SAP Ariba system maintenance

SAP Ariba will be unavailable for scheduled maintenance at the times listed below. We apologize for any inconvenience.  

  • Saturday, January 18 from 7:00 pm until 10:59 pm (EST) 


Solicitation number 47137-147073/A

Publication date

Closing date and time 2013/07/12 14:00 EDT

Last amendment date

    Trade Agreement: Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT)
    Tendering Procedures: Generally only one firm has been invited
    to bid
    Attachment: None
    Non-Competitive Procurement Strategy: Exclusive Rights
    Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement: No
    Vendor Name and Address: 
    Buddi Ltd.
    Kingfisher House
    Walton Street, Aylesbury
    United Kingdom
    HP21 7AY
    Nature of Requirements: 
    The closing date for accepting statements of capabilities has
    been extended to July 12, 2013, 2:00 p.m and the ACAN is amended
    1) clarify the requirement; 
    2) include the Statement of Work and Glossary/Definitions;
    3) clearly state the essential minimum criteria which must be
    addressed in any statement of capabilities; and
    4) identify an alternate point of contact for inquiries during
    the contracting authorities absence.
    Canada Border Service Agency has a requirement for the supply
    and delivery of a Global Positioning Systems (GPS) electronic
    monitoring services and equipment for individuals released from
    detention on conditions. Equipment and services must align with
    the conditions of release set by the Federal Court
    (FC)/Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB).
    The CBSA must implement FC/IRB decisions where conditions
    require the use of specialized GPS equipment for electronic
    monitoring in a CBSA context anywhere in Canada.  Monitoring
    services must be provided for any number of individuals at any
    given time throughout the period of the contract.
    The requirement is outlined at Annex A attached hereto.
    The purpose of this Advance Contract Award Notice (ACAN) is to
    signal the government's intention to award a contract for this
    requirement to Buddi Ltd. Before awarding a contract, however,
    the government would like to provide other suppliers with the
    opportunity to demonstrate that they are capable of satisfying
    the Minimum Essential Criteria set out in this Notice, by
    submitting a statement of capabilities during the 15 calendar
    day posting period.
    The pre-selected supplier has been identified following the
    original notice on MERX from Canada Border Service Agency, Buddi
    Ltd. was the only responsive bid to the Request for Proposal.  
    If other potential suppliers submit a statement of capabilities
    during the 15 calendar day posting period that meet the
    requirements set out in the ACAN, the government will proceed to
    a full tendering process on either the government's electronic
    tendering service or through traditional means, in order to
    award the contract.
    If no other supplier submits, on or before the closing date, a
    statement of capabilities meeting the requirements set out in
    the ACAN, a contract will be awarded to the pre-selected
    The intent is to put in place a one-year contract or standing
    offer with the option to extend it for an additional two,
    one-year periods.
    SECURITY REQUIREMENT: This requirement contains a security
    requirement. The contractor will require a clearance at the
    level of Protected 'A' or equivalent.
    TENDERING PROCEDURES: Generally only one firm has been invited
    to bid
    DELIVERY DATE: Best Offered
    Buddi Ltd. 
    Kingfisher House, 
    Walton Street, 
    Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire,  UK 
    HP21 7AY.
    The total estimated cost is: $88,204.95 CAD HSTI
    Vendors must demonstrate by way of a statement of capabilities
    that it meets ALL of the following Minimum Essential Criteria:
    1.0. Minimum Essential Experience Requirement
    1.1. The vendor must have a minimum of two years experience in
    providing GPS electronic monitoring services.
    2.0. Minimum Essential Device Requirements
    2.1. The multi-piece tracking unit must have a minimum battery
    life of 16hr based on 1 minute GPS and 3 minute transmit. 
    2.2. The one-piece tracking unit must have a minimum battery
    life of 16hrs on 1 minute GPS and 3 minute transmit.
    2.3. The multi-piece ankle bracelet (including battery) must
    weigh less than 4 ounces. 
    2.4. The one-piece ankle bracelet (including battery) must weigh
    less than 4 ounces. 
    2.5. The multi-piece unit must fully charge in less than 3hrs.
    2.6. The one-piece unit must fully charge in less than 3hrs.
    2.7. The Device and its components must be tamper resistant.
    2.8. The Device and its components must be able to be removed by
    emergency medical or rescue personnel using readily available
    2.9. The Device and its components must function reliably within
    temperature ranges between -70 C and +50 C.  
    2.10. The Device and its components must function reliably at a
    humidity range up to 100%.
    2.11. The Device and its components must be capable of enduring
    shock and vibration associated with normal wear and use.
    2.12. The Device and its components which are physically
    attached to the supervisee must be water resistant for such
    normal activities as bathing, showering, sweating, and swimming.
