Tender opportunities

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Notice categories:

10 of 137
List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
Keith Bay DEW Line Site Remediation Services 2016/02/03
2016/02/10 Public Works and Government Services…
Keith King Memorial Park - Raquet Courts 2024/08/16
2024/09/09 Town of Golden
RFEI: TYSON – KEITH WILSON DESIGN-BUILD 2023/04/13 2023/05/19 City of Chilliwack
OP24DMH013 Nolan Creek -Fuel Reduction Treatments Services 2023/08/18 2023/09/14 Ministry of Forests
Remediation - CAM-E (Keith Bay), Nunavut Letter of Interest Pre-Tender… Services 2015/08/19
2015/09/11 Public Works and Government Services…
Request for Proposal Demande de proposition Proposal to: Canada Border… Services 2013/06/19 2013/07/29 Public Works and Government Services…
Task-Based Informatics Professional Services (TBIPS) Requirement -… Services 2014/06/11 2014/06/26 Canada Border Services Agency
Task-Based Informatics Professional Services (TBIPS) Services 2013/09/03 2013/09/16 Canada Border Services Agency
Federal Health Claims Processing Services (FHCPS) Services 2012/05/29 2012/06/18 Veterans Affairs Canada
Task-Based Informatics Professional Services (TBIPS) Services 2013/09/03 2013/09/19 Canada Border Services Agency
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 93
List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
Keith Bay DEW Line Site Remediation Services 2016/03/22 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
Amend 003 - Heavy Construction Equipment Rental - T.J. NOLAN… Services 2023/10/31
2023/10/31 Department of National Defence (DND)
Flooring Repair, Cold Lake, Alberta Services related to goods 2016/08/12 N/A Department of National Defence
Physician Services for Inmates – Mission Complex Services 2017/10/11 N/A Correctional Service of Canada
Physicians Services 2014/10/24 N/A Correctional Service of Canada
2014 ACCOMMODATION DIRECTORY FOR REGULAR MARKETS Services 2014/02/10 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
Physician Services Services 2013/05/15 N/A Correctional Service of Canada
2013 ACCOMODATION DIRECTORY-REGULAR MARKETS Services 2013/01/01 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
Instructional Designer/Training Delivery Services for the Office of the… Services 2015/04/28 N/A Department of National Defence
End-to-End Learning Services (Excludes COTS Training) Services 2014/11/26 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
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List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
Keith L Fox G9292-189931/001/CX Employment and Social Development Canada 2018/03/06 CAD 5,113.00
Keith Coulter EN578-132723/001/ZQ Public Works and Government Services… 2014/02/05 CAD 11,865.00
Keith Coulter EN578-132723/001/ZQ Public Works and Government Services… 2013/11/08 CAD 8,133.00
Keith Coulter EN578-132723/001/ZQ Public Works and Government Services… 2013/04/29 CAD 40,153.00
Keith Coulter EN578-132723/001/ZQ Public Works and Government Services… 2013/03/01 CAD 26,800.00
Keith Coulter EN578-132723/001/ZQ Public Works and Government Services… 2013/02/18 CAD 111,181.00
Keith Coulter EN578-132723/001/ZQ Public Works and Government Services… 2013/01/25 CAD 24,230.00
Keith Bandjough W010X-10P116/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2009/11/04 CAD 33,600.00
KEITH OGILVIE E60ZT-120001/823/ZT Public Works and Government Services… 2015/07/29 CAD 0.00
Keith Lien Agencies Inc. W1568-121449/001/EDM Department of National Defence 2011/12/20 CAD 7,697.00
KEITH CROSS MEDICINE PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 21401-151005/003/KIN Correctional Service of Canada 2020/10/09 CAD 32,399.00
KEITH CROSS MEDICINE PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 21401-151005/003/KIN Correctional Service of Canada 2019/10/25 CAD 128,167.00
KEITH CROSS MEDICINE PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 21401-151005/003/KIN Correctional Service of Canada 2018/11/09 CAD -64,064.00
KEITH CROSS MEDICINE PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 21401-151005/003/KIN Correctional Service of Canada 2018/10/16 CAD 142,266.00
KEITH CROSS MEDICINE PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 21401-151005/003/KIN Correctional Service of Canada 2017/10/24 CAD 139,703.00
