SAP Ariba system maintenance

SAP Ariba will be unavailable for scheduled maintenance at the times listed below. We apologize for any inconvenience.

  • Saturday, October 5 from 8:00 pm until October 6 12:00am (EDT) 

Tender opportunities

Browse the list of tender opportunities and sign up for notifications to stay up to date. To download contracting information posted on CanadaBuys and contract history: 

Notice categories:

10 of 31299
List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
Council Agenda Management System 2023/09/07 2023/10/12 City of Delta
Council Agenda Management System 2023/10/04
2023/10/12 City of Delta
RFP 23-052 Council Agenda Management Systems 2023/05/18 2023/06/15 Corporation of the District of Saanich
Town of Whitecourt - Invitation to Bid - Town of Whitecourt Agenda and… Services 2024/06/07 2024/07/02 Town of Whitecourt
E-Agenda Solution Goods 2023/04/27 2023/05/18 Halifax Regional Municipality
Accessibility Management Software Goods 2023/10/06 2023/11/10 Interuniversity Services Incorporated (…
RFP- Travel Management Services Services 2023/04/20 2023/05/18 Interuniversity Services Incorporated (…
Supply and Delivery of Student Agendas- Standing Offer Services, Goods 2024/05/13
2024/05/13 NLSchools
Digital Event Poster, agenda, and conference booklet 2022/08/11 2022/08/24 Policing and Security Branch
Optimizing NRC’s Contributions to Canada’s National Research and… Services 2016/12/09 2016/12/23 National Research Council Canada
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 11704
List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
ProServices SA – Fairgale Management Consulting Incorporated Services 2024/02/22
2028/07/04 Department of Public Works and Government…
EVENTS MANAGEMENT SERVICES Services 2012/12/21 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
EVENT MANAGEMENT SERVICES Services 2014/01/23 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
Events Planning and Management-CFC Services 2013/11/05 N/A Department of National Defence
Amend 000 - Communication Marketing Management - Stiff Sentences… Services 2024/03/19
2025/03/31 Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and…
Proservices SA - Industrial Economics, Incorporated Services 2024/02/22
2100/01/01 Department of Public Works and Government…
TSPS SA (Task Based) - GCSTRATEGIES INCORPORATED Services 2024/03/18
2028/07/04 Department of Public Works and Government…
Amend 004 - Communication Marketing Management - Stiff Sentences… Services 2023/12/31
2023/12/31 Department of Public Works and Government…
Proservices SA - GCSTRATEGIES INCORPORATED Services 2024/08/30
2028/07/04 Department of Public Works and Government…
ProServices SA - BURNTEDGE INCORPORATED Services 2024/02/13
2028/07/04 Department of Public Works and Government…
50 of 30821
List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
AGENDA MANAGERS INCORPORATED EN578-133309/002/CX Public Works and Government Services… 2014/01/30 CAD 0.00
AGENDA MANAGERS INCORPORATED W8160-130009/002/CX Department of National Defence 2013/11/13 CAD 3,553,314.00
AGENDA MANAGERS INCORPORATED W8160-130009/002/CX Department of National Defence 2013/11/04 CAD -3,378,757.00
AGENDA MANAGERS INCORPORATED EN578-133309/002/CX Public Works and Government Services… 2017/07/11 CAD 0.00
AGENDA MANAGERS INCORPORATED EN578-133309/002/CX Public Works and Government Services… 2016/07/26 CAD 0.00
AGENDA MANAGERS INCORPORATED W8160-130009/002/CX Department of National Defence 2015/10/26 CAD 3,553,314.00
AGENDA MANAGERS INCORPORATED EN578-133309/002/CX Public Works and Government Services… 2015/07/30 CAD 0.00
AGENDA MANAGERS INCORPORATED W8160-130009/002/CX Department of National Defence 2014/11/12 CAD 3,553,314.00
AGENDA MANAGERS INCORPORATED W8160-130009/002/CX Department of National Defence 2014/10/24 CAD 1,863,964.00
AGENDA MANAGERS INCORPORATED W8160-130009/002/CX Department of National Defence 2013/11/04 CAD 5,068,107.00
Fairgale Management Consulting Incorporated CW2331839 Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/02/22
CAD 0.00
Fairgale Management Consulting Incorporated CW2331839 Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/05/08
CAD 0.00
Fairgale Management Consulting Incorporated CW2331839 Department of Public Works and Government… 2023/09/27 CAD 0.00