    2.13. The Device and its components must be safe for human use.
    2.14. The battery must have a minimum battery life of one year
    before requiring replacement.
    2.15. The Device and its receiver must be capable of operating
    in the country of Canada.
    2.16. The Device and its receiver must contain rechargeable
    2.17. The Device and its receiver must continue to receive and
    transmit location data while it is being charged.
    2.18. The Device and its receiver must retain stored data when
    the battery is depleted.
    2.19. The Device and its receiver signal must be unique to the
    individual to whom it is assigned.
    2.20. The Device and its receiver must be capable of operating
    without interruption of service when in immediate proximity to
    other Devices, receivers and electronic Devices (i.e., cellular
    telephones, satellite television receivers, microwave ovens,
    computers, radio towers).
    2.21. The bracelet component must be hypoallergenic.
    2.22. The active Device and receiver must transmit data to the
    monitoring system at a rate of once every three minutes or
    2.23. The Device and its receiver must be capable of operating
    for a minimum of 16 hours on a single battery charge at a
    minimum transmission rate of once every three minutes.  
    2.24. The Device and its receiver must be capable of collecting
    location data at a rate of at least once every minute or better.
    2.25. The Device and its receiver must be capable of storing a
    minimum of 48 hours of location data.  
    2.27. When placed in an outdoor environment with a full view of
    the sky, the GPS/LBS receiver must take no more than five
    minutes to acquire a GPS signal.
    2.28. All equipment must be in compliance with the Canadian
    Standards Association (CSA) or its Country's standards are
    equivalent with Canada standards and stamped accordingly. 
    Contractors whose products do not meet this standard must supply
    written proof that they are in the process of obtaining CSA
    certification or are willing to obtain the same.  All equipment
    must be in compliance with the Radio Communications Act (R.S.,
    1985, C.R.-2, S.1; 1989, C.17, S.2) and other regulatory
    requirements necessary to be approved and suitable for use in
    3.0. Minimum Essential GPS/LBS System Requirements
    3.1. The GPS/LBS system must be capable of tracking the device
    location 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 or 366 days a
    year, as applicable.
    3.2. The GPS/LBS system must be capable of delivering the CBSA
    officer an alert notification via email, pager, and text message.
    3.3. The GPS/LBS system must be capable of an alert via voice
    communication and or text message in the event of 
    i)	GPS/LBS receiver tampering; 
    ii)	GPS/LBS bracelet strap tampering; 
    iii)	the device is no longer tracking (i.e., no GPS/LBS signal); 
    iv)	when the established allowable distance between the bracelet
    and GPS/LBS receiver is exceeded; 
    v)	when the GPS/LBS receiver battery and or bracelet battery is
    vi)	the GPS/LBS receiver is unable to communicate with the
    Contractor's monitoring software due to a communications
    vii)	the GPS/LBS system detects a zone infraction (i.e., a
    breach of an exclusion and inclusion zone); and
    viii)	the GPS/LBS system detects a curfew infraction.
    3.4. With the GPS/LBS components in an open air environment with
    no obstructions, the device must provide a location that is
    accurate within 10 meters 90% of the time. The Contractor must
    provide the manufacturer's accuracy testing results.
    3.5. The GPS/LBS system must utilize a supplemental or enhanced
    tracking system when the GPS signal is unavailable or
    diminished.  The Contractor must describe how the supplemental
    and or enhanced tracking technology operates, under what
    conditions, and identify any vulnerabilities that exist (i.e.,
    weather conditions, etc.).
    3.6. The multi-piece GPS/LBS unit must be re-chargeable without
    the individual being physically plugged into the electrical wall
    3.7. The GPS/LBS ankle bracelet strap must not be larger than 1"
    high by 0.1" thick.
    3.8. The GPS/LBS transmitter attached to the ankle bracelet must
    not be larger than 3" x 3" x 1" thick.
    3.9. The GPS/LBS portable tracking unit (worn on the
    individual's belt) must not weight more than 12oz.
    3.10. The GPS/LBS systems must have the ability to print maps of
    a supervisee's location points.
    3.11. The GPS/LBS systems must have the ability to generate
    supervisee-specific location reports.
    3.12. The GPS/LBS systems must have the ability to generate
    management reports.
    3.13. The GPS/LBS systems must have the ability to export data
    and reports to an external electronic format (i.e., Microsoft
    4.0. Minimum Essential Software Requirements
    4.1. The GPS/LBS software system must have the ability to track
    the supervisee's assigned supervision officer(s).
    4.2. The GPS/LBS software system must have the ability to track
    the supervisee's assigned GPS/LBS equipment device(s).
    4.3. The GPS/LBS software system must be accessible via the
    4.4. The GPS/LBS software system must be accessible via personal
    digital assistant (PDA) devices.
    4.5. The GPS/LBS software system must be accessible via cellular
