Solicitation number W8472-175664/D
Publication date
Closing date and time 2024/01/31 14:00 EST
Last amendment date
Trade Agreement: Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA) Tendering Procedures: All interested suppliers may submit a bid Competitive Procurement Strategy: N/A - P&A/LOI Only Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement: No Nature of Requirements: Amendment 13 is to release various updated draft RFP documents, and to respond to some questions received from industry. ------ Amendment 12 is to request industry to respond to Canadas questions on a potential Indigenous Participation Component (IPC) for the RCN ISTAR UAS ------ Amendment 11 is to extend the RFI process to January 31, 2024. ------ Amendment 10 is to release various updated draft RFP documents for Industry to review and provide feedback. ------ Amendment 9 is to extend the RFI process and provide a program update for industry on the evolution of project requirements and the intent for continued industry engagement. ------ Amendment 8 is to extend the RFI to 31 May 2023. ------ RFI Amendment 7 is to release the Volume 3 draft In-service Support Contract Terms and Conditions and Volume 1 draft Financial Evaluation. ------ RFI Amendment 6 is to provide answers to questions received from industry. ------ RFI Amendment 5 is to clarify Canada’s requested due date for draft RFP feedback, release the Volume 2 draft Acquisition Contract Terms and Conditions, and provide a holistic response to various questions received from industry as part of the September and October 2022 one-on-one meetings and ship tours (suppliers are encouraged to fill out the included scorecard to provide insight on the state of maturity for your overall systems and select components). ------ RFI Amendment 4 was to extend the requested due date for industry draft RFP feedback. ------ RFI Amendment 3 was to notify industry that referenced publications and standards in the draft RFP documents and a Halifax-class ship tour video are available to order. ------ RFI Amendment 2 was to formerly invite industry to attend a ship tour for the purpose of reviewing installation requirements, and notify industry of additional dates for virtual one-on-one meetings. ------ RFI Amendment 1 was to release the phase 2 draft RFP documents, and answer questions from Industry. ------ Original RFI Notice This DRAFT Request for Proposal process is intended to engage Industry further and allow parties to provide comments, questions and feedback on the intended Request for Proposal. Canada will review and consider all feedback received through the draft RFP process. It is important for Industry to understand that draft RFP documents are subject to change at anytime and Canada’s confirmed requirement will be published under a future formal RFP solicitation process. Responses will not be formally evaluated, however, the responses received may be used by Canada to develop or modify procurement strategies or any documents in the DRAFT Request for Proposal. The RCN ISTAR UAS project will provide an alternate airborne platform that can be operated from the Halifax-class frigate in order to provide near real-time, Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition, and Reconnaissance information. This ability will provide critical over the horizon Situational Awareness and generate an operational advantage for commanders while minimizing the risk to the frigate or Maritime Helicopter in support of simple to multi-threat operations. The "Solicitation Closes" date, or the "Date Closing" on the buyandsell tender page for this RFI process DOES NOT represent any deadline for industry to provide feedback. This date is the planned end date for the draft RFP process. To keep communication open with industry, this RFI will remain open until a formal solicitation process is released in the future. Industry is requested to submit all written feedback for all phases of the draft RFP, on or before December 1, 2022. Written feedback can be submitted in multiple submissions at anytime before the requested delivery date. Answers to all questions posted by Canada are requested to be submitted as soon as possible. See attached solicitations document (000) for further information. Delivery Date: Above-mentioned The Crown retains the right to negotiate with suppliers on any procurement. Documents may be submitted in either official language of Canada.
Contract duration
Refer to the description above for full details.
Trade agreements
Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA)
Businesses interested in partnering for this tender opportunity:
Note: Information may not be available in both English and French. This is because the Official Languages Act does not apply.
Contact information
Contracting organization
- Organization
Public Works and Government Services Canada
- Address
11 Laurier St, Phase III, Place du PortageGatineau, Quebec, K1A 0S5Canada
- Contracting authority
- Michael Rancourt
- Phone
- (873) 353-8341 ( )
- Email
- michael.rancourt@tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca
- Address
11 Laurier St./11, rue Laurier
Place du Portage, Phase III, 8C2Gatineau, Québec, K1A 0S5
Buying organization(s)
- Organization
Department of National Defence
- Address
101 Colonel By DrOttawa, Ontario, K1A0K2Canada
Bidding details
Full details regarding this tender opportunity are available in the documents below. Click on the document name to download the file. Contact the contracting officer if you have any questions regarding these documents.
Access the Getting started page for details on how to bid, and more.