Surveillance of Space 2 GBO RFI
Solicitation number W8474-207923/A
Publication date
Closing date and time 2020/10/14 14:00 EDT
Last amendment date
Trade Agreement: NONE Tendering Procedures: All interested suppliers may submit a bid Competitive Procurement Strategy: N/A - P&A/LOI Only Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement: No Nature of Requirements: Surveillance of Space II Ground-Based Optical System Request for Information Amendment 008 This amendment serves to publish a presentation from the 2020 Military Space Situational Awareness conference. Amendment 007 This amendment serves to extend the RFI period to October 14, 2020. Amendment 006 This amendment serves to extend the RFI period to September 30, 2020. Amendment 005 This amendment serves to publish the Summary of Findings document. Amendment 004 This amendment serves to: 1-publish additional GBO Sensor Facility Questions to be addressed by Respondents; 2-publish an update to the Questions and Answers document; 3-publish additional Questions received from Industry and Answers provided by Canada; and 4-provide details on the sites that have been chosen, or are under consideration for locating GBO sensors. Amendment 003 This amendment serves to publish Questions and Answers from industry day and one-on-one sessions and from vendor's emails. Amendment 002 This amendment serves to: 1-Publish the industry day presentation. 2-Publish the Vendor Participation Sheet Amendment 001 This amendment serves to: 1 - Publish an update to the English-language RFI document, as the original contained out-of-date information in sections 6.11, 6.12 and 6.13; 2- Publish a fillable version of the GBO System Cost Structure table (see Attachments below). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GENERAL This industry consultation process seeks information from industry on its interest, capacity and ability to produce and deliver the systems that meet the requirements for the Department of National Defence Surveillance of Space 2 (SofS 2) project. This industry consultation process provides industry the opportunity to provide feedback in the development and refinement of the requirement, including the proposed technical requirement, the procurement strategy and methods of leveraging economic benefit for Canada. The information gathered through this industry consultation process may be used by Canada to assist in the development of a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the implementation of the SofS 2 procurement. As such, the requirement may be revised pending alternate solutions and discussions that take place during all industry engagement processes. BACKGROUND The Canadian Armed Forces rely heavily on space-based assets to conduct operations. The space environment is increasingly congested due to the dramatic increase in commercial and other satellites and debris. Potential adversaries also possess increasingly sophisticated anti-satellite weapons. In the context of this environment, access to Space Situational Awareness (SSA) helps ensure the security and integrity of national space-based capabilities, the awareness of space threats to Canadian territory, and support to Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) operations worldwide. In 2013, the Department of National Defence (DND) and the CAF launched their first military satellite, Sapphire, a Space Based Optical (SBO) sensor that provides valuable Space Situational Awareness to both Canada and its allies. SSA products allow Canada to accurately assess the orbital positions and projected paths of our space assets. Surveillance of Space 2 (SofS 2) offers Canada the opportunity to build on the performance of Sapphire and to continue Canada’s status as a valuable contributor to the US owned and operated Space Surveillance Network (SSN) and enjoy guaranteed access to the SSN. The preferred capability for the SofS 2 solution is Optical and may include a Ground Based Optical (GBO), SBO (which may include multiples) or a combination of both GBO and SBO(s); an enduring SSA capability that provides best value for cost is a key consideration for DND. REQUIREMENT The SofS 2 project is considering a GBO System as a means to mitigate a potential loss of SSA should Sapphire fail prior to the next generation SBO becoming available. Further, it is expected that the GBO System would supplement the next generation SBO System to achieve an even greater SSA capability. This RFI solely addresses the request for solutions to a GBO System for SSA; please refer to the RFI document for more details. FAIRNESS MONITOR Vendors are advised that the services of a Fairness Monitor have been engaged in support of the engagement and procurement process stages. The Fairness Monitoring Program provides client departments, government suppliers, Parliament and Canadians with independent assurance that Public Services and Procurement Canada conducts its activities in a fair, open and transparent way. Additional information can be found at: INDUSTRIAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL BENEFITS The Industrial and Regional Technological Benefits Policy, including Value Proposition, may apply to this procurement. For more information about the ITB Policy, please visit RULES OF ENGAGEMENT In order to participate in the Industry Engagement process, potential respondents must return a signed copy of the attached Rules of Engagement to the Contracting Authority indicated below via email. Document distribution will follow a green procurement approach and utilize electronic distribution as appropriate. ENGAGEMENT APPROACH AND KEY TIMELINES Industry Day: October 8, 2019 One-on-one Meetings: October 8-10, 2019 RFI Responses requested: November 12, 2019 Draft Request for Proposal (RFP) Review: Winter 2020 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION: ENGAGEMENT OBJECTIVES As Canada works to better understand the capabilities within industry and