Tender opportunities

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Notice categories:

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List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
W2037-240058 Switchboard Troubleshooting Simulator Goods 2024/10/30
2024/11/07 Department of National Defence (DND)
5P123-230124 - Rolls AGM VRLA Solar Batteries Goods 2024/02/15
2024/03/01 Parks Canada Agency (PC)
F7049-210314 - Sir Wilfrid Laurier - Power Cable Procurement Goods 2022/04/25
2022/04/28 Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO)
Tactical Power System (TPS) Goods 2024/12/02 2025/06/30 Department of National Defence (DND)
City of Beaumont - Invitation to Bid - Main Pumphouse Upgrades 2024 Construction 2024/08/23
2024/08/29 City of Beaumont
Municipal District of Bonnyville No. 87 - Request for Proposal - 2024… Services 2024/07/09
2024/06/27 Municipal District of Bonnyville No. 87
W3555-234818_B - DC Power Supply Goods 2022/11/15
2022/11/30 Department of National Defence (DND)
W3555-234818C - DC Power Supply Goods 2023/07/10
2023/07/11 Department of National Defence (DND)
W3555-234818 - DC Power Supply Goods 2022/10/05
2022/11/15 Department of National Defence (DND)
University of Calgary - Advanced Contract Award Notice / Notice of… Goods 2024/11/28 2024/12/05 University of Calgary
City of St. Albert - Request for Proposal - Construction - Oakmont… Construction 2024/10/07 2024/11/08 City of St. Albert
City of Calgary - Notice of Intent - NOI 24-082 Pre-purchase of Two (2)… Goods 2024/10/03 2024/10/17 City of Calgary
Forestry and Parks - Request for Quotes - Components for a Replacement… Goods 2024/10/08
2024/08/16 Forestry and Parks
Town of Peace River - Request for Proposal - Physical Supply - Natural… Services 2024/11/08 2024/11/22 Town of Peace River
Town of Strathmore - Request for Proposal - Strathmore Wildflower Pump… Goods 2024/10/24
2024/11/15 Town of Strathmore
University of Alberta - Request for Proposal - Arbitrary Waveform… Goods 2024/07/02 2024/07/16 University of Alberta
Bow Valley College - Request for Proposal - Power Purchase Agreement Services 2024/11/22 2024/12/13 Bow Valley College
Infrastructure - Request for Qualification - REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATION (… Construction 2024/09/04
2024/09/10 Infrastructure
Lacombe County - Request for Proposal - Provision of Solar Array… Construction 2024/11/15 2024/12/20 Lacombe County
Infrastructure - Invitation to Bid - Devon- Research Centre Analytical… Construction 2024/10/29
2024/10/01 Infrastructure
Infrastructure - Request for Quotes - Edmonton, Government Centre, Power… Construction 2024/06/17
2024/06/27 Infrastructure
Infrastructure - Invitation to Bid - VEGREVILLE PROVINCIAL BUILDING… Construction 2024/12/03
2025/01/09 Infrastructure
Town of Banff - Invitation to Bid - 2501 - Town of Banff WWTP Switchgear… Services 2024/11/29
2025/01/17 Town of Banff
Edmonton Catholic Separate School Division - Request for Proposal -… Services 2024/11/04
2024/11/07 Edmonton Catholic Separate School Division
Health - Request for Expression of Interest - Vaccine Distritution to… Services 2024/08/21
2024/09/13 Health
Supply & Deliver One (1) Dehumidifier - Kin 1 Arena 2023/06/19 2023/06/26 City of Prince George
Soil Sampling, Testing, and Reporting SO, CFB Greenwood, NS Services 2022/05/19 2022/06/03 Defence Construction Canada
Roof Construction Supervision and Inspection Services Services 2024/08/14
2024/08/14 Defence Construction Canada /…
Creek Hatchery Ground Water Wells Construction 2017/07/06
2017/07/07 Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Archaeological superv. & excavation Services 2018/02/16
2018/02/27 Public Works and Government Services…
CSC-DR&CO Dairy products Goods 2013/05/30
2013/01/15 Correctional Service of Canada
Voter Information Card (VIC) Printing Services Services 2014/12/24
2015/01/08 Elections Canada
Animal Studies to Support the Interpretation of Biomonitoring Data for… Services 2016/04/26 2016/05/10 Health Canada
Animal Studies to Support the Interpretation of Biomonitoring Data for… Services 2015/11/17 2015/12/01 Health Canada
Firearm Range Services Services 2020/12/23 2021/01/06 Correctional Service of Canada
SaaS Business to Business Marketplace for Food and Hospitality Goods 2021/01/28 2021/02/12 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Displaying 1 - 7 of
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List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
5P123-230124 - Rolls AGM VRLA Solar Batteries Goods 2024/03/04 2024/04/30 Parks Canada Agency (PC)
Power Supply Goods 2023/10/31
2023/10/31 Department of National Defence (DND)
F7049-210314 - Sir Wilfrid Laurier - Power Cable Procurement Goods 2023/08/01
2023/08/01 Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO)
W3555-234818 - DC Power Supplies Goods 2024/03/13
2025/12/12 Department of National Defence (DND)
6D063-224411 - Reagents and Chemicals for Genomic Sequencing Goods 2024/03/14
2025/03/31 Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)
Passenger Motor Vehicles Goods 2021/09/14 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
Firearm Range Services Services 2021/01/07 N/A Correctional Service of Canada
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List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
TESTFORCE SYSTEMS CW2247088 Department of National Defence (DND) 2023/09/08
CAD 93,226.09
Seacoast a division of Genuine Cable Group Canada, Inc. CW2231911 Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) 2023/06/30
CAD 148,438.50
Seacoast a division of Genuine Cable Group Canada, Inc. CW2231911 Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) 2023/06/30
CAD 148,438.50
Seacoast a division of Genuine Cable Group Canada, Inc. CW2231911 Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) 2023/06/29
CAD 148,438.50
Seacoast a division of Genuine Cable Group Canada, Inc. CW2231911 Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) 2023/05/25
CAD 148,438.50
Seacoast a division of Genuine Cable Group Canada, Inc. CW2231911 Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) 2022/12/01
CAD 148,438.50
Seacoast a division of Genuine Cable Group Canada, Inc. CW2231911 Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) 2022/10/17
CAD 148,438.50
Seacoast a division of Genuine Cable Group Canada, Inc. CW2231911 Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) 2022/09/06
CAD 148,438.50
Solar Winds Energy Inc CW2350085 Parks Canada Agency (PC) 2024/03/04 CAD 36,376.80
TESTFORCE SYSTEMS CW2247088 Department of National Defence (DND) 2023/10/31
CAD 93,226.09

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