Tender opportunities

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Notice categories:

10 of 18877
List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
HealthPRO RFQ/RFP 03082 Rehabilitation Product Catalogue Contract Award… Goods 2024/04/19 2024/06/19 HealthPro Procurement Services Inc.
Rehabilitation and Maintenance Programs Facilitation Services Services 2024/09/09
2024/09/16 Rehabilitation and Maintenance
Rehabilitation Services for Aboriginal Offenders Services 2024/05/15
2024/05/15 Correctional Service Canada
Rehabilitation Services for Aboriginal Offenders Services 2019/09/03 2019/09/18 Correctional Service of Canada
Rehabilitation Services for Aboriginal Offenders Services 2021/07/02 2021/07/19 Correctional Service of Canada
HealthPRO Procurement Services Inc. - Advanced Contract Award Notice /… Goods 2024/04/19 2024/06/19 HealthPRO Procurement Services Inc.
Rehabilitation of Highway 400 and Rehabilitation of Two Bridges Construction 2024/02/09
2024/02/09 Engineering Services - Northeast Region
Rehabilitation of Highway 400 and Rehabilitation of Two Bridges Construction 2024/04/26
2024/04/26 Engineering Services - Northeast Region
Van for Business Goods 2024/07/26 2024/08/22 Kings Regional Rehabilitation Centre
Rehabilitation Services Services 2024/03/22
2024/03/22 3sHealth
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 62541
List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
Vocational Rehabilitation Services - Atlantic and Western Canada Services 2017/07/12 N/A Employment and Social Development Canada
RISO-Vocational Rehabilitation Services Services 2012/12/21 N/A Employment and Social Development Canada
Vocational Rehabilitation Services 2016/02/11 N/A Employment and Social Development Canada
Vocational Rehabilitation Services - Ontario Services 2019/02/07 N/A Employment and Social Development Canada
Vocational Rehabilitation Services Services 2013/12/18 N/A Employment and Social Development Canada
Vocational Rehabilitation Services - Ontario Services 2019/04/09 N/A Employment and Social Development Canada
RISO-Vocational Rehabilitation Services Services 2012/12/21 N/A Employment and Social Development Canada
Rehabilitation of Fort no 1 Lévis Construction 2017/05/01 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
French Translation Services - Marine Atlantic Inc. Services 2021/02/16 N/A Marine Atlantic Inc.
Social Rehabilitation Services for Prisoners Services 2020/08/27 N/A Correctional Service of Canada
50 of 269170
List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
Altius Rehabilitation Group Inc. G9292-177873/011/XAQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2020/03/25 CAD 656,216.00
Altius Rehabilitation Group Inc. G9292-177873/011/XAQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2020/03/21 CAD 48,312.00
Altius Rehabilitation Group Inc. G9292-177873/011/XAQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2019/07/05 CAD -46,320.00
Altius Rehabilitation Group Inc. G9292-177873/011/XAQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2018/03/29 CAD 202,913.00
Altius Rehabilitation Group Inc. G9292-177873/011/XAQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2017/11/10 CAD 656,216.00
Altius Rehabilitation Group Inc. G9292-177873/011/XAQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2017/07/12 CAD 231,246.00
Altius Rehabilitation Group Inc. G9292-177873/011/XAQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2019/03/28 CAD 220,065.00
Altius Rehabilitation Group Inc. G9292-177873/011/XAQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2017/10/27 CAD 656,216.00
Altius Analytics Labs Inc. W7714-196871/001/SV Department of National Defence 2018/12/14 CAD 199,332.00
occupational rehabilitation group of canada G5799-110020/003/VIC Employment and Social Development Canada 2015/12/16 CAD 250,000.00
occupational rehabilitation group of canada G5799-110020/003/VIC Employment and Social Development Canada 2012/12/21 CAD 250,000.00
occupational rehabilitation group of canada G4249-090007/001/WPG Employment and Social Development Canada 2012/06/18 CAD 315,000.00
occupational rehabilitation group of canada V5704-080021/012/XSB Social Development Canada 2010/05/07 CAD 100,000.00
occupational rehabilitation group of canada G4249-090007/001/WPG Employment and Social Development Canada 2010/04/21 CAD 315,000.00
occupational rehabilitation group of canada V5704-080021/012/XSB Social Development Canada 2010/04/10 CAD 100,000.00
occupational rehabilitation group of canada V5704-080021/012/XSB Social Development Canada 2010/03/31 CAD 100,000.00
occupational rehabilitation group of canada V4249-050033/001/WPG Social Development Canada 2009/04/24 CAD 68,750.00
occupational rehabilitation group of canada G4249-090007/001/WPG Employment and Social Development Canada 2012/08/30 CAD 315,000.00
occupational rehabilitation group of canada V5704-080021/012/XSB Social Development Canada 2012/06/19 CAD 100,000.00
M.S.C. Réhabilitation inc. EF945-090245/001/MTC Public Works and Government Services… 2009/03/02 CAD 416,719.00
Rehabilitation Network Canada Inc. G9292-214643/005/XAQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2022/03/17 CAD 23,490.00
Rehabilitation Network Canada Inc. G9292-214643/005/XAQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2021/01/19 CAD 160,393.20
Rehabilitation Network Canada Inc. G9292-214643/005/XAQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2020/08/20 CAD 23,490.00
Rehabilitation Network Canada Inc. G9292-190669/004/XAQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2019/07/15 CAD -666.00
Rehabilitation Network Canada Inc. G9292-190669/004/XAQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2019/07/03 CAD -47,779.00
Rehabilitation Network Canada Inc. G9292-164123/003/XAQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2018/01/11 CAD 17,851.00
Rehabilitation Network Canada Inc. G9292-164123/003/XAQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2017/03/06 CAD 26,210.00
Rehabilitation Network Canada Inc. G9292-164123/003/XAQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2016/06/16 CAD 290,522.00
Rehabilitation Network Canada Inc. G9292-164123/003/XAQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2016/05/06 CAD 290,522.00
Rehabilitation Network Canada Inc. G9292-164123/003/XAQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2016/03/22 CAD 290,522.00
Rehabilitation Network Canada Inc. G9292-164123/003/XAQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2016/02/11 CAD 8,828.00
Rehabilitation Network Canada Inc. G9292-214643/005/XAQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2021/04/22 CAD 23,490.00
Rehabilitation Network Canada Inc. G9292-190669/004/XAQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2020/03/21 CAD 9,788.00
Rehabilitation Network Canada Inc. G9292-190669/004/XAQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2019/11/29 CAD 48,937.00
Rehabilitation Network Canada Inc. G9292-190669/004/XAQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2019/04/25 CAD 48,937.00
Rehabilitation Network Canada Inc. G9292-190669/004/XAQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2019/04/09 CAD 87,594.00
Rehabilitation Network Canada Inc. G9292-164123/003/XAQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2018/03/16 CAD 290,522.00
Rehabilitation Network Canada Inc. G9292-164123/003/XAQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2018/01/10 CAD 137,319.00
Rehabilitation Network Canada Inc. G9292-164123/003/XAQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2017/08/03 CAD 18,978.00
Rehabilitation Network Canada Inc. G9292-164123/003/XAQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2016/09/27 CAD 23,836.00
Rehabilitation Network Canada Inc. G9292-164123/003/XAQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2016/08/10 CAD 57,500.00
Functional Rehabilitation Inc. G9292-190669/003/XAQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2019/02/07 CAD 327,815.00
Functional Rehabilitation Inc. G9292-190669/003/XAQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2019/02/07 CAD -327,815.00
Sunnyside Rehabilitation Services, Inc. 51019-095002/001/TOR Veterans Affairs Canada 2012/06/27 CAD 112,688.00
Sunnyside Rehabilitation Services, Inc. 51019-095002/001/TOR Veterans Affairs Canada 2011/03/24 CAD 497,001.00
Spectrum Rehabilitation Services Inc. 51318-080001/001/XSB Veterans Affairs Canada 2010/10/01 CAD 190,400.00
Sunnyside Rehabilitation Services, Inc. 51019-095002/001/TOR Veterans Affairs Canada 2010/08/24 CAD 497,001.00
Sunnyside Rehabilitation Services, Inc. 51019-095002/001/TOR Veterans Affairs Canada 2010/05/10 CAD 384,313.00
Independent Rehabilitation Management Inc. 51345-060019/001/TNB Veterans Affairs Canada 2009/10/05 CAD 14,057.00
Sunnyside Rehabilitation Services, Inc. 51345-060010/001/TOR Veterans Affairs Canada 2009/02/02 CAD 173,355.00

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