how to best leverage this procurement to ensure strong economic benefits for Canadians, Canada is requesting feedback and recommendations on a variety of procurement and implementation topics including, but not limited to, the following: 1. GBO Sensor, Data Processing, and Facility Requirements; 2. Sensor Tasking and Reporting System Requirements; 3. Schedule and Cost Elements 4. Acquisition Model 5. Economic Benefits Please refer to the RFI document for more details. Responses to this RFI are requested on or before November 12, 2019. E-mail responses will be accepted. Submission of a response to this RFI is not required in order to submit a response to any follow-on RFP. INDUSTRY DAY AND ONE-ON-ONE MEETINGS Canada intends to hold an Industry Day information session to announce the commencement of engagement activities and to present vendors with general information of the SofS 2 GBO requirement. This event will be led by the Department of National Defence with support from Public Services and Procurement Canada and Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada. One-on-one meetings to facilitate the open exchange of information and/or ideas between the government and interested vendors will be held following the Industry day information session. The industry Day will be held on October 8, 2019 with one-on-one meetings to follow on October 8-10, 2019. One-on-one meetings with representatives of Canada will be limited to 30 minutes in length. While background information related to participant experience and capabilities remains welcome, these brief discussions are intended to provide industry participants with the opportunity to gain a better understanding of the requirement and the feedback being requested by Canada via the GBO RFI. A running list of questions received from industry and answers provided by Canada will be maintained and will be posted directly on While representatives of Canada will be aware of which vendors posed which questions, no identifiers will be provided publicly to industry. Participation in Industry Day or subsequent one-on-one meetings is not required in order to submit a response to any follow-on Request for Information or potential Request for Proposal, as applicable. ADDITIONAL ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITIES Additional Industry Engagement activities may occur at a later date, and may include the review of draft Request for Proposal documents such as Terms and Conditions, Evaluation Plans, Economic Benefit plans, Technical Documentation and/or Statements of Work. Throughout the engagement, Canada will accept questions from industry to discuss specific issues, solutions and/or to revise and refine the requirements. A running list of questions received from industry and answers provided by Canada will be maintained and will be posted directly on While representatives of Canada will be aware of which vendors posed which questions, no identifiers will be provided publicly to industry. All questions and answers will be reviewed by members of Canada’s technical, procurement and economic benefit teams, as well as by the Fairness Monitor prior to distribution. Following the completion of the industry engagement activities, a Summary of Findings and Outcomes document, which will provide an overview of all engagement activities that took place, will be posted on NOTES TO INTERESTED FIRMS This Industry Engagement process is not a bid solicitation and a contract will not result from this process. Potential respondents are advised that any information submitted to Canada in response to this Industry Engagement process may be used by Canada in the development of a subsequent competitive RFP. The issuance of this Industry Engagement process does not create an obligation for Canada to issue a subsequent RFP, and does not bind Canada legally or otherwise, to enter into any agreement or to accept any suggestions from organizations. Canada reserves the right to accept or reject any or all comments received. Participation in this Industry Engagement process is not a condition or prerequisite for participation in any RFP(s). Companies participating in this Industry Engagement process should identify any submitted information that is to be considered as either company confidential or proprietary. All enquiries and other communications related to this Industry Engagement process shall be directed exclusively to the Contracting Authority. CONTRACTING AUTHORITY All enquiries and other communications related to this Industry Engagement process shall be directed in writing as follows: Alan Chan Public Services and Procurement Canada Procurement Branch 10 Wellington St. Gatineau, Quebec, K1A 0S5 TEL: 613-858-9358 The Crown retains the right to negotiate with suppliers on any procurement. Documents may be submitted in either official language of Canada. Delivery Date: Above-mentioned The Crown retains the right to negotiate with suppliers on any procurement. Documents may be submitted in either official language of Canada.
Contract duration
Refer to the description above for full details.
Trade agreements
No trade agreements are applicable to this solicitation process
Contact information
Contracting organization
- Organization
Public Works and Government Services Canada
- Address
11 Laurier St, Phase III, Place du PortageGatineau, Quebec, K1A 0S5Canada
- Contracting authority
- Chan, Alan
- Phone
- (613) 858-9358 ( )
- Email
- Address
Terrasses de la Chaudière, 4th Floo
10 Wellington StreetGatineau, Quebec, K1A 0S5
Buying organization(s)
- Organization
Department of National Defence
- Address
101 Colonel By DrOttawa, Ontario, K1A0K2Canada
Bidding details
Full details regarding this tender opportunity are available in the documents below. Click on the document name to download the file. Contact the contracting officer if you have any questions regarding these documents.
Access the Getting started page for details on how to bid, and more.