    telephone and or smart phone devices.
    4.6. The GPS/LBS software system must have the ability to
    establish exclusion zones.
    4.7. The GPS/LBS software system must have the ability to
    establish inclusion zones.
    4.8. The GPS/LBS software system must have the ability to allow
    the user to change the data collection and transmission rate as
    required by the CBSA.
    4.9. The GPS/LBS software system must have the ability to
    configure the alerts that are applicable for each supervisee.
    4.10. The GPS/LBS system must have the ability to conduct a
    reverse geocode search in which a known location data point is
    used to look up the nearest physical address.
    4.11. The GPS/LBS software system must have the ability to ping
    the Contractor's software to ascertain a GPS/LBS receiver's
    current location.
    4.12. The GPS/LBS software system must, at a minimum, support
    and utilize both Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) V3 and Transport
    Layer Security (TLS) V1 to safeguard the data in transit between
    web browsers and server(s) hosting the e-Monitoring service.
    Suppliers who consider themselves fully qualified and available
    to meet the specified requirements may submit a statement of
    capabilities, in writing, to the Contracting Authority
    identified in this Notice on or before the closing date of this
    Notice. The statement of capabilities must clearly demonstrate
    how the supplier meets the each of the minimum essential
    The closing date for accepting statements of capabilities is
    July 12, 2013, 2:00 p.m.
    Inquiries and statements of capabilities are to be directed to:
    Erin Lapensee on behalf of Celine Munro
    Supply Specialist
    Information Security and Electronic Warfare Division
    PDP, Phase III, 8C2 
    11 Laurier Street 
    Gatineau, Quebec  Canada 
    K1A 0S5 
    Tél. : (819) 956-0733
    Fax : (819) 956-0636 
    Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada
    You are hereby notified that the government intends to negotiate
    with one firm only as identified above. Should you have any
    questions concerning this requirement, contact the contracting
    officer identified above.
    An Advance Contract Award Notice (ACAN) allows departments and
    agencies to post a notice, for no less than fifteen (15)
    calendar days, indicating to the supplier community that it
    intends to award a good, service or construction contract to a
    pre-identified contractor. If no other supplier submits, on or
    before the closing date, a Statement of Capabilities that meets
    the requirements set out in the ACAN, the contracting authority
    may then proceed with the award. However, should a Statement of
    Capabilities be found to meet the requirements set out in the
    ACAN, then the contracting authority will proceed to a full
    tendering process.
    Suppliers who consider themselves fully qualified and available
    to provide the services/goods described herein, may submit a
    statement of capabilities in writing to the contact person
    identified in this Notice on or before the closing date of this
    Notice. The statement of capabilities must clearly demonstrate
    how the supplier meets each of the minimum essential criteria.
    The PWGSC file number, the contracting officer's name and the
    closing date of the ACAN must appear on the outside of the
    envelope in block letters or, in the case of a facsimile
    transmission, on the covering page.
    The Crown retains the right to negotiate with suppliers on any
    Documents may be submitted in either official language of Canada.
    To provide Global Positioning Systems (GPS) electronic
    monitoring services and equipment for individuals released from
    detention on conditions, as and when directed by the CBSA. 
    Equipment and services must align with the conditions of release
    set by the Federal Court (FC)/Immigration and Refugee Board
    The CBSA must implement FC/IRB decisions where conditions
    require the use of specialized GPS equipment for electronic
    monitoring in a CBSA context anywhere in Canada.  Monitoring
    services must be provided for any number of individuals at any
    given time throughout the period of the contract.  
    A) The CBSA will choose the type of technology in accordance
    with the requirements dictated by the conditions of release
    imposed by the FC/IRB.
    B) The Contractor must assist with the installation of equipment
    and provide monitoring and servicing as required by the CBSA.
    C) The Contractor must keep the Project Authority (PA) informed
    of all new technology available for electronic monitoring and
    any accompanying software.
    D) The Contractor must assist, upon request by the CBSA, with
    the installation of software for the proper electronic unit such
    as, but not limited to, the following:
    desktop computer;
    laptop computer;
    Personal Digital Assistant (PDA); 
    Smart phone.
    E) The Contractor must conduct site assessments when requested
    by the CBSA.  Site assessments include testing, as necessary, to
    ensure that there are no environmental or technical issues which
    inhibit the tracking equipment from reliably providing alerts
    and or location data on a 24 hour per day, seven day per week,
    basis.  This includes an evaluation of signal strength,
