Tender opportunities

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Notice categories:

10 of 62418
List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
Environmental Audit of Airport and Port Sites - Quebec Region Services 2015/05/28
2015/05/29 Transport Canada
Nord-du-Québec / Abitibi-Témiscamingue - Transport par autobus pour les… Services related to goods 2023/09/20 2023/10/16 Hydro-Québec.
Media monitoring services including production and delivery of a daily… Services 2015/03/09
2015/03/10 Economic Development Agency of Canada for…
Crane Rental and Operation Services – Quebec Waterways Construction 2022/09/21 2022/10/06 Parks Canada
Québec Citadel Snow Removal Work Services 2023/09/22
2023/09/22 Construction de Défense Canada - Région…
Coaching related to the development and implementation of mechanisms for… Services 2015/05/21
2015/06/02 Economic Development Agency of Canada for…
Services for Quebec Judicial Court Reporters - Quebec Region Services 2014/11/04
2014/11/13 Department of Justice Canada
2014/10/29 Department of Justice Canada
RFSO – Landscape Architecture – National Parks and Historic Sites in the… Services 2016/06/01
2016/06/07 Parks Canada
Gardiennage au 2700, rue Einstein, Québec (Québec) G1P 3W8 Services 2023/06/28
2023/05/11 SQI-Direction immobilière Sud de Québec
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 90117
List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
Communications Network Software (R&D) Services 2017/02/01 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
Product/Material - Design, Development, Formulation, Modification:… Services 2022/01/14
N/A Public Works and Government Services…
Communications Network Software (R&D) Services 2018/12/19 N/A Department of National Defence
Communications Network Software (R&D) Services 2018/07/27 N/A Department of National Defence
Social Media Monitoring Services 2016/02/02 N/A Health Canada
Product/Material - Design, Development, Formulation, Modification:… Services 2019/09/27 N/A Department of National Defence
Product/Material - Design, Development, Formulation, Modification:… Services 2018/10/30 N/A Department of National Defence
Social Media Monitoring Services 2016/02/10 N/A Department of National Defence
Social Media Monitoring Services 2015/11/09 N/A Department of National Defence
Social Media Monitoring Services 2015/10/20 N/A Natural Resources Canada
50 of 362049
List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
9172-8766 Québec inc. W7701-197078/001/SC Department of National Defence 2018/12/19 CAD 486,650.00
9172-8766 Québec inc. EN578-141760/018/CY Public Works and Government Services… 2021/01/27 CAD 0.00
9172-8766 Québec inc. EN578-141760/018/CY Public Works and Government Services… 2019/01/29 CAD 0.00
9172-8766 Québec inc. EN578-141760/018/CY Public Works and Government Services… 2015/08/28 CAD 0.00
9172-8766 Québec inc. EN578-141760/018/CY Public Works and Government Services… 2019/12/10 CAD 0.00
9172-8766 Québec inc. EN579-172350/001/SC Public Works and Government Services… 2018/03/15 CAD 607,238.00
9172-8766 Québec inc. EN579-172350/001/SC Public Works and Government Services… 2017/06/28 CAD 607,238.00
9172-8766 Québec inc. EN579-172350/001/SC Public Works and Government Services… 2017/02/03 CAD 607,238.00
9172-8766 Québec inc. EN579-172350/001/SC Public Works and Government Services… 2017/02/01 CAD 604,507.00
9172-8766 Québec inc. EN578-141760/018/CY Public Works and Government Services… 2017/05/15 CAD 0.00
9172-8766 Québec inc. W7714-207221/001/SV1 Department of National Defence 2020/05/06 CAD 945,300.00
9172-8766 Québec inc. H4092-151961/001/CY Health Canada 2019/01/15 CAD 34,578.00
