Tender opportunities

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Notice categories:

10 of 17674
List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
2024/07/09 Town Of Newmarket
SUPPLY FOR NF5-2000, NF5A2000 SDO23067 Request for Proposal Goods 2023/08/15 2023/10/08 NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Spare Parts for NF5A2000 and NF5B2000 TVO23013 Request for Proposal Goods 2023/03/16 2023/03/26 NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization
15 MSSR 2000ID 2000W Interrogator Sets ACT24010 Request for Proposal Goods 2024/12/11 2025/03/31 NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization
MAC2000 ECG Goods 2015/12/24 2016/02/08 Health Canada
MSSR 2000ID 2000W V10 Interrogator Sets JTH24007A Request for Proposal Goods 2024/07/09 2024/07/19 NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Radar interrogators. MSSR 2000 ID 2000W V10 24LDS075 Future Business… Goods 2024/12/04 2024/12/15 NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization
PAR2000 Radome Relocation Services related to goods 2019/05/24 2019/06/18 Department of National Defence
SPRING for PzH 2000 22LMS148 Future Business Opportunities Goods 2022/12/13 N/A NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NextSeq 2000 Sequencing System Goods 2023/08/10
2023/08/17 University of Calgary
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 63014
List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
French Translation Services - Marine Atlantic Inc. Services 2021/02/16 N/A Marine Atlantic Inc.
ProServices SA - Groupe Poliquin-Wakefield Group Inc. Services 2024/11/06
2028/07/04 Department of Public Works and Government…
RA-2000 parts Services related to goods 2017/12/14 N/A Department of National Defence
PAR2000 Radome Relocation Services related to goods 2019/07/25 N/A Department of National Defence
MAC2000 ECG Goods 2016/03/09 N/A Health Canada
T3033-220003-Groupe ABS inc. Services 2024/02/13
2025/09/07 Department of Transport (TC)
ProServices SA - Le Groupe Conseil Bronson Consulting Group, Inc. Services 2024/11/07
2028/07/04 Department of Public Works and Government…
Amend 001 - W0106-19S041 RISO Rental Telescopic Boom Forklift- GROUPE… Services 2024/08/31
2024/08/31 Department of National Defence (DND)
ProServices SA - Symbiotic Group Inc. Services 2024/11/07
2028/07/04 Department of Public Works and Government…
Proservices SA - THE AIM GROUP INC. Services 2024/11/07
2100/01/01 Department of Public Works and Government…
50 of 272848
List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
Bristol Group (2000) Inc. EP363-090027/004/CY Public Works and Government Services… 2012/04/19 CAD 0.00
Bristol Group (2000) Inc. EP363-090027/004/CY Public Works and Government Services… 2012/03/25 CAD 0.00
Bristol Group (2000) Inc. EP363-090027/004/CY Public Works and Government Services… 2010/09/21 CAD 0.00
Bristol Group (2000) Inc. EC095-080003/022/MCT Public Works and Government Services… 2009/02/01 CAD 217,391.00
Bristol Group (2000) Inc. 5P034-090972/001/CY Parks Canada 2009/08/14 CAD 20,453.00
Bristol Group G1003-070004/001/XAQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2009/07/22 CAD 5,650.00
Bristol Group G1003-070004/001/XAQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2009/03/09 CAD 18,866.00
Bristol Instruments, Inc. W7702-090262/001/EDM Department of National Defence 2009/07/08 CAD 21,400.00
Ford Dickison (2000) Inc. 39903-130219/001/HS Canadian Food Inspection Agency 2013/07/24 CAD 95,615.00
RITE-WAY FENCING (2000) INC. EV385-182974/001/PWU Public Works and Government Services… 2018/09/10 CAD 2,000.00
L. Mailloux Construction (2000) Inc. KE403-091040/001/PWL Environment Canada 2010/03/02 CAD 25,200.00