    identification of obstructions which interfere with signal and
    identification of proximity of the site to anything which could
    obstruct or interfere with signal strength.   
    F) The Contractor must fulfill court-ordered mandatory
    requirements including the production of any related
    documentation, as required by CBSA.  
    A) A list of all authorized users must be created by the
    Contractor and submitted to the Project Authority.  This list
    must be updated on a monthly basis.
    B) Provide equipment, training, installation, service provision,
    and monitoring within the alert response protocol.   Alert
    response protocols will be established on a case-by-case basis
    depending on regional operating capacity and needs.
    C) The devices must be multi- and one-piece with GPS location
    technology or better.  All devices must use active monitoring.  
    D) The electronic monitoring unit must be a Web-based solution
    accessible through a wired and wireless connection.  The
    software used with the electronic monitoring unit must be
    compatible with a smart phone (Blackberry or similar
    technology), a portable computer and a desktop computer.
    E) The electronic monitoring unit must allow the CBSA to locate
    the individual wearing the electronic monitoring unit at any and
    all times.
    F) The CBSA authorized personnel, as defined by the CBSA Project
    Authority, must receive immediate alerts of zone violations,
    tampering, and other noncompliant behaviours.  The provider must
    ensure that the CBSA is notified if the individual wearing the
    electronic monitoring unit leaves or enters pre-programmed
    boundaries or departs the residence during non-approved times. 
    A list of CBSA personnel will be supplied to the Contractor by
    the PA at the time of contract award.
    G) The Contractor must provide one spare unit at each CBSA
    location for replacement use and testing by the CBSA at no
    additional charge.  If a CBSA location is using both a multi-
    and one-piece unit, the Contractor must provide a spare unit of
    each type or model for that location.
    H) At any time and at any location in Canada, if the CBSA needs
    an electronic monitoring unit to be serviced or replaced, the
    Contractor must be immediately available by telephone and must
    be capable of servicing or replacing the unit within 24 hours.
    I) When required, the Contractor must provide authorized CBSA
    personnel additional training with respect to system usage as
    and when required by the CBSA.
    J) Only new products will be considered.  Refurbished technology
    will not be accepted.
    K) The Contractor must be available to participate in meetings,
    teleconferences and or videoconferences as and when required by
    the CBSA.  The CBSA will give the Contractor as much notice as
    possible when scheduling meetings, teleconferences and or
    L) Information collected on electronically monitored persons,
    including video, verbal, written transcript, manuals, books, or
    any other means of communication must be kept confidential at
    all times.  The Contractor must not disclose any of the above
    noted information to anyone but the PA and or any authorized
    CBSA user without the CBSA's written authorization.  Any
    information collected from electronically monitored individuals
    must be available to the CBSA at any time.
    M) All user manuals and training guides must include both the
    unit and the peripheral technical specifications.
    N) The Contractor must provide all necessary tools to attach and
    remove the bracelet device and straps at no additional cost.
    O) The Contractor must supply all replaceable or rechargeable
    batteries at no additional cost.
    P) The Contractor must agree to supply new hardware (as opposed
    to refurbished) free of charge.
    Q) The Contractor must agree to supply new software releases
    free of charge. 
    R) The contractor must be capable of initially providing at
    least six multi- or one-piece active units or a combination
    thereof, as required by the CBSA.
    S) The Contractor must agree to supply new software releases,
    patches, upgrades, and fixes, including the resolution of new
    found vulnerabilities, free of charge. The contractor must have
    in place a process that applies patches, upgrades, and fixes,
    including the resolution of new found vulnerabilities, in the
    electronic monitoring service as soon as is possible. This
    activity must occur during times to be agreed upon with the CBSA
    Project Authority or be otherwise undetectable to CBSA users.
    Reporting Requirements
    A) The GPS/LBS systems must have the ability to print maps of a
    supervisee's location points.
    B) The GPS/LBS systems must have the ability to generate
    supervisee-specific location reports.
    C) The GPS/LBS systems must have the ability to generate
    management reports.
    D) The GPS/LBS systems must have the ability to export data and
    reports to an external electronic format (i.e., Microsoft Excel).
    Data Requirements
    A) Each supervisee's location data must be accessible for a
    minimum of three months before it is archived or stored offline.
    B) Archived copies of each supervisee's location data must be
    retained and accessible to the CBSA for a minimum of two years.
    C) At the conclusion of the archival timeframe the Contractor
