Near Infrared Transmittance (NIT) Spectroscopy Grain Analyzers -
Lethbridge, Alberta
Solicitation number 01586-130669/A
Publication date
Closing date and time 2014/02/07 16:00 EST
Trade Agreement: NAFTA/AIT/Canada FTAs with Peru/Colombia/Panama Tendering Procedures: Generally only one firm has been invited to bid Attachment: None Non-Competitive Procurement Strategy: Exclusive Rights Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement: No Vendor Name and Address: FOSS North America, Inc 8091 Wallace Road Eden Prairie Minnesota United States 55344 Nature of Requirements: Near Infrared Transmittance (NIT) Spectroscopy Grain Analyzers - Lethbridge, Alberta 01586-130669 Logan, Elizabeth Telephone No. - (780) 497-3956 Fax No. - (780) 497-3510 1. Advance Contract Award Notice An ACAN is a public notice indicating to the supplier community that a department or agency intends to award a contract for goods, services or construction to a pre-identified supplier, thereby allowing other suppliers to signal their interest in bidding, by submitting a statement of capabilities. If no supplier submits a statement of capabilities that meets the requirements set out in the ACAN, on or before the closing date stated in the ACAN, the contracting officer may then proceed with the award to the pre-identified supplier. 2. Definition of the Requirement Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Research Centre located in Lethbridge, Alberta has a requirement for the supply, delivery and off-loading of two (2) NIT Spectroscopy Grain Analyzers for the measurement of wheat protein and related parameters. The NIT Grain Analyzer required is recognized and utilized for measurement of wheat protein and related parameters. The data must be standardized with the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC) data for the success of the cereal breeding program. The NIT Grain Analyzer must maintain continuity of calibration and data with the current analyzer and CGC analyzers. 3. Criteria for assessment of the Statement of Capabilities (Minimum Essential Requirements) Any supplier must demonstrate by way of a statement of capabilities that its equipment meets the following requirements: 3.1 The NIT Grain Analyzer must be designed to determine wheat protein measurements consistency over time under conditions as outlined in the following internationally recognized standard methods: i) ISO 9001 3.2 The NIT Grain Analyzer must hold valid approval from Canada. 3.3 The NIT Grain Analyzer must be capable of maintaining CGC NIT Analyzer calibration standards. 3.4 The NIT Grain Analyzer must perform be capable of Wavelength range between 570-1100 nm 3.5 The NIT Grain Analyzer must perform with an Optical bandwidth of 7nm 3.6 The NIT Grain Analyzer must be capable of 250 or more data points/scan 3.7 The NIT Grain Analyzer must be a scanning Monochromator. 3.8 The NIT Grain Analyzer must include: 3.6.1 Storage Media Capability: Flash disk, USB Memory stick; 3.6.2 LCD Display for data display; 3.6.3 25 pin parallel port printer jack; 3.6.4 9 pin serial port for modem; 3.6.5 9 pin serial port for PC connection; 3.6.6 2 USB Ports; 3.6.7 PS/2 keyboard; and 3.6.8 RJ45 LAN. 3.9 The NIT Grain Analyzer must weigh no more than 35kg. 3.10 The NIT Grain Analyzer must provide dust and humidity protection for the system.. 3.11 Power requirement: 110-120 VAC with a 3-prong grounded plug or 115 volts, 1 phase, 50-60 Hz. The system and/or components must be able to achieve the approval of the Canadian Standard Association (CSA). 4. Applicability of the trade agreement(s) to the procurement The procurement is subject to the following trade agreements: w Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT) w North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) 5. Justification for the Pre-Identified Supplier The FOSS, Infratec 1241 NIT spectroscopy grain analyser, is the most recent version of the instrument used to perform the internationally accepted standard method that is in compliance with ISO 9001 . It is applicable for measurement of wheat protein. In addition, the Infratec 1241 is approved for use in Canada and is calibratable to Canada Grain Commission standards. The required technology, available in the FOSS Near Infrared Transmittance spectroscopy grain analyser, is unique to the vendor. The Canadian Grain Commission (CGC) Grain Research Laboratory has worked with FOSS for many years to develop very accurate, specific calibrations for the measurement of wheat protein and related parameters. This standardization with CGC is critical for the success of the cereal breeding program and will result in uniform data across the two institutions. This is vitally important for the development of new wheat cultivars because the CGC Grain Research Lab performs all of the quality analysis for new cultivar registration. Several hundred Infratech 1241 units have been purchased by the CGC for placement at grain grading sites because of their accuracy and durability. Additionally, new calibrations that are developed by the CGC will be directly applicable to this unit, as it is the machine that is being used by the CGC and the rest of the industry. Further, AAFC Lethbridge currently has an older FOSS unit that works with the same calibrations. It is important that the units use the same calibrations so that the data that is generated is comparable among the units. The Infratec 1241 from FOSS is the only known instrument that meets this requirement as well as maintains continuity of the data that has been generated by the CGC. FOSS is the sole supplier of the instrument. Make and Model Required: FOSS Infratec 1241 6. Government Contracts Regulations Exception(s) The following exception(s) to the Government Contracts Regulations is invoked for this procurement under subsection 6 (d) - only one person is capable of performing the contract. 