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Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 120096
List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
PARTS KIT, BALL VALVE Goods 2025/12/12 2025/08/23 National Defence
Cyber Protection Services Services 2025/09/25 2027/03/31 Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Service Delivery and Organization Transformation and Costing Renewal Services 2025/05/30 2025/06/30 Employment and Social Development Canada…
GSIN 4820 Non-Powered Valves HFX Class Goods 2025/05/21 2025/05/21 National Defence
Oracle Unlimited Licensing Agreement (ULA) for PSPC Goods 2025/05/14 2026/05/13 Department of Public Works and Government…
Western Lands Maintenance Management Services Services 2025/04/01 2030/03/31 National Capital Commission
W8486-25YA05 SIMULATOR, PROJECTILE, GROUND BURST SC 115 Goods 2025/03/31 2026/03/31 Department of National Defence (DND)
SEAL ASSEMBLY, SHAFT, SPRING LOADED Goods 2025/03/13 2025/03/13 National Defence
Competitive Aircraft Charter Services 2025/03/10 2025/03/21 Department of Community & Government…
Competitive Aircraft Charter Services 2025/03/05 2025/03/18 Department of Community & Government…
10 of 52544
List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
Apparel Solutions CW2372097 Department of National Defence (DND) 2025/10/22 CAD 28,080.50
Waters Limited CW2374025 Department of Health (HC) 2025/09/01 CAD 264,917.68
Oracle Canada ULC CW2364345 Department of Public Works and Government… 2025/05/14 CAD 2,572,767.07
HFI Pyrotechnics Inc. CW2369492 Department of National Defence (DND) 2025/03/31 CAD 3,801,885.00
Spiria Digital Inc. 23240-220001/019/SL Department of Public Works and Government… 2025/02/12
CAD 183,960.00
Koninklijke Brill NV CW2378140 Department of National Defence (DND) 2025/02/12
CAD 10,851.92
Argus Media Inc. CW2341383 Canada Energy Regulator (CER) 2025/02/12
CAD 59,815.00
Jp2g Consultants Inc. 01965-210690/001/FE Department of Public Works and Government… 2025/02/12
CAD 6,864.07
InnovaSea Marine Systems Canada Inc. CW2382269 Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) 2025/02/12
CAD 2,630,081.00
SMRU Canada Limited CW2380253 Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) 2025/02/12
CAD 5,245.00

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