    must provide a copy of the location data in a readable format.
    D) The Contractor must backup the system data at least every 24
    Service Requirements
    A) The Contractor must provide expert testimony in Court as to
    the performance and methodologies of the Contractor's equipment
    as requested by the CBSA Project Authority (PA) or subpoena.
    B) The Contractor's monitoring center must be capable of
    conducting alert analysis and resolution on a case by case basis
    as required by the CBSA.
    C) The Contractor must provide 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
    365 or 366 days a year, technical support at no additional
    charge. Administration, support, and use of the electronic
    monitoring service by the contractor must be restricted to only
    those contractor user accounts in possession of a valid
    personnel security clearance. These user accounts must only have
    the minimum access required for the performance of the
    previously mentioned duties. When no longer required, this
    access must be removed from the user accounts
    D) The Contractor must be able to provide dedicated on-site
    technical support personnel, as required by the CBSA.
    E) The Contractor must be able to provide resolution to
    interruption in service within 12-24 hours of notification of
    the interruption.
    F) The Contractor must provide GPS/LBS systems training to CBSA
    authorized users or as required by the CBSA, prior to
    G) The Contractor must provide annual GPS/LBS systems refresher
    training to authorized users or as required by the CBSA.
    H) The Contractor must be capable of providing training on an
    'as-and-when requested' basis to authorized users.
    I) The Contractor must provide training to authorized users upon
    the release of new GPS/LBS products and software.
    J) The contractor, in the event of a disaster, must be able to
    be reconstitute their service to it's prior operational state
    with the last transaction committed to it's database.
    A) The dates which individuals are released from detention may
    be unknown until the FC/IRB decision is made; therefore, the
    Contractor must provide monitoring services on an emergency
    basis.  Due to the nature of proceedings held under the IRPA,
    there is a need to have the ability to obtain the services of
    the Contractor on very short notice to comply with release
    B) The Contractor must provide services in both the English and
    French languages, as required and dependent upon where the
    service will be provided.  The Contractor must deliver any
    document in both the English and French languages at no extra
    charge and upon CBSA request.
    C) The CBSA reserves the right to add or reduce the amount of
    electronic monitoring devices at any point during the life of
    the resulting contract.  The CBSA will give the Contractor as
    much notice as possible before reducing the amount of electronic
    monitoring devices during the contract.  The notice will be
    given in a written format such as e-mail.  
    D) The CBSA will decide the proper technology and will be free
    to change technology with no extra charge during the contract
    period.  The CBSA will give the Contractor as much notice as
    possible when changing technology.
    E) The Contractor acknowledges that, notwithstanding having met
    all the requirements in the request for proposal, the court or
    the appropriate immigration tribunal may order that the
    equipment supplied not be used or that its use be discontinued. 
    The contractor agrees that in the event of such an order, the
    government may terminate the contract.
    F) The Contractor agrees that should the equipment not meet the
    requirements as set out in the technical specifications found at
    Appendix B during field use, that the contractor will be
    considered in breach of the contract, and that the government
    may, at its discretion, consider the contract to be terminated.
    Information and Technology Security Requirements
    1.1.1	The Personal Information Protection and Electronic
    Documents Act: 
    Safeguards - Personal information shall be protected by security
    safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the information
    Transport Layer Security (TLS) version 1.1 or higher with Secure
    Sockets Layer (SSL) version 3.0 or higher protocols
    compatibility must be used between CBSA desktop computers,
    laptop computers, or mobile device browsers and the server
    and/or mainframe hosting the electronic monitoring service. 
    The contractor must permit the creation of non-personally
    identifiable user accounts (e.g. Officer123) on their server
    and/or mainframe hosting the electronic monitoring service.
    Strong passwords (e.g. minimum 8 alpha-numeric characters with
    at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number,
    and one symbol e.g. @) must be used for accessing the server
    and/or mainframe hosting the electronic monitoring service,
    including those set at initial registration and those reset by
    the contractor's technical support after verification through
    the CBSA Project Authority. Additionally, these strong passwords
    not accept:
    a character repeated more than three times;
    the user account name in any variation; and
    any dictionary words in any language.
