Tender opportunities

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Notice categories:

10 of 12550
List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
Imaging System 2021/08/25
2021/09/02 Public Health Agency of Canada
Horizontal SPR Imaging System Goods 2014/02/03 2014/02/18 National Research Council Canada
Database/Variable Imaging Services 2017/11/10 2017/12/01 Public Works and Government Services…
Typhoon FLA7000 Biomolecular Imager Goods 2014/01/24 2014/02/11 Public Health Agency of Canada
2016/10/06 Royal Canadian Mounted Police
2014/02/05 Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Dental imaging scanner Goods 2018/11/26 2019/01/07 Correctional Service of Canada
01634-220767 - Imaging System 2022/07/18
2022/01/27 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Live Cell Imaging System Goods 2019/09/12
2019/10/23 Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Image Intensifier and Thermal Imager Goods 2020/07/02
2020/07/10 Department of National Defence
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 60761
List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
Imaging Equipment and Supplies: Medical, Dental, Veterinary Goods 2013/11/07 N/A Transportation Safety Board of Canada
IMAGE ANALYSIS SYSTEMS Goods 2013/11/22 N/A Transport Canada
IMAGE ANALYSIS SYSTEMS Goods 2017/10/24 N/A Public Health Agency of Canada
IMAGE ANALYSIS SYSTEMS Goods 2020/10/01 N/A Royal Canadian Mounted Police
IMAGE ANALYSIS SYSTEMS Goods 2013/02/01 N/A Public Health Agency of Canada
IMAGE ANALYSIS SYSTEMS Goods 2020/02/12 N/A Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Horizontal SPR Imaging System Goods 2014/02/27 N/A National Research Council Canada
Document Imaging Services Services 2015/07/31 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
Document Imaging Services Services 2015/07/30 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
Amend 000 ADP Software Teledyne Digital Imaging, Inc. Goods 2025/01/28
2023/03/31 Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO)
50 of 263389
List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
NORTHSTAR IMAGING INC. 4M033-130069/001/PV Transportation Safety Board of Canada 2014/04/09 CAD 604,825.00
NORTHSTAR IMAGING INC. 4M033-130069/001/PV Transportation Safety Board of Canada 2013/11/22 CAD 604,825.00
NORTHSTAR IMAGING INC. 4M033-130069/001/PV Transportation Safety Board of Canada 2013/11/06 CAD 604,825.00
NORTHSTAR IMAGING INC. W8486-123529/001/PV Department of National Defence 2012/03/09 CAD 21,400.00
NORTHSTAR IMAGING INC. W8476-112670/001/PV Department of National Defence 2011/03/24 CAD 415,685.00
NORTHSTAR IMAGING INC. W8476-112670/001/PV Department of National Defence 2010/12/09 CAD -3,500.00
NORTHSTAR IMAGING INC. W8476-112670/001/PV Department of National Defence 2010/11/04 CAD 419,185.00
Northstar Earth & Space Inc. F521A-210408/001/SV Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2022/09/06 CAD 1,700,480.00
Northstar Earth & Space Inc. F521A-210408/001/SV Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2021/07/21 CAD 1,700,480.00
NORTHSTAR AEROSPACE (CANADA) INC. 5FUSA-08B109/001/HS Canadian Commercial Corporation 2012/07/05 CAD 222,494.00
NORTHSTAR AEROSPACE (CANADA) INC. 5FUSA-08B109/001/HS Canadian Commercial Corporation 2011/09/30 CAD 222,494.00
NORTHSTAR AEROSPACE (CANADA) INC. 5FUSA-08B109/001/HS Canadian Commercial Corporation 2010/02/11 CAD -90,706.00
NORTHSTAR AEROSPACE (CANADA) INC. 5FUSA-08B109/001/HS Canadian Commercial Corporation 2010/02/04 CAD 222,494.00
NORTHSTAR AEROSPACE (CANADA) INC. 5FUSA-08B109/001/HS Canadian Commercial Corporation 2009/08/14 CAD -3,168.00
NorthStar Medical Radioisotopes, LLC 31184-104858/001/PV National Research Council Canada 2011/03/30 CAD 46,141.00
Northstar Engineered Technologies, LLC W7714-145948/001/EE Department of National Defence 2015/05/29 CAD 31,872.00