Bristol Aerospace Limited 9F042-100551/001/SR Canadian Space Agency 2014/04/04 CAD -25,410.00
Bristol Aerospace Limited 9F054-120137/001/MTB Canadian Space Agency 2013/05/23 CAD 9,000.00
Bristol Aerospace Limited 9F042-100551/001/SR Canadian Space Agency 2011/06/06 CAD 394,045.00
Bristol Aerospace Limited 9F028-071181/013/MTB Canadian Space Agency 2011/03/18 CAD 516,880.00
Bristol Aerospace Limited 9F042-100551/001/SR Canadian Space Agency 2011/02/24 CAD 394,045.00
Bristol Aerospace Limited 9F028-071181/013/MTB Canadian Space Agency 2010/07/23 CAD 516,880.00
Bristol Aerospace Limited 9F007-090470/001/SR Canadian Space Agency 2010/07/06 CAD 194,973.00
Bristol Aerospace Limited 9F007-090470/001/SR Canadian Space Agency 2010/06/29 CAD 64,695.00
Bristol Aerospace Limited 9F028-080040/001/MTA Canadian Space Agency 2010/02/25 CAD 200,000.00
Bristol Aerospace Limited 9F007-090090/001/ST Canadian Space Agency 2010/01/18 CAD 1,300,601.00
Bristol Aerospace Limited 9F028-070111/010/MTB Canadian Space Agency 2009/08/26 CAD 157,313.00
Bristol Aerospace Limited 9F028-070111/010/MTB Canadian Space Agency 2009/07/17 CAD 157,313.00
Bristol Aerospace Limited 9F054-120137/001/MTB Canadian Space Agency 2013/04/15 CAD 189,000.00
Bristol Aerospace Limited 9F054-120137/001/MTB Canadian Space Agency 2013/04/05 CAD -9,000.00
Bristol Aerospace Limited 9F054-120137/001/MTB Canadian Space Agency 2013/03/05 CAD 9,000.00
Bristol Aerospace Limited 9F054-120137/001/MTB Canadian Space Agency 2012/12/18 CAD 189,000.00
Bristol Aerospace Limited 9F054-120137/001/MTB Canadian Space Agency 2012/11/26 CAD 180,000.00
Bristol Aerospace Limited 9F028-071181/013/MTB Canadian Space Agency 2012/11/15 CAD 516,880.00
Bristol Aerospace Limited 9F028-071181/013/MTB Canadian Space Agency 2012/10/15 CAD 516,880.00
Bristol Aerospace Limited 9F028-071181/013/MTB Canadian Space Agency 2012/08/09 CAD 516,880.00
Bristol Aerospace Limited 9F028-071181/013/MTB Canadian Space Agency 2012/05/30 CAD 516,880.00
Bristol Aerospace Limited 9F028-071181/013/MTB Canadian Space Agency 2012/04/04 CAD 516,880.00
Bristol Aerospace Limited 9F042-100551/001/SR Canadian Space Agency 2012/03/14 CAD 52,360.00
Bristol Aerospace Limited 9F042-100551/001/SR Canadian Space Agency 2011/12/21 CAD 394,045.00
Bristol Aerospace Limited 9F028-071181/013/MTB Canadian Space Agency 2011/10/26 CAD 516,880.00
Bristol Aerospace Limited 9F042-100551/001/SR Canadian Space Agency 2011/10/18 CAD 394,045.00
Bristol Aerospace Limited 9F042-100551/001/SR Canadian Space Agency 2011/05/18 CAD 394,045.00
Bristol Aerospace Limited 9F042-100551/001/SR Canadian Space Agency 2011/01/17 CAD 367,095.00
Bristol Aerospace Limited 9F007-090090/001/ST Canadian Space Agency 2010/12/23 CAD -1,481.00
Bristol Aerospace Limited 9F007-090470/001/SR Canadian Space Agency 2010/09/09 CAD 194,973.00
Bristol Aerospace Limited 9F007-090470/001/SR Canadian Space Agency 2010/03/31 CAD 194,973.00
Bristol Aerospace Limited 9F028-080040/001/MTA Canadian Space Agency 2010/02/16 CAD 200,000.00
Bristol Aerospace Limited 9F007-090470/001/SR Canadian Space Agency 2009/12/14 CAD 130,278.00
Bristol Aerospace Limited 9F028-080040/001/MTA Canadian Space Agency 2009/06/22 CAD 200,000.00
Bristol Aerospace Limited 9F028-071181/013/MTB Canadian Space Agency 2009/06/12 CAD 516,880.00
Bristol Aerospace Limited 9F028-070111/010/MTB Canadian Space Agency 2009/05/19 CAD 157,313.00
Bristol Aerospace Limited 9F007-062136/001/SR Canadian Space Agency 2009/02/09 CAD 1,036,465.00
RITE-WAY FENCING (2000) INC. EV385-182974/001/PWU Public Works and Government Services… 2018/10/23 CAD 5,540.00
RITE-WAY FENCING (2000) INC. EV385-182974/001/PWU Public Works and Government Services… 2018/07/30 CAD 18,890.00

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