    expire every ninety calander days unless changed by the user of
    the user account prior to the ninety calander day threshold.	
    be masked (not displayed) during entry and cleared from the
    login screen in all cases of non-acceptance.
    The electronic monitoring service must maintain a minimum
    password history of the last ten passwords used by a user
    account in order to avoid password repetition and similarity.
    The electronic monitoring service must suspend user accounts
    after a maximum of three consecutive invalid authentication
    attempts. They must remain suspended until the contractor's
    technical support is contacted for re-activation by the CBSA
    Project Authority.
    The contractor must maintain user access logs within their
    server and/or mainframe hosting the electronic monitoring
    service that at a minimum will record the date, time, user
    account name, and action performed (ex. successful logon,
    invalid password attempt). Copies of these logs must be able to
    be provided electronically or on paper to the CBSA Project
    Authority or the CBSA Departmental Security Officer (DSO) upon
    After the return of CBSA data to CBSA upon expiration or
    termination of this contract, the contractor must erase,
    degauss, or physically destroy the memory and hard disk drives
    on equipment used to provide the electronic montoring servce
    that have processed, transmitted,  and/or stored CBSA data. 
    This also applies to any/all backup media that have archived
    CBSA data. If required, refer to the checklist in CSEC guidance
    document CSG-08\G (see
    The network infrastructure that provides the electronic
    monitoring service must be protected by a firewall, an intrusion
    prevention system, and a regularly updated anti-malware product.
    If required, refer to the checklists in the following CSEC
    guidance documents:
    CSG-06\G (see
    CSG-09\G (see
    CSG-07\G (see
    The electronic monitoring service must require a user to change
    their password for their account upon first use after
    initialization or after the contractor's technical support has
    reset it after verification through the CBSA Project Authority.
    The electronic monitoring service must automatically log off a
    user account after 10 minutes of inactivity.
    The electronic monitoring service must restrict user accounts to
    only their profile and the associated data within.
    The contractor must ensure that operating systems and
    applications software used by the electronic monitoring service
    are configured in accordance with industry best practices (e.g.
    Microsoft Security Compliance Manager) and "hardened" so as to
    prevent or detect unauthorized disclosure, unauthorized
    modification, or loss of CBSA data. If required, refer to the
    checklist in CSEC guidance document CSG-10\G (see
    The electronic monitoring service must not be connected to other
    contractor systems, unless those systems are required for the
    administration and/or maintenance of the electronic monitoring
    service by the contractor user accounts in possession of a valid
    personnel security clearance.
    CBSA data within the electronic monitoring service must be
    segregated from other parties (e.g. federal, provincial,
    municipal, international, or private) data that are under
    contract with the contractor.
    In the event that equipment used by the electronic monitoring
    service needs to be redeployed within the contractors network
    infrastructure or repaired/replaced by an outside vendor, the
    contractor must erase, degauss, or physically destroy the memory
    and hard disk drives on any of the equipment if it has processed
    and/or stored CBSA data. If required, refer to the checklist in
    CSEC guidance document CSG-08\G (see
    The network infrastructure that provides the electronic
    monitoring service must not be accessible wirelessly or
    remotely, unless required for the administration and/or
    maintenance of the electronic monitoring service by the
    contractor user accounts in possession of a valid personnel
    security clearance. If required, refer to the checklists in the
    following CSEC guidance documents:
    CSG-02\G (see
    CSG-01\G (see
    The contractor must ensure that servers, mainframes, or other
    hosts (e.g. virtual machines) used by the electronic monitoring
    service on which CBSA data is processed and/or stored reside
    within a floor to ceiling slab locked room, within a locked
    cabinet in an operations zone, or within a secure room with
    additional controls (e.g. intrusion dectection, CCTV), and that
    access to the servers is restricted to the contractor resources
    in possession of a valid personnel security clearance. If
    required, refer to RCMP guidance document G1-031 (see
    The contractor must ensure that any/all backup media used by the
    electronic monitoring service for CBSA when not in use must be
    locked in a storage container and that access to the backup
    media is restricted to the contractor resources in possession of
    a valid personnel security clearance. If required, refer to RCMP
    guidance document G1-001 (see
    The contractor must ensure that any/all backup media used by the
    electronic monitoring service for CBSA when in transit must be
    in a locked breifcase and that access to the backup media is
