Tender opportunities

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Notice categories:

10 of 46964
List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
Security Control Systems Construction 2018/07/19
2018/07/24 Public Works and Government Services…
IT Security Engineer Services Services 2023/02/24 2023/03/03 Marine Atlantic Inc.
Alliance Future Surveillance and Control Industry Day 24QFM001 Future… Services 2024/10/11 2024/11/03 NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization
SECURITY CONSOLES UPGRADE FOR DOOR CONTROL (21301-16-2260473 550-2-343-… Construction 2016/02/12
2016/03/03 Correctional Service of Canada
Industrial security sponsorship opportunity - future requirements (real… Services related to goods, Construction, Services 2017/07/25
2017/10/06 Public Works and Government Services…
Security and access control system upgrade, Kingsclear, NB Construction 2017/10/05
2017/10/10 Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Access Control Systems (Alarm, Signal and Security Detection Systems) Services 2024/10/24
2024/08/26 Office of the Auditor General of Canada
RFP Security Access Control Construction, Goods 2024/05/28 2024/06/27 Workers' Compensation Board of NS
Pest Control for Terminal & Vessels Services 2020/09/18 2020/10/07 Marine Atlantic Inc.
Campus Security Services 2024/11/07 2024/12/13 Security
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 65705
List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
Security Access Control and Maintenance Services for Infrastructure… Construction 2018/06/20 N/A Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Security system Goods 2016/11/16 N/A Natural Resources Canada
Security Hardware Goods 2014/05/21 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
Security Control Systems Construction 2018/08/23 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
Security Control Systems - Installation and Repair Construction 2013/03/01 N/A Aboriginal Affairs & Northern…
Access control system (IDACS) Goods 2016/10/05 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
Alarm, Signal, and Security Detection Systems , Miscellaneous Goods 2015/01/05 N/A Industry Canada
Alarm, Signal, and Security Detection Systems , Miscellaneous Goods 2017/12/20 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
Alarm, Signal, and Security Detection Systems , Miscellaneous Goods 2015/07/24 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
Alarm, Signal, and Security Detection Systems , Miscellaneous Goods 2012/05/31 N/A Industry Canada
50 of 268863
List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) 08317-080161/001/HN FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2013/03/13 CAD 2,009.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) 08317-080161/001/HN FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2011/07/20 CAD 63,428.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) 08317-080161/001/HN FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2010/07/28 CAD 63,428.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) 08317-080161/001/HN FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2010/06/01 CAD 37,651.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) 08317-080161/001/HN FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2009/11/12 CAD 293,372.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) 08317-080161/001/HN FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2009/08/21 CAD 293,372.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) 08317-080161/001/HN FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2009/07/15 CAD 63,428.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) 08317-080450/001/HN FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2009/06/29 CAD 5,287.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) 08317-080450/001/HN FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2009/05/27 CAD 5,287.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) 08317-080161/001/HN FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2012/06/21 CAD 63,428.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) 08317-080161/001/HN FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2012/01/31 CAD 293,372.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) 08317-080450/001/HN FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2009/04/29 CAD 5,287.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) 08317-080450/001/HN FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2009/03/23 CAD 5,287.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) W0113-110055/001/BOR Department of National Defence 2011/05/10 CAD 13,932.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) W0113-080364/001/BOR Department of National Defence 2010/10/12 CAD 57,200.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) W0113-080364/001/BOR Department of National Defence 2010/08/11 CAD 214,700.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) W0113-080364/001/BOR Department of National Defence 2009/06/26 CAD 157,500.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) W0113-080364/001/BOR Department of National Defence 2010/05/18 CAD 214,700.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) W0113-080364/001/BOR Department of National Defence 2010/04/14 CAD 214,700.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) EP916-211436/001/PPS Public Works and Government Services… 2021/01/12 CAD 12,638.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) EP803-182214/002/PPS Public Works and Government Services… 2018/08/24 CAD 27,183.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) EP803-182214/002/PPS Public Works and Government Services… 2018/04/27 CAD 27,183.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) EP803-182214/002/PPS Public Works and Government Services… 2018/03/14 CAD 2,317.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) EP803-182214/002/PPS Public Works and Government Services… 2018/03/08 CAD 24,866.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) U6475-128982/001/HN INNOV, SCI AND ECON DEVT CAN 2017/02/09 CAD 2,000,000.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) U6475-128982/001/HN INNOV, SCI AND ECON DEVT CAN 2016/11/30 CAD 2,000,000.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) U6475-128982/001/HN INNOV, SCI AND ECON DEVT CAN 2016/05/26 CAD 2,000,000.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) B8107-090646/001/HN Citizenship and Immigration Canada 2016/02/08 CAD 565,000.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) U6475-128982/001/HN INNOV, SCI AND ECON DEVT CAN 2016/01/19 CAD 2,000,000.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) B8107-090646/001/HN Citizenship and Immigration Canada 2015/12/22 CAD 2,373,000.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) B8107-090646/001/HN Citizenship and Immigration Canada 2015/10/06 CAD 2,373,000.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) U6475-128982/001/HN INNOV, SCI AND ECON DEVT CAN 2015/09/17 CAD 2,000,000.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) EP756-140749/015/PPS Public Works and Government Services… 2015/08/20 CAD 466.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) B8107-090646/001/HN Citizenship and Immigration Canada 2015/08/18 CAD 2,373,000.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) EP756-140749/001/PPS Public Works and Government Services… 2015/06/30 CAD 34,064.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) EP756-140749/001/PPS Public Works and Government Services… 2015/05/13 CAD -211.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) U6475-128982/001/HN INNOV, SCI AND ECON DEVT CAN 2015/03/06 CAD 375,000.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) EP756-140749/001/PPS Public Works and Government Services… 2015/02/27 CAD -15,611.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) EP756-140749/008/PPS Public Works and Government Services… 2014/12/23 CAD 2,609.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) EP791-150238/002/PPS Public Works and Government Services… 2014/10/21 CAD -549.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) EP756-140749/002/PPS Public Works and Government Services… 2014/10/01 CAD -5,533.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) EP756-140749/003/PPS Public Works and Government Services… 2014/09/11 CAD 8,910.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) EP756-140749/002/PPS Public Works and Government Services… 2014/08/21 CAD 156,853.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) EP756-140749/003/PPS Public Works and Government Services… 2014/08/21 CAD 8,910.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) EP791-150238/001/PPS Public Works and Government Services… 2014/07/31 CAD -58,221.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) EP750-142126/002/PPS Public Works and Government Services… 2014/06/06 CAD 1,840.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) EP750-142126/002/PPS Public Works and Government Services… 2014/05/01 CAD 12,924.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) EP750-142361/001/PPS Public Works and Government Services… 2014/03/06 CAD 180,009.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) U6475-128982/001/HN INNOV, SCI AND ECON DEVT CAN 2014/02/26 CAD 375,000.00
Future Security Controls Inc. (FSC Inc.) EP764-141609/053/PPS Public Works and Government Services… 2013/11/29 CAD 7,809.00

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