Tender opportunities

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Notice categories:

10 of 30098
List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
General Contractor (GC) for AMS NEST Cooling Upgrades 2023/05/03
2023/05/10 University of British Columbia
Office of the Secretary to the Governor General - Task-Based Informatics… Services 2014/11/26
2014/12/15 Governor General
Civida - Pre-qualification Request - Refresh No. 1 for 23P-RPQ-AM-… Services 2024/08/21
2024/08/28 Civida
AMS (application management service) Services 2023/03/29
2023/03/29 University of Ottawa
AMS (Internal Audit) Solution Services, Goods 2023/06/06
2023/06/06 Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (…
Repair of 3 AMS' Bender Machine Goods 2020/01/15 2020/01/30 Department of National Defence
General Contracting Services 2023/07/14
2023/07/14 Guelph General Hospital
SAP Hosting and AMS Partner Services 2023/05/01 2023/05/24 Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation
VHF/UHF AM/FM Radios Goods 2017/08/10
2017/08/23 Department of National Defence
VHF/UHF AM/FM Radios Goods 2017/04/07
2017/04/12 Department of National Defence
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 8561
List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
Amend 009 - HMMW - AM General LLC Goods 2024/07/02
2025/06/30 Department of National Defence (DND)
VHF/UHF,AM/FM Tranceivers Goods 2019/11/22 N/A Department of National Defence
ProQuest LLC Goods 2024/03/01
2024/02/29 Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)
General Contractor Prequalification Services 2024/01/12 N/A Gov of PEI - Health and Wellness
General Contractor Prequalification Services 2024/01/12 N/A Gov of PEI - Health and Wellness
General Contractor Prequalification Services 2024/01/12 N/A Gov of PEI - Health and Wellness
General Contractor Prequalification Services 2024/01/12 N/A Gov of PEI - Health and Wellness
AMS (Internal Audit) Solution Services, Goods 2024/02/16 2034/02/15 Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (…
Repair of 3 AMS' Bender Machine Goods 2020/02/06 N/A Department of National Defence
45045-240018 - AirDNA LLC Data Subscription Goods 2024/10/01 2027/09/30 Statistics Canada (StatCan)
50 of 28056
List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
AM General W6399-20J421/001/KIN Department of National Defence (DND) 2024/07/02
CAD 0.00
AM General W6399-20J421/001/KIN Department of National Defence (DND) 2024/06/30
CAD 0.00
AM General W6399-20J421/001/KIN Department of Public Works and Government… 2023/06/30
CAD 0.00
AM General W6399-20J421/001/KIN Department of National Defence (DND) 2023/06/30
CAD 0.00
AM General W6399-20J421/001/KIN Department of Public Works and Government… 2020/09/17 CAD 0.00
AM General W6399-20J421/001/KIN Department of National Defence (DND) 2024/06/20
CAD 0.00
AM General LLC W6399-20J421/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2022/11/14 CAD 2,705,626.00
AM General LLC W6399-20J421/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2022/06/26 CAD 2,705,626.00
AM General LLC W6399-20J421/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2021/07/15 CAD 2,705,626.00
AM General LLC W6399-20J421/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2021/03/02 CAD 2,705,626.00
AM General LLC W6399-20J421/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2021/01/21 CAD 2,705,626.00
AM General LLC W6399-20J421/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2020/11/17 CAD 2,705,626.00
AM General LLC W6399-20J421/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2020/09/23 CAD 2,705,626.00