    restricted to the contractor resources in possession of a valid
    personnel security clearance. If required, refer to RCMP
    guidance document G1-001 (see
    The contractor must control and monitor access to
    telecommunications wiring, spaces, and pathways used by the
    electronic monitoring service, and, if possible restrict them to
    the contractor resources in possession of a valid personnel
    security clearance.
    The contractor's web-based uniform ordering and management
    system must not be administered, supported, and used by third
    parties (e.g. off-site IT help desk services provided by another
    Global Positioning System/Location Based Services System Type
    Active.  Refers to a system that utilizes cellular
    communications to transmit location data points from the GPS/LBS
    device to the processing system in near-real time.
    GPS/LBS Device Components
    Bracelet.  This refers to the strap worn on the ankle that
    communicates via radio frequency (RF) technology with the
    GPS/LBS receiver for a multi-piece unit.  In a one-piece unit it
    is combined with the GPS/LBS receiver. 
    Charging Unit.  This may be a docking station hooked up to power
    and a phone line or it may simply be a charging cord.  It is the
    method by which the GPS/LBS receiver is recharged on a regular
    Multi-piece Units.  Components consist of:
    a)	one ankle bracelet, 
    b)	one separate GPS/LBS receiver, and 
    c)	one charging unit.
    The receiver is typically worn at hip level while the bracelet
    is worn on the ankle.  The bracelet and receiver communicate via
    RF technology to ensure their proximity to one another.
    GPS/LBS Receiver.  This refers to the portion of the GPS/LBS
    system that receives and transmits the location data.  In a
    multi-piece unit, the receiver is a separate device that is
    typically worn at hip level.  In a one-piece unit, this is
    combined with the bracelet and typically worn on the ankle.
    One-piece Units.  Components consist of:
    a)	a bracelet and an un-detachable GPS/LBS receiver, in one
    device, typically worn on the ankle, and
    b)	one separate charging unit.
    Software Terms
    Exclusion Zone.  An area which is designated as prohibited to
    the supervisee.  This zone is defined within the GPS/LBS
    software and when the supervisee enters the exclusion zone an
    alert is sent.
    Inclusion Zone.  An area which is designated as required for a
    supervisee during a specified time.  For instance, the
    supervisee's home may be identified as an inclusion zone from 6
    pm to 7 am indicating that they must be in their home during
    those hours, or an alert will be sent.  This feature can also be
    used to verify attendance at school, authorized outings, work,
    treatment, etc., during specific times.
    Travel Zone.  A travel zone specifies a location in which a
    supervisee is allowed to travel during specific times.
    Jurisdictional Zone.  This refers to a zone that covers the
    entire approved area of a supervisee's release (the jurisdiction
    of the CBSA, such as a region or province).  Such zones are
    essentially a large inclusion zone that allow for the other
    types of zones to be set within it (i.e., an inclusion or
    exclusion zone).
    Report Types
    Supervisee Location Reports.  Reports showing such elements as
    an individual supervisee's movement path, alerts, and or
    location data points.
    Inventory Reports.  Reports that reflect CBSA inventory status.
    Management Reports.  Reports related to system user activity
    associated with the device as required by the CBSA (i.e., audit
    reports and composite alert reports for all supervisees).
    Delivery Date: Above-mentioned
    You are hereby notified that the government intends to negotiate
    with one firm only as identified above. Should you have any
    questions concerning this requirement, contact the contracting
    officer identified above.
    An Advance Contract Award Notice (ACAN) allows departments and
    agencies to post a notice, for no less than fifteen (15)
    calendar days, indicating to the supplier community that it
    intends to award a good, service or construction contract to a
    pre-identified contractor. If no other supplier submits, on or
    before the closing date, a Statement of Capabilities that meets
    the requirements set out in the ACAN, the contracting authority
    may then proceed with the award.  However, should a Statement of
    Capabilities be found to meet the requirements set out in the
    ACAN, then the contracting authority will proceed to a full
    tendering process.
    Suppliers who consider themselves fully qualified and available
    to provide the services/goods described herein, may submit a
    statement of capabilities in writing to the contact person
    identified in this Notice on or before the closing date of this
    Notice. The statement of capabilities must clearly demonstrate
    how the supplier meets the advertised requirements.
    The PWGSC file number, the contracting officer's name and the
    closing date of the ACAN must appear on the outside of the
    envelope in block letters or, in the case of a facsimile
    transmission, on the covering page.
    The Crown retains the right to negotiate with suppliers on any
    Documents may be submitted in either official language of Canada.

