Tender opportunities

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Notice categories:

10 of 20901
List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
Alta Lake - Bedrock Breaking & Blasting 2024/03/18 2024/04/10 British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority
Alberta Electric System Operator - Request for Proposal - Islanded Fast… Services 2024/06/14 2024/07/18 Alberta Electric System Operator
Electrical and Electrical Products (New Brunswick) Goods 2024/06/25
2024/06/25 Department of National Defence
Pro-Force Blower Goods 2023/03/21
2023/04/11 City of Chestermere
Electrical Maintenance Services Services 2024/06/10
2024/06/10 National Capital Commission
Electric Superheater Goods 2022/11/03
2022/11/14 Department of Natural Resources (NRCan)
Alberta Electric System Operator - Request for Expression of Interest -… Services 2024/06/26 2024/07/19 Alberta Electric System Operator
Electrical Products Goods 2023/01/16
2023/01/27 Foreign Affairs, Trade And Development (…
Alberta Electric System Operator - Request for Proposal - Cost… Services 2024/11/14
2024/11/25 Alberta Electric System Operator
Electrical Services Construction 2020/03/31
2020/04/07 National Capital Commission
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 31226
List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
Amend 002 - 6D063-152312 - Electrical Maintenance Services - RISO -… Services 2023/12/31
2023/12/31 Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)
Amend 002 - 6D063-152312 - Electrical Maintenance Services - RISO -… Services 2023/12/31
2023/12/31 Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)
Electrical Trades RISO Construction 2013/04/26 N/A Department of National Defence
Electricity Services Services 2015/07/22 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
Electrical Upgrade for MSPV Moorage Construction 2014/06/13 N/A Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Electrical System Upgrade - DFO Construction 2017/12/02 N/A Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Electrical Miscellaneous Goods 2021/08/03 N/A Department of National Defence
Electrical Services Construction 2015/04/13 N/A Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Electrical Services Construction 2013/11/08 N/A Department of National Defence
Electrical Reconstruction Construction 2017/09/12 N/A Fisheries and Oceans Canada
50 of 155445
List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
Westquip Diesel Sales (Alta.) Ltd. W0168-111892/001/EDM Department of National Defence 2011/03/07 CAD 15,372.00
Westquip Diesel Sales (Alta.) Ltd. W8476-112379/001/HN Department of National Defence 2010/10/01 CAD 125,024.00
Kowal Construction Alta Ltd. 01R11-140681/001/PWZ Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 2014/06/02 CAD 710,506.00
Kowal Construction Alta Ltd. 01R11-140681/001/PWZ Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 2014/04/28 CAD 671,039.00
Kowal Construction Alta Ltd. EW038-120447/001/PWU Public Works and Government Services… 2012/02/22 CAD -57,210.00
Kowal Construction Alta Ltd. EW038-120447/001/PWU Public Works and Government Services… 2011/08/18 CAD 729,373.00
Kowal Construction Alta Ltd. E0276-103042/001/PWY Public Works and Government Services… 2010/01/28 CAD 5,646,152.00
Kowal Construction Alta Ltd. 01R11-140681/001/PWZ Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 2014/11/20 CAD 39,467.00
Alta Electronics Inc. 31184-097889/010/HN National Research Council Canada 2009/09/29 CAD 233.00
Alta Electronics Inc. 31184-097889/010/HN National Research Council Canada 2009/09/25 CAD 6,837.00
Westquip Diesel Sales (Alta.) Ltd. F1705-180027/001/VIC Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2019/11/12 CAD 65,520.00
Westquip Diesel Sales (Alta.) Ltd. F1705-180027/001/VIC Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2018/10/10 CAD 22,680.00
Willow Spring Construction (Alta) Ltd. EW038-111249/001/PWU Public Works and Government Services… 2012/02/22 CAD 71,046.00
Willow Spring Construction (Alta) Ltd. EW038-111249/001/PWU Public Works and Government Services… 2010/11/01 CAD 387,915.00
