Tender opportunities

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Notice categories:

10 of 16196
List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
Aerospace Project Services 2013/12/06 2013/12/23 Department of National Defence
Canadian Forces School of Aerospace Technology and Engineering (CFSATE) Services 2019/10/25
2019/11/01 Department of National Defence
Claystone Waste Ltd. - Request for Proposal - Compactor Goods 2024/05/08 2024/05/23 Claystone Waste Ltd.
Okanagan-Columbia Pre-Viewing Ads for Planned TSL's 2023/2024 2023/11/01 2024/04/28 Okanagan-Columbia
Okanagan-Columbia Pre-Viewing Ad for Planned TSL's 2022/2023 2022/11/04 2023/04/29 Okanagan-Columbia
Aerospace Structures Engineer Services 2022/06/28 2022/07/06 Transport Canada
SD25TCG026 - Multiphase TSL Development, Tsitika Services 2024/03/14
2024/03/26 Strait of Georgia
SD25TCG030 - Multiphase TSL Development, West Coast Services 2024/05/01
2024/05/13 Strait of Georgia
SD25TCB033 - Multiphase TSL Development, Sayward Forest Services 2024/04/26
2024/05/08 Strait of Georgia
SD25TCD032 - Multiphase TSL Development - South Island Services 2024/04/15
2024/04/25 Strait of Georgia
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 34306
List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
Aerospace Project Services 2013/12/25 N/A Department of National Defence
Engineering and Technical Services - Aerospace Related, Military Services 2013/07/17 N/A Department of National Defence
Amend 001 - Strategic support services - TPG Technology Consulting Ltd. Services 2022/10/18 2025/10/31 Department of Public Works and Government…
Amend 000 - Strategic support services - TPG Technology Consulting Ltd. Services 2023/02/25
2024/10/31 Department of Public Works and Government…
Amend 003 - New RFP for PSB Resources - TPG Technology Consulting Ltd. Services 2021/05/27 2025/05/31 Department of Public Works and Government…
Amend 002 - New RFP for PSB Resources - TPG Technology Consulting Ltd. Services 2023/08/31
2024/05/31 Department of Public Works and Government…
Amend 002 - Workstream 4 - TPG Technology Consulting Ltd. Services 2024/04/16
2025/03/18 Department of Transport (TC)
Amend 003 - Workstream 1 - TPG Technology Consulting Ltd. Services 2024/04/18
2025/04/02 Department of Transport (TC)
Amend 000 - Aerospace Flight Training - ITPS (Canada) ltd. Services 2023/08/31
2023/08/31 Department of National Defence (DND)
Amd 005 - Workstream 7 - CORADIX Technology Consulting Ltd. Services 2024/04/05
2024/03/25 Department of Transport (TC)
50 of 169897
List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. 23245-120598/001/HL Natural Resources Canada 2012/04/05 CAD 54,523.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. 23245-120598/001/HL Natural Resources Canada 2012/03/01 CAD 54,523.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8486-140388/007/HL Department of National Defence 2014/06/19 CAD -99,554.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8486-140388/007/HL Department of National Defence 2014/04/11 CAD 472,327.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8486-140388/007/HL Department of National Defence 2014/04/09 CAD 571,639.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8485-141758/001/PR Department of National Defence 2013/11/08 CAD 102,360.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8485-139477/002/BY Department of National Defence 2012/10/24 CAD 310.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8482-133287/001/PV Department of National Defence 2012/10/04 CAD 240,622.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8485-139343/001/BY Department of National Defence 2012/09/07 CAD 371.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8485-138995/001/HN Department of National Defence 2012/08/15 CAD 26,046.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8485-138625/001/BY Department of National Defence 2012/06/15 CAD 754.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8485-125628/006/BY Department of National Defence 2011/10/05 CAD 822.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8485-125197/002/HN Department of National Defence 2011/08/17 CAD 84.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8485-125942/001/BY Department of National Defence 2011/07/14 CAD 20,329.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8485-114038/001/BY Department of National Defence 2011/01/10 CAD 15,897.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8485-114260/003/BY Department of National Defence 2011/01/06 CAD 3,783.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8486-109499/002/BLB Department of National Defence 2010/07/14 CAD 6,130.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. 6D063-090283/001/WPG Public Health Agency of Canada 2009/06/12 CAD 14,834.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8482-091841/001/PY Department of National Defence 2009/05/22 CAD 40,058.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8485-184741/025/CAG Department of National Defence 2021/12/15 CAD 0.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8485-163599/001/BY Department of National Defence 2017/02/22 CAD 18,867.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8485-163599/001/BY Department of National Defence 2016/04/18 CAD 217,015.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. M7594-143061/003/CAG Royal Canadian Mounted Police 2015/06/29 CAD 17,703.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8486-140388/007/HL Department of National Defence 2015/04/15 CAD 242.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8485-152439/002/HN Department of National Defence 2014/12/12 CAD 13,625.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8485-152439/002/HN Department of National Defence 2014/08/13 CAD 13,625.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8486-140388/007/HL Department of National Defence 2014/05/05 CAD 472,327.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8485-130855/001/BY Department of National Defence 2013/11/26 CAD -143,402.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8486-148864/003/HL Department of National Defence 2013/07/30 CAD 665.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8485-130855/001/BY Department of National Defence 2013/04/16 CAD 143,402.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8485-139458/001/HN Department of National Defence 2013/01/10 CAD 24,634.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8485-139279/002/BY Department of National Defence 2012/10/02 CAD 459.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8485-139049/001/BY Department of National Defence 2012/09/21 CAD 6,602.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8485-139477/002/BY Department of National Defence 2012/09/20 CAD 290.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8485-139458/001/HN Department of National Defence 2012/08/14 CAD 24,634.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8485-138482/003/BY Department of National Defence 2012/06/13 CAD -2,232.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8485-138482/003/BY Department of National Defence 2012/05/30 CAD 2,232.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8486-122528/006/HP Department of National Defence 2012/03/14 CAD 30.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8486-122528/006/HP Department of National Defence 2012/03/07 CAD 30.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8485-127563/004/BY Department of National Defence 2012/01/17 CAD 1,540.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W0138-110061/001/BAP Department of National Defence 2011/12/16 CAD 9,613.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8485-126624/001/BY Department of National Defence 2011/12/01 CAD 579.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8485-126588/001/BY Department of National Defence 2011/11/01 CAD 15,897.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W0138-110061/001/BAP Department of National Defence 2011/09/23 CAD 9,613.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8485-113796/001/HN Department of National Defence 2011/01/17 CAD 55,556.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8485-114260/005/BY Department of National Defence 2011/01/12 CAD 1,658.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8485-113990/001/BY Department of National Defence 2011/01/05 CAD 15,465.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8485-112900/001/BY Department of National Defence 2010/07/15 CAD 29,862.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8485-102329/004/BY Department of National Defence 2010/05/10 CAD 102.00
TSL Aerospace Technologies Ltd. W8485-101983/002/BY Department of National Defence 2010/04/13 CAD 45.00

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