Purchase of Hay

Solicitation number 01633-120018/A

Publication date

Closing date and time 2012/08/07 15:00 EDT

Last amendment date

    Trade Agreement: WTO-AGP/NAFTA/AIT/Canada-Peru
    FTA/Canada-Colombia FTA
    Tendering Procedures: All interested suppliers may submit a bid
    Attachment: None
    Competitive Procurement Strategy: Lowest/Lower Bid
    Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement: No
    Nature of Requirements: 
    Purchase of Hay
    Almonte, Cathleen
    Telephone No. - (204) 984-6664 (    )
    Fax No. - (204) 983-7796
    Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food, Brandon Research
    Station, Brandon, Manitoba has a requirement for the supply and
    delivery of high quality hay as round bales on an "as and when
    required" basis.   The period of the Standing Offer Agreement
    (SOA) is from date of issuance to 30 June 2013 with Canada
    retaining an irrevocable option to extend the SOA for an
    additional two (2) consecutive one (1) year periods. 
    It is anticipated that up to three (5) Standing Offer Agreements
    may result from this Request for  Standing Offer.
    The requirement is subject to the provisions of the World Trade
    Organization Agreement on Government Procurement (WTO-AGP), the
    North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and the Agreement
    on Internal Trade (AIT).
    NOTE:  all offers must be submitted for each period, as per
    Annex B.  All prices submitted are to remain firm for the bid
    period in Annex B.
    Bidders' Conference
    A bidders' conference will be held at AAFC Brandon Research
    Station, 2701 Grand Valley Road, Brandon, Manitoba on July 16,
    2012. The conference will begin at 10:30 a.m., in the Main
    Building, Room 186. The scope of the requirement outlined in the
    bid solicitation will be reviewed during the conference and
    questions will be answered. It is recommended that bidders who
    intend to submit a bid attend or send a representative.
    Bidders are requested to communicate with the Contracting
    Authority before the conference to confirm attendance. Bidders
    should provide, in writing, to the Contracting Authority, the
    names of the person(s) who will be attending and a list of
    issues they wish to table at least seven (7) working days before
    the scheduled conference.
    Any clarifications or changes to the bid solicitation resulting
    from the bidders' conference will be included as an amendment to
    the bid solicitation. Bidders who do not attend will not be
    precluded from submitting a bid
    Le Centre de recherches de Brandon d'Agriculture et
    Agroalimentaire Canada, situé à Brandon (Manitoba) a besoin de
    services d'approvisionnement et de livraison de foin de qualité
    élevée sous forme de balles rondes de la façon et au moment
    prescrits, conformément au besoin indiqué à l'annexe A ci
    jointe.  La période couverte par la convention d'offre à
    commandes (COC) s'étend du date d'émission au 30 juin 2013
    inclusivement, le gouvernement du Canada se gardant l'option
    irrévocable de prolonger la durée de la COC durant deux (2)
    périodes supplémentaires consécutives d'un (1) an.
    On s'attend à ce que la présente demande de proposition donne
    lieu à un maximum de cinq (5) offres à commandes par période
    Ce besoin est assujetti aux dispositions de l'Accord sur les
    marchés publics de l'organisation mondiale du commerce
    (AMP-OMC), de l'Accord de libre-échange nord-américain (ALENA),
    et de l'Accord sur le commerce intérieur (ACI).
    REMARQUE: toutes les offres doivent être soumises pour chaque
    période, conformément à l'annexe B. Tous les prix sont soumis à
    rester ferme pour la période de soumission à l'annexe B.
    Conférence des soumissionnaires
    Une conférence des soumissionnaires aura lieu à Brandon d'AAC
    Station de recherche, 2701, Grand Valley Road, Brandon, au
    Manitoba, le 16 juillet 2012. Elle débutera à 10:30h et se
    tiendra Édifice principal 186. Dans le cadre de la conférence,
    on examinera la portée du besoin précisé dans la demande de
    soumissions et on répondra aux questions qui seront posées. Il
    est recommandé que les soumissionnaires qui ont l'intention de
    déposer une soumission assistent à la conférence ou y envoient
    un représentant.
    Les soumissionnaires sont priés de communiquer avec l'autorité
    contractante avant la conférence pour confirmer leur présence.
    Ils devraient fournir à l'autorité contractante, par écrit, une
    liste des personnes qui assisteront à la conférence et des
    questions qu'ils souhaitent y voir abordées, au moins 7 jours
    ouvrables avant la conférence.
    Toute précision ou tout changement apporté à la demande de
    soumissions à la suite de la conférence des soumissionnaires
    sera inclus dans la demande de soumissions, sous la forme d'une
    modification. Les soumissionnaires qui ne participeront pas à la
    conférence pourront tout de même présenter une soumission.
    Delivery Date: Above-mentioned
    The Crown retains the right to negotiate with suppliers on any
    Documents may be submitted in either official language of Canada.

    Contract duration

    Refer to the description above for full details.

    Trade agreements

    • World Trade Organization Agreement on Government Procurement (WTO GPA)
    • Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT)
    • Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement
    • Canada-Peru Free Trade Agreement (CPFTA)
    • North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

    Partner with another business

    The functionality to add your company name to the list of interested businesses is temporarily unavailable.

    This list does not replace or affect the tendering procedures for this procurement process. Businesses are still required to respond to bid solicitations, and to compete based on the set criteria. For more information please read the Terms of use.

    Contact information

    Contracting organization

    Public Works and Government Services Canada
    11 Laurier St, Phase III, Place du Portage
    Gatineau, Quebec, K1A 0S5
    Contracting authority
    Almonte, Cathleen
    (204) 984-6664 ( )
    (204) 983-7796
    PO Box 1408, Room 100
    167 Lombard Ave.
    Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3C 2Z1

    Buying organization(s)

    Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
    1341 Baseline Road
    Ottawa, Ontario, K1A0C5
    Bidding details

    Full details regarding this tender opportunity are available in the documents below. Click on the document name to download the file. Contact the contracting officer if you have any questions regarding these documents.

    Tender documents
    Document title Amendment no. Language Unique downloads Date added

    Access the Getting started page for details on how to bid, and more.

    Eligibility and terms and conditions

    Government of Canada tender and awards notices, solicitation documents, and other attachments are fully accessible and available free of charge and without having to register on CanadaBuys.

    Information may be available on another source prior to being available on CanadaBuys. You may have received this information through a third-party distributor. The Government of Canada is not responsible for any tender notices and/or related documents and attachments not accessed directly from CanadaBuys.canada.ca.

    Government of Canada tender or award notices carry an OpenGovernment License - Canada that governs its use. Related solicitation documents and/or tender attachments are copyright protected. Please refer to our terms and conditions page for more information.

    Summary information

    Notice type
    Request for Proposal
    English, French
    Region(s) of delivery
    Commodity - GSIN
    Click the links below to see a list of notices associated with the GSIN codes.

    Support for small and medium businesses

    If you have questions about this tender opportunity, please contact the contracting officer, whose information is found in the Contact information tab. 

    Refer to our Support page if you need help or have questions about the government procurement process, including how to bid or how to register in SAP Ariba. You can also contact Procurement Assistance Canada, which has offices across Canada.


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