KEITH CROSS MEDICINE PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 21401-151005/003/KIN Correctional Service of Canada 2017/10/24 CAD 653,368.00
KEITH CROSS MEDICINE PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 21401-151005/003/KIN Correctional Service of Canada 2017/02/20 CAD 653,368.00
KEITH CROSS MEDICINE PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 21401-151005/003/KIN Correctional Service of Canada 2017/02/07 CAD 49,013.00
KEITH CROSS MEDICINE PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 21401-151005/003/KIN Correctional Service of Canada 2016/10/27 CAD 104,954.00
KEITH CROSS MEDICINE PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 21401-151005/003/KIN Correctional Service of Canada 2016/02/25 CAD 653,368.00
KEITH CROSS MEDICINE PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 21401-151005/003/KIN Correctional Service of Canada 2016/02/18 CAD 120,930.00
Michael Nolan Associates Ltd CW2342531 Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/01/24
CAD 0.00
Michael Nolan Associates Ltd CW2342531 Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/01/23 CAD 0.00
Dr. Keith Dawson Inc. 21801-140104/002/XSB Correctional Service of Canada 2016/10/14 CAD 651,158.00
Dr. Keith Dawson Inc. 21801-140104/002/XSB Correctional Service of Canada 2016/01/15 CAD 1,905,578.00
Dr. Keith Dawson Inc. 21801-140104/002/XSB Correctional Service of Canada 2015/10/30 CAD 631,390.00
Dr. Keith Dawson Inc. 21801-140104/002/XSB Correctional Service of Canada 2014/10/30 CAD 5,292.00
Dr. Keith Dawson Inc. 21801-140104/002/XSB Correctional Service of Canada 2014/10/24 CAD 617,738.00
Dr. Keith Dawson Inc. 21807-130001/002/XSB Correctional Service of Canada 2014/09/25 CAD 56,440.00
Dr. Keith Dawson Inc. 21807-130001/002/XSB Correctional Service of Canada 2014/02/13 CAD 323,076.00
Dr. Keith Dawson Inc. 21807-130001/002/XSB Correctional Service of Canada 2013/05/15 CAD 656,000.00
T.J. NOLAN CONSTRUCTION LIMITED W684H-220091/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2022/06/08 CAD 690,000.00
T.J. NOLAN CONSTRUCTION LIMITED W010C-200200/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2022/05/16 CAD 690,000.00
T.J. NOLAN CONSTRUCTION LIMITED W684H-220091/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2022/05/12 CAD 690,000.00
T.J. NOLAN CONSTRUCTION LIMITED W6837-185216/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2021/04/30 CAD 690,000.00
T.J. NOLAN CONSTRUCTION LIMITED W684H-210032/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2021/04/19 CAD 1,610,000.00
T.J. NOLAN CONSTRUCTION LIMITED W010C-200200/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2021/04/16 CAD 690,000.00
T.J. NOLAN CONSTRUCTION LIMITED W010C-170029/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2020/11/17 CAD 402,500.00
T.J. NOLAN CONSTRUCTION LIMITED W010C-200200/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2020/04/27 CAD 690,000.00
T.J. NOLAN CONSTRUCTION LIMITED W6837-185216/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2020/03/10 CAD 690,000.00
T.J. NOLAN CONSTRUCTION LIMITED W010C-170029/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2019/11/26 CAD 805,000.00
T.J. NOLAN CONSTRUCTION LIMITED W6837-185212/001/PWA Department of National Defence 2019/04/30 CAD 575,000.00
T.J. NOLAN CONSTRUCTION LIMITED W6837-185216/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2019/04/23 CAD 690,000.00
T.J. NOLAN CONSTRUCTION LIMITED W6837-175210/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2019/01/31 CAD 575,000.00
T.J. NOLAN CONSTRUCTION LIMITED W6837-185216/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2018/07/10 CAD 100,000.00
T.J. NOLAN CONSTRUCTION LIMITED W6837-185216/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2018/05/10 CAD 690,000.00
T.J. NOLAN CONSTRUCTION LIMITED W6837-185212/001/PWA Department of National Defence 2018/04/06 CAD 575,000.00
T.J. NOLAN CONSTRUCTION LIMITED W6837-175210/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2018/01/30 CAD 287,500.00
T.J. NOLAN CONSTRUCTION LIMITED W010C-170029/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2017/11/28 CAD 805,000.00
T.J. NOLAN CONSTRUCTION LIMITED W010C-170029/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2017/10/30 CAD 805,000.00

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