9172-8766 Québec inc. W8484-168492/001/CY Department of National Defence 2018/03/22 CAD 708,510.00
9172-8766 Québec inc. H4092-151961/001/CY Health Canada 2018/01/31 CAD 40,228.00
9172-8766 Québec inc. W8484-168492/001/CY Department of National Defence 2017/03/10 CAD 559,350.00
9172-8766 Québec inc. W8484-168492/001/CY Department of National Defence 2017/02/09 CAD 74,297.00
9172-8766 Québec inc. H4092-151961/001/CY Health Canada 2017/01/05 CAD 165,206.00
9172-8766 Québec inc. 23528-150549/001/CY Natural Resources Canada 2016/09/29 CAD 77,563.00
9172-8766 Québec inc. 23528-150549/001/CY Natural Resources Canada 2016/09/28 CAD 20,611.00
9172-8766 Québec inc. W8484-151004/001/CY Department of National Defence 2016/04/07 CAD 25,696.00
9172-8766 Québec inc. H4092-151961/001/CY Health Canada 2016/02/02 CAD 90,400.00
9172-8766 Québec inc. 23528-150549/001/CY Natural Resources Canada 2015/11/06 CAD 22,193.00
9172-8766 Québec inc. W7714-207221/001/SV1 Department of National Defence 2019/09/27 CAD 945,300.00
9172-8766 Québec inc. W8484-189205/001/SC Department of National Defence 2019/02/08 CAD -282,335.00
9172-8766 Québec inc. W8484-189205/001/SC Department of National Defence 2018/07/27 CAD 490,752.00
9172-8766 Québec inc. W8484-168492/001/CY Department of National Defence 2017/08/31 CAD 141,250.00
9172-8766 Québec inc. 23528-150549/001/CY Natural Resources Canada 2017/01/16 CAD 77,563.00
9172-8766 Québec inc. W8484-168492/001/CY Department of National Defence 2016/12/29 CAD 108,783.00
9172-8766 Québec inc. H4092-151961/001/CY Health Canada 2016/08/17 CAD 165,206.00
9172-8766 Québec inc. 23528-150549/001/CY Natural Resources Canada 2016/02/26 CAD 77,563.00
9172-8766 Québec inc. W8484-168492/001/CY Department of National Defence 2016/02/10 CAD 367,250.00
9172-8766 Québec inc. W8484-151004/001/CY Department of National Defence 2015/11/09 CAD 25,696.00
9172-8766 Québec inc. 23528-150549/001/CY Natural Resources Canada 2015/10/20 CAD 34,759.00
9172-8766 Québec inc. W8484-168492/001/CY Department of National Defence 2019/04/12 CAD 88,710.00
9172-8766 Québec inc. W8484-168492/001/CY Department of National Defence 2019/03/27 CAD 2,613,150.00
9172-8766 Québec inc. W7714-196908/001/SV Department of National Defence 2018/10/30 CAD 199,500.00
9172-8766 Québec inc. W8484-168492/001/CY Department of National Defence 2018/01/17 CAD 226,000.00
9172-8766 Québec inc. EN579-172350/001/SC 2017/11/29 CAD 2,731.00
9172-8766 Québec inc. W8484-168492/001/CY Department of National Defence 2017/01/23 CAD 339,000.00
9172-8766 Québec inc. H4092-151961/001/CY Health Canada 2016/02/17 CAD 165,206.00
9172-8766 Québec inc. W8484-158367/001/CY Department of National Defence 2015/03/24 CAD 395,500.00
GFS QUEBEC INC. / GFS QUEBEC INC. 21321-147566/002/MTR Correctional Service of Canada 2014/08/01 CAD 16,500.00
GFS QUEBEC INC. / GFS QUEBEC INC. 21321-147566/001/MTR Correctional Service of Canada 2014/01/29 CAD 16,500.00
GFS QUEBEC INC. / GFS QUEBEC INC. 21368-144759/003/QCR Correctional Service of Canada 2013/12/20 CAD 3,125.00
GFS QUEBEC INC. / GFS QUEBEC INC. 21368-148720/001/MTR Correctional Service of Canada 2013/09/26 CAD 12,500.00
GFS QUEBEC INC. / GFS QUEBEC INC. 21321-133027/004/QCR Correctional Service of Canada 2013/08/22 CAD 3,750.00
GFS QUEBEC INC. / GFS QUEBEC INC. 21321-131623/003/QCR Correctional Service of Canada 2013/05/23 CAD 9,500.00
GFS QUEBEC INC. / GFS QUEBEC INC. 21321-133027/002/QCR Correctional Service of Canada 2013/02/21 CAD 3,750.00
GFS QUEBEC INC. / GFS QUEBEC INC. 21321-128119/002/QCR Correctional Service of Canada 2012/09/19 CAD 15,000.00
GFS QUEBEC INC. / GFS QUEBEC INC. 21321-126824/004/QCR Correctional Service of Canada 2012/08/23 CAD 6,500.00

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