Tender opportunities

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Notice categories:

10 of 53
List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
2023/12/26 National Research Council Canada
ATLAS, Dynamics AX Excel Add-in, License Purchase and Support Services related to goods, Goods 2018/01/23
2018/02/05 National Capital Commission
Environmental scan and business analysis for the renewal of The Atlas of… Services 2020/01/24 2020/02/07 Natural Resources Canada
Appels d'offres de services professionnels - Atlas des paysages Services related to goods 2024/04/05 2024/05/15 MRC de L'Assomption
22101-P-380 Excavation des sols et matières résiduelles non conformes à… Services 2023/04/04
2023/04/04 Ministère de l'Environnement et de…
Slave Craton Interpretive Bedrock compilation Goods 2018/09/18 2018/10/02 Natural Resources Canada
Current and Long-term Analysis of the Precious Metals Markets (Gold,… Services 2023/10/25
2023/10/25 Natural Resources Canada
REPAIR KIT,TERMINAT Goods 2019/05/02
2019/05/27 Department of National Defence
NSN: 6110-12-1908563 Pitch Setter Goods 2024/02/29
2024/02/29 Department of National Defence
NSN: 6110-12-1908563 Pitch Setter Goods 2023/06/29
2023/06/23 Department of National Defence
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 65
List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
Maps, Atlases, Charts and Globes Goods 2013/10/08 N/A Transport Canada
Global Trade Atlas Goods 2023/04/14 2024/03/31 Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and…
PR4701-31184-230504 Atlas Abatement System Goods 2024/07/04
2024/07/04 National Research Council of Canada (NRC)
Amend 007 - E60PV-18MS00-005-PV Medical - ATLAS MEDIC INC Goods 2024/03/20
2025/03/31 Department of Public Works and Government…
Environmental scan and business analysis for the renewal of The Atlas of… Services 2020/02/26 N/A Natural Resources Canada
Amend 002 - ATLAS Micro X-Ray Fluorescence - IXRF Systems Inc Goods 2024/10/25
2030/03/31 Department of Public Works and Government…
Informatics Professional and Consulting Services, Software Development… Services 2015/12/21 N/A Department of National Defence
ADP Software Maintenance - Other than Microcomputer Services related to goods 2015/03/12 N/A Department of National Defence
ADP Software Maintenance - Other than Microcomputer Services related to goods 2012/04/19 N/A Department of National Defence
ADP Software Goods 2020/07/22 N/A Department of National Defence
50 of 297
List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK W8482-099644/001/GRK Department of National Defence 2009/02/03 CAD 95,414.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK W8482-128703/004/GRK Department of National Defence 2012/03/09 CAD 109,449.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK W8482-117395/001/GRK Department of National Defence 2011/04/13 CAD 49,845.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK W8482-090717/001/GRK Department of National Defence 2009/06/26 CAD 839,769.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK W8472-085124/001/QF Department of National Defence 2009/01/30 CAD 2,938,721.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK W8472-085124/001/QF Department of National Defence 2009/01/30 CAD 2,938,721.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK W3078-12F074/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2014/01/08 CAD 36,071.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK W3078-12F074/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2012/01/24 CAD 105,091.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK W3078-11F075/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2011/03/25 CAD 33,000.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK W3078-12F074/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2013/01/09 CAD 35,020.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK W3078-12F074/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2012/01/23 CAD 34,000.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK W010X-12M097/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2011/10/26 CAD 29,000.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK W3078-11F075/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2011/02/21 CAD -4,950.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK W3078-11F075/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2011/02/21 CAD 33,000.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK W3078-11F075/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2011/02/01 CAD 37,950.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK Limited W7707-206589/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2021/03/29 CAD 118,680.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK LTD W8482-128703/003/GRK Department of National Defence 2012/03/06 CAD 1,973.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK LTD W8482-117447/001/GRK Department of National Defence 2011/06/29 CAD 72,141.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK LTD W8482-114487/001/GRK Department of National Defence 2011/03/23 CAD 507,253.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK LTD W8482-116168/002/GRK Department of National Defence 2010/11/09 CAD 503,223.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK LTD W8482-114487/001/GRK Department of National Defence 2010/08/11 CAD 507,253.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK LTD W8482-103212/001/GRK Department of National Defence 2009/12/11 CAD 27,567.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK LTD W8482-090699/002-GRK Department of National Defence 2009/05/13 CAD 117,109.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK LTD W8482-090672/001/GRK Department of National Defence 2009/04/14 CAD 348,756.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK Limited W7707-206589/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2021/07/20 CAD 118,680.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK Limited W7707-206589/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2020/07/22 CAD 118,680.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK LTD W8472-085124/001/QF Department of National Defence 2015/01/27 CAD -7,201.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK LTD W8472-085124/001/QF Department of National Defence 2013/12/13 CAD 2,938,721.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK LTD W8472-085124/001/QF Department of National Defence 2012/12/21 CAD 2,938,721.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK LTD W8472-085124/001/QF Department of National Defence 2012/05/15 CAD 42,010.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK LTD W8482-128703/003/GRK Department of National Defence 2012/03/12 CAD 1,973.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK LTD W8482-128703/003/GRK Department of National Defence 2012/03/09 CAD 1,973.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK LTD W8482-128202/002/GRK Department of National Defence 2011/09/09 CAD 24,253.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK LTD W8482-117447/001/GRK Department of National Defence 2011/07/21 CAD 72,141.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK LTD W8482-103871/001/GRK Department of National Defence 2011/07/14 CAD 25,766.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK LTD W8482-116168/002/GRK Department of National Defence 2011/03/23 CAD 503,223.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK LTD W8472-085124/001/QF Department of National Defence 2010/12/17 CAD 93,720.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK LTD W8482-114487/001/GRK Department of National Defence 2010/09/02 CAD 507,253.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK LTD W8472-085124/001/QF Department of National Defence 2010/07/30 CAD 2,938,721.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK LTD W8482-090757/005/GRK Department of National Defence 2010/02/09 CAD 401,135.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK LTD W8482-103871/001/GRK Department of National Defence 2010/02/01 CAD 94,709.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK LTD W8482-090672/001/GRK Department of National Defence 2009/10/13 CAD 348,756.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK LTD W8482-090757/005/GRK Department of National Defence 2009/07/31 CAD 401,135.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK LTD W8482-090699/002/GRK Department of National Defence 2009/05/13 CAD 117,109.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK LTD W8482-090672/001/GRK Department of National Defence 2009/03/30 CAD 348,756.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK LTD W8482-09672/001/GRK Department of National Defence 2009/03/30 CAD 348,756.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK LIMITED W7707-125567/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2012/04/12 CAD 12,000.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK Limited W010V-15A052/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2021/03/29 CAD 103,515.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK Limited W010V-15A052/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2019/01/02 CAD 58,542.00
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK Limited W010V-15A052/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2020/01/31 CAD 60,300.00

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