report with the assessed offender. The Contractor must document that information sharing has occurred by having the offender sign and date the original report. If the offender refuses to sign, the Contractor must note this on the report and information sharing requirements will be considered to have been met.

    I. The Project Authority or designate will refer any questions or concerns the offender has on the report back to the attention of the Contractor. While under contract with CSC, the Contractor must answer questions posed by an offender regarding a report for a two (2) year period after sharing the report.

    j. The Contractor must submit completed reports to the Project Authority or designate no later than four (4) weeks from the date of referral. The Contractor must share the completed report with the offender no later than 3 weeks after initially interviewing the offender. Upon request of the Contractor, and at the sole discretion of the Project Authority, either or both of these deadlines can be extended for a period not exceeding four (4) weeks. 

    k. The CSC Mental Health Department will enter the finalized Specific Learning Disability assessment report into the EMR and OMS.

    Term of Contract:

    Period of the Contract: The Work is to be performed during the period of October 1st, 2020 to March 31, 2021 with the option to renew for three (3) additional one-year periods.

    File Number: 21208-20-3549357

    Contracting Authority: Lise Bourque

    Telephone number: 506-851-6977

    Facsimile number: 506-851-6327

    E-mail: Lise.Bourque@csc-scc.gc.ca

    NOTE TO BIDDERS: Bidders can obtain the complete statement of work and evaluation criteria by downloading the solicitation document and associated documents from Buyandsell.gc.ca/tenders.

    The Crown reserves the right to negotiate with suppliers on any procurement.

    Documents may be submitted in either official language of Canada (English or French).

    Given the nature of the requirements, proposals submitted by such means as facsimile or electronic mail will not be accepted.

    After contract award, bidders may request a debriefing on the results of the bid solicitation process. Bidders should make the request to the Contracting Authority within fifteen (15) working days of receipt of the results of the bid solicitation process. The debriefing may be in writing, by telephone or in person.

    The Office of Small and Medium Enterprises (OSME) offers seminars to businesses interested in learning how to sell goods and services to the Government of Canada. The seminars are FREE.

    Topics include:

    Ÿ Overview of the federal government contracting process;

    Ÿ Searching for opportunities on the Buy and Sell - Tenders website;

    Ÿ Bidding on opportunities;

    Ÿ Registering in supplier databases.

    The full schedule of seminars can be found on the Buyandsell.gc.ca website, under Event Calendar (https://buyandsell.gc.ca/event-calendar).

    Contract duration

    Refer to the description above for full details.

    Trade agreements

    • No trade agreements are applicable to this solicitation process

    Partner with another business

    Are you interested in partnering with other businesses for this opportunity? Add your company to the list of businesses who are interested in partnering.

    This list does not replace or affect the tendering procedures for this procurement process. Businesses are still required to respond to bid solicitations, and to compete based on the set criteria. For more information please read the Terms of use.

    Contact information

    Contracting organization

    Correctional Service of Canada
    340 Laurier Ave W
    Ottawa, Ontario, K1P0P9
    Contracting authority
    Bourque, Lise
    1045 Main
    Moncton, NB, E1C 1H1

    Buying organization(s)

    Correctional Service of Canada
    340 Laurier Ave W
    Ottawa, Ontario, K1P0P9
    Bidding details

    Full details regarding this tender opportunity are available in the documents below. Click on the document name to download the file. Contact the contracting officer if you have any questions regarding these documents.

    Access the Getting started page for details on how to bid, and more.

    Eligibility and terms and conditions

    Government of Canada tender and awards notices, solicitation documents, and other attachments are fully accessible and available free of charge and without having to register on CanadaBuys.

    Information may be available on another source prior to being available on CanadaBuys. You may have received this information through a third-party distributor. The Government of Canada is not responsible for any tender notices and/or related documents and attachments not accessed directly from CanadaBuys.canada.ca.

    Government of Canada tender or award notices carry an OpenGovernment License - Canada that governs its use. Related solicitation documents and/or tender attachments are copyright protected. Please refer to our terms and conditions page for more information.

    Summary information

    Notice type
    Request for Proposal
    English, French
    Region(s) of delivery
    New Brunswick
    Region of opportunity
    New Brunswick
    Procurement method
    Competitive – Open Bidding
    Commodity - GSIN
    Click the links below to see a list of notices associated with the GSIN codes.

    Support for small and medium businesses

    If you have questions about this tender opportunity, please contact the contracting officer, whose information is found in the Contact information tab. 

    Refer to our Support page if you need help or have questions about the government procurement process, including how to bid or how to register in SAP Ariba. You can also contact Procurement Assistance Canada, which has offices across Canada.


    Date modified: