Tender opportunities

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Notice categories:

10 of 14332
List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
Services-conseils en planification stratégique des talents Services 2024/02/23
2024/01/30 Secrétariat du Conseil du trésor-Service…
Services conseils en planification stratégique Services related to goods 2024/11/26
2024/10/28 Santé Québec
Services-conseils stratégiques en ressources informationnelles Services related to goods 2024/10/28
2024/08/14 La Financière agricole du Québec
Services-conseils en planification stratégique des talents pour le SCT Services related to goods 2024/10/02
2024/06/19 Secrétariat du Conseil du trésor-Service…
Services professionnels de conseils stratégiques en communication Services related to goods 2024/11/22
2024/11/20 Ville de Lévis.
Conseil stratégique, méthodologique et charge de projets Services related to goods 2024/11/27
2023/11/27 Ministère des Ressources naturelles et…
Rôle-conseil et accompagnement stratégique en expérience client Services related to goods 2024/09/08
2023/09/08 Ministère de l'Emploi et de la…
Conseil stratégique et soutien programmatique (ACAN) # 20171684 Services 2018/01/02 2018/01/16 Privy Council Office
Gestion de projets et conseil en gestion stratégique des RI Services related to goods 2023/07/25 2023/08/31 Retraite Québec
Service de marketing numérique - conseil et planification stratégiques,… Services 2023/05/19
2023/04/24 Société des traversiers du Québec
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 59920
List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
ProServices SA - Levio Conseils Inc. Services 2024/11/12
2100/01/01 Department of Public Works and Government…
ProServices SA - OLIFI CONSEIL, INC. Services 2024/11/06
2028/07/04 Department of Public Works and Government…
ProServices SA - ALIA CONSEIL INC. Services 2024/11/05
2028/07/04 Department of Public Works and Government…
ProServices SA - GEG Conseils en structure Inc. Services 2024/11/06
2100/01/01 Department of Public Works and Government…
ProServices SA - nTech Conseil Inc. nTech Consulting Inc. Services 2024/11/05
2028/07/04 Department of Public Works and Government…
Amend 000 - Arrangement mat. approv. C4ISR - Levio Conseils Inc. Services 2024/07/16
2033/03/31 Department of Public Works and Government…
End-to-End Learning Services (Excludes COTS Training) Services 2021/12/20 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
TSPS RFSA/RFSO re-competition Services 2021/10/14 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
Informatics Professional Services Services 2021/09/23 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
Human Resource Services, Business Consulting/Change Management; Project… Services 2021/09/20 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
50 of 260480
List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
A-Z Microscope Limited 31026-166864/001/MTA National Research Council Canada 2016/12/16 CAD 72,841.00
Impresario communications stratégiques inc. E60ZT-120001/912/ZT Public Works and Government Services… 2015/11/17 CAD 0.00
OLIFI Conseil, inc. E60ZT-180025/165/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/11/06
CAD 0.00
OLIFI Conseil, inc. E60ZT-180025/165/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2023/11/01
CAD 0.00
Levio Conseils inc. E60ZT-180028/343/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/11/12
CAD 0.00
Alia Conseil inc. E60ZT-180025/063/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/11/05
CAD 0.00
Alia Conseil inc. E60ZT-180025/063/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/01/24
CAD 0.00
OLIFI Conseil, inc. E60ZT-180025/165/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/01/10
CAD 0.00
Alia Conseil inc. E60ZT-180025/063/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/01/03
CAD 0.00
Alia Conseil inc. E60ZT-180025/063/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2023/12/21
CAD 0.00
OLIFI Conseil, inc. E60ZT-180025/165/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2023/10/23
CAD 0.00
OLIFI Conseil, inc. E60ZT-180025/165/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2023/08/16
CAD 0.00
Levio Conseils inc. E60ZT-180028/343/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2021/09/23 CAD 0.00