Willow Spring Construction (Alta) Ltd. EW038-102599/001/PWU Public Works and Government Services… 2010/08/11 CAD 1,096.00
Willow Spring Construction (Alta) Ltd. EW038-102599/001/PWU Public Works and Government Services… 2010/01/26 CAD 95,850.00
Willow Spring Construction (Alta) Ltd. E0211-044013/001/PWU Public Works and Government Services… 2012/06/01 CAD 41,271.00
Willow Spring Construction (Alta) Ltd. EW038-102599/001/PWU Public Works and Government Services… 2010/12/21 CAD 685.00
Willow Spring Construction (Alta) Ltd. EW038-091462/001/PWU Public Works and Government Services… 2009/03/13 CAD 12,110.00
Allco Electrical Ltd. 6D063-152312/001/PWZ Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) 2023/12/31
CAD 0.00
ALTA-WIDE Builders Supplies (Medicine Hat) Ltd. E0209-070148/025/CAL Public Works and Government Services… 2018/01/04 CAD 0.00
ALTA-WIDE Builders Supplies (Medicine Hat) Ltd. E0209-070148/025/CAL Public Works and Government Services… 2011/04/13 CAD 0.00
Allco Electrical Ltd. 6D063-152312/001/PWZ Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) 2023/09/30
CAD 0.00
Alta Electronics Inc. W1985-095332/008/HN Department of National Defence 2009/06/22 CAD 11,172.00
McCaine Electric Ltd 6D063-152312/002/PWZ Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) 2023/12/31
CAD 0.00
McCaine Electric Ltd 6D063-152312/002/PWZ Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) 2023/09/30
CAD 0.00
Pro-line Fence ltd. EZ899-102808/001/PWY Public Works and Government Services… 2009/12/17 CAD 21,263.00
Pro-line Fence ltd. EZ899-102808/001/PWY Public Works and Government Services… 2009/12/18 CAD 21,263.00
ALTA-WIDE Builders Supplies (Medicine Hat) Ltd. W0142-20X024/001/STN Department of National Defence 2019/09/13 CAD 57,838.00
ALTA-WIDE Builders Supplies (Medicine Hat) Ltd. W0142-15X053/001/CAL Department of National Defence 2015/01/20 CAD 40,836.00
ALTA-WIDE Builders Supplies (Medicine Hat) Ltd. W0142-15X023/001/CAL Department of National Defence 2014/09/08 CAD 61,792.00
ALTA-WIDE Builders Supplies (Medicine Hat) Ltd. W0142-13C066/003/CAL Department of National Defence 2012/11/01 CAD 30,119.00
ALTA-WIDE Builders Supplies (Medicine Hat) Ltd. W0142-12C048/001/CAL Department of National Defence 2011/06/15 CAD 8,139.00
ALTA-WIDE Builders Supplies (Medicine Hat) Ltd. W0142-11A065/001/CAL Department of National Defence 2010/09/30 CAD 43,413.00
ALTA-WIDE Builders Supplies (Medicine Hat) Ltd. W0142-10B214/001/CAL Department of National Defence 2009/12/21 CAD 19,216.00
ALTA-WIDE Builders Supplies (Medicine Hat) Ltd. W0142-10B189/001/CAL Department of National Defence 2009/11/05 CAD 41,473.00
ALTA-WIDE Builders Supplies (Medicine Hat) Ltd. W0142-20X024/001/STN Department of National Defence 2019/08/27 CAD 57,838.00
ALTA-WIDE Builders Supplies (Medicine Hat) Ltd. W0142-15X023/001/CAL Department of National Defence 2014/07/25 CAD 61,792.00
ALTA-WIDE Builders Supplies (Medicine Hat) Ltd. W0142-12C194/001/CAL Department of National Defence 2012/03/15 CAD 53,517.00
Alta Precision Inc. 5FUSA-12U007/001/BY Canadian Commercial Corporation 2012/08/30 CAD 335,178.00
Alta Precision Inc. 5FUSA-07Z095/001/BY Canadian Commercial Corporation 2012/08/30 CAD 2,317,964.00
Alta Precision Inc. 5FUSA-08Z063/001/BY Canadian Commercial Corporation 2012/08/30 CAD 256,322.00
Alta Precision Inc. 5FUSA-12W029/001/BY Canadian Commercial Corporation 2012/08/30 CAD 317,607.00
Alta Precision Inc. 5FUSA-08Z063/001/BY Canadian Commercial Corporation 2012/03/06 CAD 256,322.00
Alta Precision Inc. 5FUSA-12W029/001/BY Canadian Commercial Corporation 2012/02/27 CAD 317,607.00
Alta Precision Inc. 5FUSA-07V015/001/BY Canadian Commercial Corporation 2012/02/27 CAD -1,594.00
Alta Precision Inc. 5FUSA-07V015/001/BY Canadian Commercial Corporation 2011/08/24 CAD -2,945.00
Alta Precision Inc. 5FUSA-12W029/001/BY Canadian Commercial Corporation 2011/08/08 CAD 317,607.00
Alta Precision Inc. 5FUSA-12U007/001/BY Canadian Commercial Corporation 2011/05/12 CAD 335,178.00
Alta Precision Inc. 5FUSA-11U019/001/BY Canadian Commercial Corporation 2010/08/26 CAD 738,225.00

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