Maintenance on CanadaBuys

The CanadaBuys website and SAP Ariba will be down for scheduled maintenance at the times listed below. We apologize for any inconvenience. 

  • SAP Ariba on Saturday, February 15 from 7:00 pm until 10:59 pm (Eastern Time)   

Tender opportunities

Browse the list of tender opportunities and sign up for notifications to stay up to date. To download contracting information posted on CanadaBuys and contract history: 

Notice categories:

10 of 111268
List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
Canadian and world news service Services 2015/03/03 2015/03/19 Canadian Heritage
Canadian Bus Data Services 2019/08/01 2019/08/14 Canadian Transportation Agency
Redesign of the Canadian Space Agency intranet site Services 2023/03/01
2023/03/15 Canadian Space Agency
Canadian Space Agency Cleanroom monitoring and maintenance Services 2021/03/11
2021/03/18 Canadian Space Agency
Research related to the Canadian broadcasting system Services 2019/12/05 2019/12/19 Canadian Heritage
The Ottawa Hospital Limited Tendering Notice December 2, 2023 - February… Services, Goods 2024/02/06
2024/02/06 The Ottawa Hospital
The Ottawa Hospital Limited Tendering Notice August 28, 2023 - December… Goods, Services 2023/12/06 2023/12/06 The Ottawa Hospital
Building Operation Services for the Canadian Museum of History and the… Services 2014/12/05
2014/12/11 Canadian Museum of Civilization
Study on the Marketing of Canadian Music Services 2015/07/24
2015/08/17 Canadian Heritage
Research related to the Canadian broadcasting system Services 2020/01/29
2020/02/06 Canadian Heritage
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 46044
List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
Amend 003 - Small Boats - CANADIAN MARITIME ENGINEERING LIMITED Goods 2024/11/14
2032/01/20 Department of Public Works and Government…
Amend 002 - SA - Small Vessel Dockings - CANADIAN MARITIME ENGINEERING… Goods 2024/03/13
2026/01/01 Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO)
Amend 003 - CCGS Kopit Hopson Alongside Refit - CANADIAN MARITIME… Goods 2023/04/12
2023/04/12 Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO)
Amend 006 - ePPT Next Generation - Canadian Bank Note Company, Limited Goods 2023/07/18
2026/03/31 Department of Citizenship &…
F5502-190297 Amend 004 - RISO - Buoys - Sandblast and Paint - CANADIAN… Services 2025/01/29
2025/06/30 Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO)
Canadian Submission and Presentation to the United Nations Commission on… Services 2020/05/26 N/A Natural Resources Canada
Amend 001 - ISC Canadian Coastal Zone Info. System - CBCL Limited Services 2024/06/18
2024/06/18 Department of Public Works and Government…
Canadian and world news service Services 2015/03/20 N/A Canadian Heritage
Study on the Marketing of Canadian Music Services 2015/09/09 N/A Canadian Heritage
Research related to the Canadian broadcasting system Services 2020/02/21 N/A Canadian Heritage
50 of 240759
List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8485-152626/001/BY Department of National Defence 2015/02/23 CAD 38,987.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8485-152626/001/BY Department of National Defence 2014/10/29 CAD 38,987.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-148829/002/HN Department of National Defence 2013/07/12 CAD 849.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-118581/002/HS Department of National Defence 2011/09/14 CAD 29,400.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8485-112961/001/BY Department of National Defence 2011/01/13 CAD 32,726.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-114379/001/HL Department of National Defence 2010/10/13 CAD 4,635.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-114379/001/HL Department of National Defence 2010/10/04 CAD 8,341.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8485-112961/001/BY Department of National Defence 2010/08/10 CAD 32,726.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-102629/001/HN Department of National Defence 2010/06/10 CAD 8,528.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-109335/001/HL Department of National Defence 2009/11/19 CAD 31,127.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-184162/001/HL Department of National Defence 2022/02/10 CAD 1,700,000.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-184162/001/HL Department of National Defence 2021/02/10 CAD 1,700,000.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-184647/002/HL Department of National Defence 2019/11/20 CAD 270,159.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-184162/001/HL Department of National Defence 2019/04/24 CAD 1,700,000.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-135865/001/HL Department of National Defence 2017/10/04 CAD 2,655,500.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-135865/001/HL Department of National Defence 2016/10/07 CAD 2,655,500.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-129174/002/HS Department of National Defence 2016/05/05 CAD 136,140.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-135865/001/HL Department of National Defence 2016/04/21 CAD 2,655,500.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-135865/001/HL Department of National Defence 2015/12/03 CAD 1,005,500.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-135865/001/HL Department of National Defence 2015/10/08 CAD 350,000.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-162794/003/HL Department of National Defence 2015/09/24 CAD 6,286.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-162791/001/HL Department of National Defence 2015/09/04 CAD 59,004.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-162789/001/HL Department of National Defence 2015/08/31 CAD 216,091.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-129174/002/HS Department of National Defence 2015/06/09 CAD 136,140.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-151168/001/HL Department of National Defence 2014/09/19 CAD 67,603.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-151168/001/HL Department of National Defence 2014/09/10 CAD 67,603.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-151169/001/HL Department of National Defence 2014/08/29 CAD 14,571.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-151169/001/HL Department of National Defence 2014/08/28 CAD 14,571.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-151159/001/HN Department of National Defence 2014/07/25 CAD 37,539.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-135865/001/HL Department of National Defence 2013/10/21 CAD 2,655,500.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-135865/001/HL Department of National Defence 2013/10/10 CAD 1,300,000.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-148826/001/HL Department of National Defence 2013/06/28 CAD 106,992.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-118714/004/HL Department of National Defence 2013/06/11 CAD 14,247.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-135656/001/HL Department of National Defence 2013/02/01 CAD 348,929.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-136845/001/HL Department of National Defence 2013/01/15 CAD 7,648.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-118136/005/HL Department of National Defence 2012/10/25 CAD -2,198.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-129174/002/HS Department of National Defence 2012/07/05 CAD 136,140.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-129192/001/HS Department of National Defence 2012/05/17 CAD 48,136.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-123069/001/PY Department of National Defence 2012/03/07 CAD 9,320.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-121875/004/HL Department of National Defence 2012/02/17 CAD 10,682.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-118136/005/HL Department of National Defence 2012/02/15 CAD 2,792.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-118136/001/HL Department of National Defence 2011/11/22 CAD 4,739.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-120266/002/PY Department of National Defence 2011/10/11 CAD 2,720.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-117287/002/HL Department of National Defence 2011/09/13 CAD 14,706.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-129777/001/HN Department of National Defence 2011/08/30 CAD 9,993.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-118797/002/HL Department of National Defence 2011/08/29 CAD 12,187.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-118797/002/HL Department of National Defence 2011/07/22 CAD 705.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-118797/002/HL Department of National Defence 2011/07/11 CAD 14,830.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-117954/001/HL Department of National Defence 2011/03/22 CAD 23,544.00
Canadian Airmotive Limited W8486-117534/001/HP Department of National Defence 2011/03/22 CAD 1,044.00

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