GENERIC PSPC-MANAGE SUPPLIER ACCOUNT 08023-200380/001/CX Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and… 2024/03/19
CAD 203,400.00
Industrial Economics, Incorporated E60ZT-180029/189/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/02/22
CAD 0.00
GCSTRATEGIES INCORPORATED E60ZT-18TSPS/374/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/03/18
CAD 0.00
GCSTRATEGIES INCORPORATED E60ZT-18TSPS/374/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/03/18
CAD 0.00
Stiff Sentences Inc. EN578-190375/010/CX Department of Public Works and Government… 2023/12/31
CAD 0.00
Stiff Sentences Inc. EN578-190375/010/CX Department of Public Works and Government… 2023/07/18
CAD 0.00
Stiff Sentences Inc. EN578-190375/010/CX Department of Public Works and Government… 2023/03/29
CAD 0.00
GCSTRATEGIES INCORPORATED E60ZT-180028/099/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/08/30
CAD 0.00
GCSTRATEGIES INCORPORATED E60ZT-180028/099/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/02/19
CAD 0.00
HUMANSYSTEMS INCORPORATED E60ZT-180029/145/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2023/10/12
CAD 0.00
ThoughtStorm Incorporated CW2372268 Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/09/23 CAD 0.00
KNOWLEDGENOW INCORPORATED CW2364609 Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/09/21
CAD 0.00
GCSTRATEGIES INCORPORATED E60ZT-180028/099/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/08/30
CAD 0.00
KNOWLEDGENOW INCORPORATED CW2364609 Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/06/21 CAD 0.00
GCSTRATEGIES INCORPORATED E60ZT-180028/099/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/03/18
CAD 0.00
GCSTRATEGIES INCORPORATED E60ZT-180028/099/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/03/18
CAD 0.00
BurntEdge Incorporated E60ZT-180027/060/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/02/13
CAD 0.00
NRNS Incorporated E60ZT-180026/157/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/02/06
CAD 0.00
Llednar Incorporated E60ZT-180027/328/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2021/06/22 CAD 0.00
HUMANSYSTEMS INCORPORATED E60ZT-18TSPS/465/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2021/10/14 CAD 0.00
GENERIC PSPC-MANAGE SUPPLIER ACCOUNT E60ZT-180026/025/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2023/10/24
CAD 0.00
GENERIC PSPC-MANAGE SUPPLIER ACCOUNT E60ZT-180026/025/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/01/10
CAD 0.00
GENERIC PSPC-MANAGE SUPPLIER ACCOUNT E60ZT-180026/025/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2023/10/28
CAD 0.00
GENERIC PSPC-MANAGE SUPPLIER ACCOUNT E60ZT-180026/025/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2023/08/17
CAD 0.00
GENERIC PSPC-MANAGE SUPPLIER ACCOUNT E60ZT-180026/025/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2023/08/15
CAD 0.00
QMR Staffing Solutions Incorporated E60ZT-18TSPS/259/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/01/27
CAD 0.00
PrecisionIT Incorporated, IDS Systems Consultants Inc, PrecisionERP… E60ZT-180027/124/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/01/25
CAD 0.00
Jumping Elephants Incorporated E60ZT-180026/146/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/02/08
CAD 0.00
Star-Ting Incorporated E60ZT-180025/304/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/02/06
CAD 0.00
DPRA Canada Incorporated E60ZT-180026/221/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/01/10
CAD 0.00
KPPS Consulting Incorporated E60ZT-180028/378/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2023/03/16 CAD 0.00
Broadbase Metrics Incorporated CW2364263 Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/09/21
CAD 0.00
Broadbase Metrics Incorporated CW2364263 Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/06/21 CAD 0.00
xquisit communications incorporated E60ZT-180026/099/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/02/08
CAD 0.00
Jumping Elephants Incorporated E60ZT-180026/146/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/01/24
CAD 0.00
Colligo Consulting Incorporated E60ZT-180025/105/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/01/12
CAD 0.00
DPRA Canada Incorporated E60ZT-180026/221/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2023/10/28
CAD 0.00

Useful links


Contact us directly, or find your answers using resource guides.

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