Northstar Engineered Technologies, LLC W7714-145948/001/EE Department of National Defence 2015/03/31 CAD 31,872.00
Northstar Engineered Technologies, LLC W7714-115295/001/PV Department of National Defence 2011/02/17 CAD 87,557.00
KAZAK IMAGES CONTENUS INC. / KAZAK IMAGES CONTENTS INC. 15015-180056/001/CX Governor General 2020/01/23 CAD 2,711.00
KAZAK IMAGES CONTENUS INC. / KAZAK IMAGES CONTENTS INC. 15015-180056/001/CX Governor General 2019/03/07 CAD 85,837.00
KAZAK IMAGES CONTENUS INC. / KAZAK IMAGES CONTENTS INC. 15015-180056/001/CX Governor General 2018/11/27 CAD 83,126.00
KAZAK IMAGES CONTENUS INC. / KAZAK IMAGES CONTENTS INC. 5P203-200071/001/CX Parks Canada 2020/06/01 CAD 38,849.00
KAZAK IMAGES CONTENUS INC. / KAZAK IMAGES CONTENTS INC. 5P203-170231/001/CX Parks Canada 2019/11/22 CAD 286,282.00
KAZAK IMAGES CONTENUS INC. / KAZAK IMAGES CONTENTS INC. B9614-200041/001/CX Citizenship and Immigration Canada 2019/07/05 CAD 21,451.00
KAZAK IMAGES CONTENUS INC. / KAZAK IMAGES CONTENTS INC. EN578-150098/029/CX Public Works and Government Services… 2019/06/17 CAD 0.00
KAZAK IMAGES CONTENUS INC. / KAZAK IMAGES CONTENTS INC. B8817-190180/001/CX Citizenship and Immigration Canada 2018/12/17 CAD 24,240.00
KAZAK IMAGES CONTENUS INC. / KAZAK IMAGES CONTENTS INC. EN578-150098/029/CX Public Works and Government Services… 2018/11/30 CAD 0.00
KAZAK IMAGES CONTENUS INC. / KAZAK IMAGES CONTENTS INC. 5P203-170231/001/CX Parks Canada 2018/11/06 CAD 286,282.00
KAZAK IMAGES CONTENUS INC. / KAZAK IMAGES CONTENTS INC. B8817-190180/001/CX Citizenship and Immigration Canada 2018/08/27 CAD 24,240.00
KAZAK IMAGES CONTENUS INC. / KAZAK IMAGES CONTENTS INC. 5P203-170231/001/CX Parks Canada 2018/02/27 CAD 286,282.00
KAZAK IMAGES CONTENUS INC. / KAZAK IMAGES CONTENTS INC. EN578-150098/029/CX Public Works and Government Services… 2017/12/27 CAD 0.00
KAZAK IMAGES CONTENUS INC. / KAZAK IMAGES CONTENTS INC. EN578-150098/029/CX Public Works and Government Services… 2016/12/21 CAD 0.00
EMPIX IMAGING INC 31184-129741/001/PV National Research Council Canada 2012/12/10 CAD 92,704.00
Imaging Systems Inc. G9292-177954/001/STJ Employment and Social Development Canada 2017/02/09 CAD -31,702.00
Imaging Systems Inc. G9292-177954/001/STJ Employment and Social Development Canada 2017/02/01 CAD 7,502.00
Imaging Systems Inc. G9292-177954/001/STJ Employment and Social Development Canada 2017/01/30 CAD 24,200.00
Imaging Excellence Inc KW405-060578/001/TOR Environment Canada 2009/03/31 CAD 12,163.00
SPECIALISED IMAGING LTD W7701-145797/001/PR Department of National Defence 2014/02/14 CAD 196,000.00
Image Fusion Inc. W8482-091062/001/CX Department of National Defence 2009/05/14 CAD 37,573.00
Teledyne Digital Imaging, Inc. F2934-210543/001/EE Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) 2025/01/28
CAD 26,426.00
Teledyne Digital Imaging, Inc. F2934-210543/001/EE Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) 2025/01/27
CAD 26,426.00
Voyis Imaging Inc. 31234-229163/001/XAQ National Research Council Canada 2022/06/06 CAD 41,688.00
Applied Image, Inc. 45045-200099/001/CW Statistics Canada 2021/03/19 CAD 34,000.00
AMS IMAGING INC. 19294-090124/001/CW Department of Justice Canada 2021/03/19 CAD 2,150,000.00
AMS IMAGING INC. 19294-090124/001/CW Department of Justice Canada 2020/12/04 CAD 150,000.00
AMS IMAGING INC. 19294-090124/001/CW Department of Justice Canada 2020/10/26 CAD 2,150,000.00
AMS IMAGING INC. 19294-090124/001/CW Department of Justice Canada 2020/06/24 CAD 2,150,000.00
AMS IMAGING INC. 19294-090124/001/CW Department of Justice Canada 2020/03/05 CAD 2,150,000.00
AMS IMAGING INC. 19294-090124/001/CW Department of Justice Canada 2019/12/06 CAD 2,150,000.00
AMS IMAGING INC. 19294-090124/001/CW Department of Justice Canada 2019/08/22 CAD 2,150,000.00

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