SAP Fieldglass system maintenance

SAP Fieldglass will be unavailable for scheduled maintenance at the times listed below. We apologize for any inconvenience.  

  • Friday, November 1 from 7:00 pm until Monday, November 4 8:00 am (EDT) 

Tender opportunities

Browse the list of tender opportunities and sign up for notifications to stay up to date. To download contracting information posted on CanadaBuys and contract history: 

Notice categories:

10 of 83386
List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
Pay Equity Consultant Services 2022/09/02 2022/09/20 Marine Atlantic Inc.
BUSINESS CONSULTING SERVICES Services 2019/05/30 2019/06/13 Marine Atlantic Inc.
EVALUATION CONSULTANT FOR BOARD EVALUATIONS Services 2019/05/30 2019/06/05 Marine Atlantic Inc.
CONSULTANT EN ÉVALUATION POUR LES ÉVALUATIONS DU CONSEIL D’… Services 2019/06/11 2019/06/20 Marine Atlantic Inc.
Risk Management Specialist Services 2020/02/06 2020/02/19 Marine Atlantic Inc.
ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATIONS CONSULTANT Services 2022/10/19 2022/10/26 Marine Atlantic Inc.
PENSION AUDIT AND CONSULTING SERVICES Services 2020/09/17 2020/09/29 Marine Atlantic Inc.
Business Consultant - Stream 6 PASS Services 2019/05/01 2019/05/15 Marine Atlantic Inc.
2019/09/24 Marine Atlantic Inc.
Calgary Economic Development Ltd. - Request for Proposal - Calgary… Services 2024/09/11 2024/10/04 Calgary Economic Development Ltd.
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 94115
List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
Amend 004 - TBIPS - Workstream 1 - Makwa Resourcing Inc., TPG Technology… Services 2024/02/08
2025/07/12 Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)
Proservices SA - Makwa Resourcing Inc., TPG Technology Consulting Ltd,… Services 2024/02/13
2028/07/04 Department of Public Works and Government…
Amend 002 - Business Management Services - Makwa Resourcing Inc., TPG… Services 2024/10/16
2026/01/07 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC)
Proservices SA - PRECISIONIT INCORPORATED, IDS Systems Consultants Inc… Services 2024/01/25
2028/07/04 Department of Public Works and Government…
Amend 002 - Informatics Professional Services - Makwa Resourcing Inc.,… Services 2024/10/28
2024/10/28 Department of Transport (TC)
Proservices SA - Protak Consulting Group Inc. Services 2024/02/13
2028/07/04 Department of Public Works and Government…
2028/07/04 Department of Public Works and Government…
TSPS SA (Task Based) - Adirondack Information Management Inc., The AIM… Services 2024/10/03
2028/07/04 Department of Public Works and Government…
Proservices SA - Spearhead Management Canada Ltd. Services 2024/02/20
2028/07/04 Department of Public Works and Government…
Amend 000 - Stream 2A - Environmental Services - CLAW ENVIRONMENTAL… Services 2024/03/15
2025/03/31 Department of Public Works and Government…
50 of 427993
List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
Protak Consulting Group Inc., Soubliere Interiors Ltd., 2672486 Ontario… CW2364623 Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/06/21 CAD 0.00
Protak Consulting Group Inc., Soubliere Interiors Ltd., 2672486 Ontario… CW2364623 Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/09/21
CAD 0.00
TPG Tech Consulting Ltd,Amita Corp,DWP Sols. Inc,Komokoa Corp,Nortak… W2213-050347/034/ZM Department of National Defence 2010/09/17 CAD 0.00
Makwa Resourcing Inc., TPG Technology Consulting Ltd., in JOINT VENTURE 21120-204341/003/ZM Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) 2023/12/22
CAD 733,932.44
Smart Galley Designs Inc., GOW GROUP INC., COR Engineering Ltd., in… UT849-209633/001/SC INNOV, SCI AND ECON DEVT CAN 2020/03/03 CAD 318,606.00
PrecisionIT Incorporated, IDS Systems Consultants Inc, PrecisionERP… E60ZT-180027/124/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/01/25
CAD 0.00
Protak Consulting Group Inc. E60ZT-180027/130/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/02/13
CAD 0.00
Procom Consultants Group Ltd and StoneShare Services Inc, in Joint… W7701-145709/001/QCL Department of National Defence 2013/12/05 CAD 351,033.00
Makwa Resourcing Inc., TPG Technology Consulting Ltd., in JOINT VENTURE 21120-204341/003/ZM Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) 2024/10/16
CAD 744,941.42
Protak Consulting Group Inc. EP008-170208/001/ZQ Public Works and Government Services… 2021/06/23 CAD 4,843,179.00
Protak Consulting Group Inc. EP008-170208/001/ZQ Public Works and Government Services… 2021/03/30 CAD 4,843,179.00
Protak Consulting Group Inc. EP008-170208/001/ZQ Public Works and Government Services… 2020/10/23 CAD 4,843,179.00
Protak Consulting Group Inc. EP635-171262/001/ZQ Public Works and Government Services… 2020/02/20 CAD 1,312,213.00