7. Exclusions and/or Limited Tendering Reasons The following exclusion(s) and/or limited tendering reasons are invoked under the: w Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT) - Article 506.12 (b) w North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) - Article 1016 2 (b) 8. Delivery Date All the deliverables are required on or before March 31, 2014. 9. Cost Estimate of the Proposed Contract The estimated value of the contract, including option(s), is $63,383.70 (GST/HST extra). 10. Name and Address of the Pre-identified Supplier FOSS North America, Inc. 8091 Wallace Rd Eden Prairie MN 55344 USA- 11. Suppliers' Right to Submit a Statement of Capabilities: Suppliers who consider themselves fully qualified and available to provide the services and/or goods described herein, may submit a statement of capabilities in writing to the contact person identified in this notice on or before the closing date of this notice. The statement of capabilities must clearly demonstrate how the supplier meets the advertised requirements. 12. Closing Date for a Submission of a Statement of Capabilities The closing date and time for accepting statements of capabilities is February 7, 2014, at 2:00 p.m. MST. 13. Inquiries and Submission of Statements of Capabilities Inquiries and statements of capabilities are to be delivered to: Elizabeth Logan Supply Specialist Public Works and Government Services Canada Western Region - Acquisitions Branch Telus Plaza North 5th Floor 10025 Jasper Avenue Edmonton, AB T5J 1S6 Telephone: (780) 497-3956 Facsimile: (780) 497-3510 Delivery Date: Above-mentioned You are hereby notified that the government intends to negotiate with one firm only as identified above. Should you have any questions concerning this requirement, contact the contracting officer identified above. An Advance Contract Award Notice (ACAN) allows departments and agencies to post a notice, for no less than fifteen (15) calendar days, indicating to the supplier community that it intends to award a good, service or construction contract to a pre-identified contractor. If no other supplier submits, on or before the closing date, a Statement of Capabilities that meets the requirements set out in the ACAN, the contracting authority may then proceed with the award. However, should a Statement of Capabilities be found to meet the requirements set out in the ACAN, then the contracting authority will proceed to a full tendering process. Suppliers who consider themselves fully qualified and available to provide the services/goods described herein, may submit a statement of capabilities in writing to the contact person identified in this Notice on or before the closing date of this Notice. The statement of capabilities must clearly demonstrate how the supplier meets the advertised requirements. The PWGSC file number, the contracting officer's name and the closing date of the ACAN must appear on the outside of the envelope in block letters or, in the case of a facsimile transmission, on the covering page. The Crown retains the right to negotiate with suppliers on any procurement. Documents may be submitted in either official language of Canada.
Contract duration
Refer to the description above for full details.
Trade agreements
Canada-Panama Free Trade Agreement
Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT)
Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement
Canada-Peru Free Trade Agreement (CPFTA)
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
Contact information
Contracting organization
- Organization
Public Works and Government Services Canada
- Address
11 Laurier St, Phase III, Place du PortageGatineau, Quebec, K1A 0S5Canada
- Contracting authority
- Logan, Elizabeth
- Phone
- (780) 497-3956 ( )
- Fax
- (780) 497-3510
- Address
Telus Plaza North/Plaza Telus Nord
10025 Jasper Ave./10025 ave Jasper
5th floor/5e étageEdmonton, Alberta, T5J 1S6
Buying organization(s)
- Organization
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
- Address
1341 Baseline RoadOttawa, Ontario, K1A0C5Canada
Bidding details
Details for this tender opportunity are provided in the Description tab.
Please contact the contracting officer to get the full solicitation documentation, access information on how to bid, or if you have any questions regarding this tender opportunity.
Note that there may be fees to access the documents or bid. These should be outlined in the Description tab.
We recommend that you contact the contracting officer as soon as possible, as there may be deadlines for receiving questions.