AM General LLC W6399-20J421/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2020/09/23 CAD 2,705,626.00
AM General LLC W6399-20J421/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2020/09/17 CAD 2,705,626.00
AM General LLC W6399-20J421/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2022/10/14 CAD 2,705,626.00
AM General LLC W6399-20J421/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2021/10/07 CAD 2,705,626.00
A&M Fabrication Inc. EC015-122185/001/PWB Public Works and Government Services… 2012/02/01 CAD 102,727.00
A&M GERMANY 31184-109999/001/PV National Research Council Canada 2010/10/12 CAD 60,000.00
AMS IMAGING INC. 19294-090124/001/CW Department of Justice Canada 2019/12/06 CAD 2,150,000.00
AMS IMAGING INC. 19294-090124/001/CW Department of Justice Canada 2019/03/11 CAD 2,150,000.00
AMS IMAGING INC. 19294-090124/001/CW Department of Justice Canada 2017/03/01 CAD 300,000.00
AMS IMAGING INC. 19294-090124/001/CW Department of Justice Canada 2013/08/01 CAD 361,000.00
AMS IMAGING INC. 19294-090124/001/CW Department of Justice Canada 2013/04/22 CAD 339,000.00
AMS IMAGING INC. 19217-110091/001/ZM Department of Justice Canada 2011/10/28 CAD 442,691.00
AMS IMAGING INC. 19217-110084/001/ZM Department of Justice Canada 2011/09/08 CAD 206,289.00
AMS IMAGING INC. 19294-090124/001/CW Department of Justice Canada 2021/03/19 CAD 2,150,000.00
AMS IMAGING INC. 19294-090124/001/CW Department of Justice Canada 2020/12/04 CAD 150,000.00
AMS IMAGING INC. 19294-090124/001/CW Department of Justice Canada 2020/10/26 CAD 2,150,000.00
AMS IMAGING INC. 19294-090124/001/CW Department of Justice Canada 2020/06/24 CAD 2,150,000.00
AMS IMAGING INC. 19294-090124/001/CW Department of Justice Canada 2020/03/05 CAD 2,150,000.00
AMS IMAGING INC. 19294-090124/001/CW Department of Justice Canada 2019/08/22 CAD 2,150,000.00
AMS IMAGING INC. 19294-090124/001/CW Department of Justice Canada 2018/09/28 CAD 2,150,000.00
AMS IMAGING INC. 19294-090124/001/CW Department of Justice Canada 2018/01/17 CAD 300,000.00
AMS IMAGING INC. 19294-090124/001/CW Department of Justice Canada 2016/09/23 CAD 2,150,000.00
AMS IMAGING INC. 19294-090124/001/CW Department of Justice Canada 2015/09/11 CAD 2,150,000.00
AMS IMAGING INC. 19294-090124/001/CW Department of Justice Canada 2014/09/19 CAD 700,000.00
AMS IMAGING INC. 19217-110081/001/ZM Department of Justice Canada 2011/08/30 CAD 332,723.00
AMS IMAGING INC. 19217-070049/001/CW Department of Justice Canada 2010/03/26 CAD 15,447,000.00
AMS IMAGING INC. 19217-070049/001/CW Department of Justice Canada 2010/03/24 CAD 15,447,000.00
AMS IMAGING INC. 19217-070049/001/CW Department of Justice Canada 2009/03/31 CAD 15,447,000.00
AMS IMAGING INC. EN929-142184/004/XS Public Works and Government Services… 2017/12/07 CAD 21,150.00
AMS IMAGING INC. EN929-142184/002/XS Public Works and Government Services… 2017/04/04 CAD 11,203.00
AMS IMAGING INC. B8291-100540/001/ZM Citizenship and Immigration Canada 2012/03/06 CAD 124,300.00
AMS IMAGING INC. B8291-100540/001/ZM Citizenship and Immigration Canada 2012/01/18 CAD 62,150.00
AM-MAC INCORPORATED W8482-104212/001/PY Department of National Defence 2010/03/16 CAD 22,400.00
AMS IMAGING INC. EN929-142184/004/XS Public Works and Government Services… 2018/01/02 CAD 29,390.00
AMS IMAGING INC. EN929-142184/002/XS Public Works and Government Services… 2017/02/14 CAD 27,916.00
AMS IMAGING INC. EN929-142184/002/XS Public Works and Government Services… 2017/01/26 CAD 3,539.00
AMS IMAGING INC. EN929-142184/002/XS Public Works and Government Services… 2016/11/28 CAD 18,476.00

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