Protak Consulting Group Inc. EP008-162235/001/ZQ Public Works and Government Services… 2019/06/19 CAD 212,848.00
Protak Consulting Group Inc. EP635-171262/001/ZQ Public Works and Government Services… 2018/12/17 CAD 1,312,213.00
Protak Consulting Group Inc. EP008-170208/001/ZQ Public Works and Government Services… 2018/12/13 CAD 4,843,179.00
Protak Consulting Group Inc. EP008-170208/001/ZQ Public Works and Government Services… 2018/10/03 CAD 1,301,764.00
Protak Consulting Group Inc. EP635-171262/001/ZQ Public Works and Government Services… 2018/09/12 CAD 1,312,213.00
Protak Consulting Group Inc. EP008-170208/001/ZQ Public Works and Government Services… 2017/10/12 CAD 1,261,972.00
Protak Consulting Group Inc. EP635-171262/001/ZQ Public Works and Government Services… 2017/04/11 CAD 1,312,213.00
SOMOS CONSULTING GROUP LTD, BELHAM PDS INC, CONTRACT COMMUNITY INC IN… W2213-050347/050/ZM Department of National Defence 2012/10/22 CAD 0.00
SOMOS CONSULTING GROUP LTD, BELHAM PDS INC, CONTRACT COMMUNITY INC IN… W2213-050347/050/ZM Department of National Defence 2012/02/08 CAD 0.00
SOMOS CONSULTING GROUP LTD, BELHAM PDS INC, CONTRACT COMMUNITY INC IN… W2213-050347/050/ZM Department of National Defence 2010/11/17 CAD 0.00
SOMOS CONSULTING GROUP LTD, BELHAM PDS INC, CONTRACT COMMUNITY INC IN… W2213-050347/050/ZM Department of National Defence 2010/09/02 CAD 0.00
SOMOS CONSULTING GROUP LTD, BELHAM PDS INC, CONTRACT COMMUNITY INC IN… W2213-050347/050/ZM Department of National Defence 2009/03/02 CAD 0.00
Protak Consulting Group Inc. E60ZT-18TSPS/255/ZT Public Works and Government Services… 2021/01/26 CAD 0.00
Protak Consulting Group Inc. E60ZT-18TSSO/184/ZT Public Works and Government Services… 2019/04/17 CAD 0.00
Procom Consultants Group Ltd., Cofomo Ottawa, IN JOINT VENTURE 05005-150334/008/EL Office of the Chief Electoral Officer 2020/11/18 CAD 405,686.00
Procom Consultants Group Ltd., Cofomo Ottawa, IN JOINT VENTURE 05005-150334/008/EL Office of the Chief Electoral Officer 2020/06/09 CAD 7,108,114.00
Procom Consultants Group Ltd., Cofomo Ottawa, IN JOINT VENTURE 05005-150334/008/EL Office of the Chief Electoral Officer 2016/12/12 CAD 1,270,187.00
The Devon Group Ltd. E60ZT-120001/293/ZT Public Works and Government Services… 2014/05/09 CAD 0.00
Procom Consultants Group Ltd., Cofomo Ottawa, IN JOINT VENTURE 05005-150334/008/EL Office of the Chief Electoral Officer 2022/10/13 CAD 7,108,114.00
Procom Consultants Group Ltd., Cofomo Ottawa, IN JOINT VENTURE 05005-150334/008/EL Office of the Chief Electoral Officer 2022/07/07 CAD 7,108,114.00
Procom Consultants Group Ltd., Cofomo Ottawa, IN JOINT VENTURE 05005-150334/008/EL Office of the Chief Electoral Officer 2021/11/02 CAD 1,817,410.00
Procom Consultants Group Ltd., Cofomo Ottawa, IN JOINT VENTURE 05005-150334/008/EL Office of the Chief Electoral Officer 2018/03/12 CAD 3,209,145.00
Procom Consultants Group Ltd., Cofomo Ottawa, IN JOINT VENTURE 05005-150334/008/EL Office of the Chief Electoral Officer 2017/07/06 CAD 7,108,114.00
RED FEATHER CONSULTING INC, CANADA JOB ONE INC., SPEARHEAD MANAGEMENT… EN537-05IT01/085/EI Public Works and Government Services… 2011/06/08 CAD 0.00
Protak Consulting Group Inc. E60ZT-120001/259/ZT Public Works and Government Services… 2016/12/01 CAD 0.00
Protak Consulting Group Inc. E60ZT-120001/259/ZT Public Works and Government Services… 2015/12/07 CAD 0.00
Protak Consulting Group Inc. E60ZT-120001/259/ZT Public Works and Government Services… 2015/07/29 CAD 0.00
Adirondack Information Management Inc., The AIM Group Inc. in Joint… UT849-209181/001/ZQ INNOV, SCI AND ECON DEVT CAN 2022/08/10 CAD 2,871,331.00
Adirondack Information Management Inc., The AIM Group Inc. in Joint… UT849-209181/001/ZQ INNOV, SCI AND ECON DEVT CAN 2022/03/01 CAD 2,871,331.00
Adirondack Information Management Inc., The AIM Group Inc. in Joint… UT849-209181/001/ZQ INNOV, SCI AND ECON DEVT CAN 2021/01/05 CAD 2,871,331.00
Wilcom Systems Ltd, inRound Innovations Inc. JVC EN578-172870/129/ZN Public Works and Government Services… 2023/05/02 CAD 0.00
Wilcom Systems Ltd, inRound Innovations Inc. JVC EN578-172870/129/ZN Public Works and Government Services… 2021/12/13 CAD 0.00
The Devon Group Ltd. E60ZT-120001/293/ZT Public Works and Government Services… 2015/07/27 CAD 0.00
Alivaktuk Consulting Inc., NavPoint Consulting Group Inc., in Joint… E60ZT-180026/109/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/04/29
CAD 0.00
Alivaktuk Consulting Inc., NavPoint Consulting Group Inc., in Joint… E60ZT-180026/109/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/02/06
CAD 0.00
Protak Consulting Group Inc. EN578-060502/287/ZN Public Works and Government Services… 2019/02/26 CAD 0.00
Protak Consulting Group Inc. EN578-060502/287/ZN Public Works and Government Services… 2018/09/26 CAD 0.00

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