Tender opportunities

Browse the list of tender opportunities and sign up for notifications to stay up to date. To download contracting information posted on CanadaBuys and contract history: 

Notice categories:

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List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
Long term freezer storage of fish and marine mammal samples Services 2025/02/10
2025/02/10 Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Long term freezer storage of fish and marine mammal samples Services 2025/01/27
2024/11/18 Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Freezer -80 Goods 2023/08/30
2023/08/30 Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)
Acquisition of Laboratory/Pharmaceutical Stand-Up Freezers Goods 2023/12/19
2023/12/19 Public Health Agency of Canada
23126-250140 - Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers Goods 2024/09/23
2024/09/27 Department of Natural Resources (NRCan)
Red Deer Polytechnic - Advanced Contract Award Notice / Notice of… Services 2024/10/18 2026/08/31 Red Deer Polytechnic
Arts, Culture and Status of Women - Request for Quotes - Worktop Freezer… Goods 2024/11/18 2024/11/29 Arts, Culture and Status of Women
Chinook's Edge School Division - Request for Proposal - Penhold… Goods 2024/11/28
2024/12/02 Chinook's Edge School Division
Health - Request for Quotes - Midrange Freezer Storage Goods 2024/12/17
2024/12/20 Health
Health - Request for Expression of Interest - Vaccine Distritution to… Services 2024/08/21
2024/09/13 Health
Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction - Request for Quotes - Ultra Low… Goods 2025/01/07
2025/01/08 Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction
Displaying 1 - 3 of
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List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
Ultra Cold Freezers Goods 2023/05/17
2023/05/31 Department of the Environment (ECCC )
23126-250140 - Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers Goods 2024/11/05
2025/05/31 Department of Natural Resources (NRCan)
Acquisition of Laboratory/Pharmaceutical Stand-Up Freezers Goods 2024/03/31
2024/03/31 Public Health Agency of Canada
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List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
Esbe Scientific Industries Inc CW2242856 Department of the Environment (ECCC ) 2023/05/17
CAD 46,940.88
Esbe Scientific Industries Inc CW2242856 Department of the Environment (ECCC ) 2022/11/10 CAD 46,940.88
Esbe Scientific Industries Inc CW2242856 Department of the Environment (ECCC ) 2023/04/04
CAD 46,940.88
VWR International CO. CW2371947 Department of Natural Resources (NRCan) 2024/11/05
CAD 57,605.87
VWR International CO. CW2371947 Department of Natural Resources (NRCan) 2024/11/01
CAD 57,106.81
VWR International CO. CW2371947 Department of Natural Resources (NRCan) 2024/10/24 CAD 57,106.81

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