CONSEILS STRATEGIQUES A-Z INC. E60ZH-2100LS/008/ZH Public Works and Government Services… 2023/04/14 CAD 0.00
CONSEILS STRATEGIQUES A-Z INC. E60ZT-16TSSB/198/ZT Public Works and Government Services… 2021/12/07 CAD 0.00
CONSEILS STRATEGIQUES A-Z INC. E60ZH-2100LS/008/ZH Public Works and Government Services… 2023/08/22 CAD 0.00
CONSEILS STRATEGIQUES A-Z INC. E60ZT-16TSSB/198/ZT Public Works and Government Services… 2022/07/05 CAD 0.00
CONSEILS STRATEGIQUES A-Z INC. E60ZT-16TSSB/198/ZT Public Works and Government Services… 2022/02/28 CAD 0.00
GEG Conseils en structure Inc. E60ZT-180025/290/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/11/06
CAD 0.00
GEG Conseils en structure Inc. E60ZT-180025/290/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2023/12/21
CAD 0.00
AVISÉO CONSEIL INC. AVISEO CONSULTING INC. CW2364466 Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/11/07
CAD 0.00
nTech Conseil Inc. nTech Consulting Inc. E60ZT-180025/132/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/11/05
CAD 0.00
AVISÉO CONSEIL INC. AVISEO CONSULTING INC. CW2364466 Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/06/21 CAD 0.00
nTech Conseil Inc. nTech Consulting Inc. E60ZT-180025/132/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/01/12
CAD 0.00
R3D Conseil Inc. 45045-160066/001/XL Statistics Canada 2017/03/30 CAD 167,835.00
R3D Conseil Inc. 45045-170107/001/XL Statistics Canada 2018/03/22 CAD 160,183.00
Levio Conseils inc. W7701-176500/002/MTB Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/07/16
CAD 0.00
Levio Conseils inc. W7701-176500/002/MTB Department of Public Works and Government… 2022/04/12 CAD 0.00
Conseils Monique Faubert Consulting Inc. E60ZG-030001/022/ZG Public Works and Government Services… 2010/06/21 CAD 0.00
Conseils Monique Faubert Consulting Inc. E60ZG-030001/022/ZG Public Works and Government Services… 2009/08/28 CAD 0.00
Conseils Monique Faubert Consulting Inc. E60ZG-030001/022/ZG Public Works and Government Services… 2009/06/12 CAD 0.00
Adviso Conseil inc. EN578-141760/007/CY Public Works and Government Services… 2017/05/15 CAD 0.00
Levio Conseils Inc. EN578-170432/624/EI Public Works and Government Services… 2023/03/15 CAD 0.00
R3D Conseil Inc. G9292-180740/001/EE Employment and Social Development Canada 2018/05/24 CAD 61,345.00
FUJITSU CONSULTING (CANADA) INC/FUJITSU CONSEIL (CANADA) INC 23240-070141/007/SQ Natural Resources Canada 2009/02/12 CAD 157,500.00
P B I EXPERTS CONSEILS INC 9F054-100096/001/QCN Canadian Space Agency 2013/04/17 CAD 1,489.00
P B I EXPERTS CONSEILS INC 9F054-100096/001/QCN Canadian Space Agency 2012/04/30 CAD 1,360.00
P B I EXPERTS CONSEILS INC 9F054-100096/001/QCN Canadian Space Agency 2011/03/28 CAD 1,885.00
ROCHON EXPERTS-CONSEILS INC. 21301-223922/001/MTC Correctional Service of Canada 2021/07/06 CAD 99,956.00
FUJITSU CONSULTING (CANADA) INC/FUJITSU CONSEIL (CANADA) INC T8840-180119/003/SS Transport Canada 2022/03/17 CAD 131,871.00
FUJITSU CONSULTING (CANADA) INC/FUJITSU CONSEIL (CANADA) INC T8840-180119/003/SS Transport Canada 2021/03/29 CAD 4,266,124.00
FUJITSU CONSULTING (CANADA) INC/FUJITSU CONSEIL (CANADA) INC T8840-180119/003/SS Transport Canada 2020/02/07 CAD 26,547,782.31
FUJITSU CONSULTING (CANADA) INC/FUJITSU CONSEIL (CANADA) INC T8840-180119/003/SS Transport Canada 2019/02/22 CAD 2,929,916.00
FUJITSU CONSULTING (CANADA) INC/FUJITSU CONSEIL (CANADA) INC W7701-102780/001/QCL Department of National Defence 2013/02/12 CAD 997,415.00
FUJITSU CONSULTING (CANADA) INC/FUJITSU CONSEIL (CANADA) INC W7701-102780/001/QCL Department of National Defence 2012/10/31 CAD 997,415.00
FUJITSU CONSULTING (CANADA) INC/FUJITSU CONSEIL (CANADA) INC W7701-102780/001/QCL Department of National Defence 2012/05/17 CAD 997,415.00
FUJITSU CONSULTING (CANADA) INC/FUJITSU CONSEIL (CANADA) INC W7701-105041/001/QCL Department of National Defence 2011/11/23 CAD 175,961.00
FUJITSU CONSULTING (CANADA) INC/FUJITSU CONSEIL (CANADA) INC W7701-105041/001/QCL Department of National Defence 2011/10/12 CAD 175,961.00
FUJITSU CONSULTING (CANADA) INC/FUJITSU CONSEIL (CANADA) INC W7701-104064/001/QCL Department of National Defence 2011/10/11 CAD 15,750.00

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