    Contract duration

    Refer to the description above for full details.

    Trade agreements

    • Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT)

    Partner with another business

    The functionality to add your company name to the list of interested businesses is temporarily unavailable.

    This list does not replace or affect the tendering procedures for this procurement process. Businesses are still required to respond to bid solicitations, and to compete based on the set criteria. For more information please read the Terms of use.

    Contact information

    Contracting organization

    Public Works and Government Services Canada
    11 Laurier St, Phase III, Place du Portage
    Gatineau, Quebec, K1A 0S5
    Contracting authority
    Munro, Celine
    (819) 956-0577 ( )
    (819) 956-0636
    11 Laurier St. / 11, rue Laurier
    8C2, Place du Portage
    Gatineau, Québec, K1A 0S5

    Buying organization(s)

    Canada Border Services Agency
    333 North River Road
    Ottawa, Ontario, K1L 8B9
    Bidding details

    Details for this tender opportunity are provided in the Description tab.

    Please contact the contracting officer to get the full solicitation documentation, access information on how to bid, or if you have any questions regarding this tender opportunity.

    Note that there may be fees to access the documents or bid. These should be outlined in the Description tab.

    We recommend that you contact the contracting officer as soon as possible, as there may be deadlines for receiving questions.

    Eligibility and terms and conditions

    Government of Canada tender and awards notices, solicitation documents, and other attachments are fully accessible and available free of charge and without having to register on CanadaBuys.

    Information may be available on another source prior to being available on CanadaBuys. You may have received this information through a third-party distributor. The Government of Canada is not responsible for any tender notices and/or related documents and attachments not accessed directly from

    Government of Canada tender or award notices carry an OpenGovernment License - Canada that governs its use. Related solicitation documents and/or tender attachments are copyright protected. Please refer to our terms and conditions page for more information.

    Summary information

    Notice type
    Advance Contract Award Notice
    English, French
    Region(s) of delivery
    Ontario (except NCR)

    Support for small and medium businesses

    If you have questions about this tender opportunity, please contact the contracting officer, whose information is found in the Contact information tab. 

    Refer to our Support page if you need help or have questions about the government procurement process, including how to bid or how to register in SAP Ariba. You can also contact Procurement Assistance Canada, which has offices across Canada.


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