SAP Ariba system maintenance

SAP Ariba will be unavailable for scheduled maintenance at the times listed below. We apologize for any inconvenience.

  • Saturday, October 5 from 8:00 pm until October 6 12:00am (EDT) 

Tender opportunities

Browse the list of tender opportunities and sign up for notifications to stay up to date. To download contracting information posted on CanadaBuys and contract history: 

Notice categories:

10 of 50009
List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
Gestion de projets et conseil en gestion stratégique des RI Services related to goods 2023/07/25 2023/08/31 Retraite Québec
Gestion des identités et des accès informatiques Services related to goods 2024/07/25
2022/02/10 Ministère du Tourisme
Services de conseils et d'expertise en gestion de l'invalidité Services 2023/01/10
2023/01/09 Secrétariat du Conseil du trésor-Service…
Conseiller en gestion du changement Services related to goods 2024/07/15
2024/06/19 Commission des normes, de l'équité,…
Services-conseils en gouvernance et gestion de données numériques Services related to goods 2023/08/14 2023/09/13 Ministère de la Cybersécurité et du…
Services professionnelles pour la réalisation de travaux en conseil et… Services 2023/03/10
2023/03/10 Ministère de l'Agriculture, des…
Gestion de parc informatique 2023 Goods 2023/05/09
2023/04/24 Ville de Joliette - Approvisionnement
Services professionnels - Expert-Conseil en gestion et technologie de l… Services related to goods 2024/07/20
2023/07/20 CHU Ste-Justine
2023/04/18 Centre intégré universitaire de santé et…
2023/08/11 Centre Intégré de Santé et de Services…
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 60650
List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
ProServices SA - cim conseil en immobilisation et management inc. Services 2024/02/13
2100/01/01 Department of Public Works and Government…
ProServices SA - CGI Information Systems and Management Consultants Inc. Services 2024/02/20
2028/07/04 Department of Public Works and Government…
ProServices SA - GEG Conseils en structure Inc. Services 2023/12/21
2100/01/01 Department of Public Works and Government…
40021-230205 - CGI Case Management (SuiteCase) Goods 2024/04/01 2025/03/31 Administrative Tribunals Support Service…
Amend 006 - DATA WAREHOUSE SERV - CGI Information Systems and Management… Services 2018/02/08 2025/05/07 Department of Citizenship &…
Amend 005 - DATA WAREHOUSE SERV - CGI Information Systems and Management… Services 2024/05/07
2024/05/07 Department of Citizenship &…
Amend 012 - Technology Partners IPRMS - CGI Information Systems and… Services 2023/11/20
2024/11/27 Department of Industry (ISED)
Amend 004 - Qweri - Lexum informatique juridique inc. Goods 2024/01/18
2025/02/11 Department of Public Works and Government…
Amend 006 - Lexum Decisia - Lexum informatique juridique inc. Services 2024/02/26
2025/03/31 Administrative Tribunals Support Service…
Modif 005 - Logiciel TAI - Lexum informatique juridique inc. Goods 2024/01/11
2025/01/13 Department of Justice (JUS)
50 of 278261
List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
Conseillers en gestion et informatique CGI inc. 35035-180343/001/XL Privy Council Office 2019/06/18 CAD 20,340.00
Conseillers en gestion et informatique CGI inc. 35035-180343/001/XL Privy Council Office 2022/06/14 CAD 20,340.00
Conseillers en gestion et informatique CGI inc. 35035-180343/001/XL Privy Council Office 2021/06/07 CAD 20,340.00
Conseillers en gestion et informatique CGI inc. 35035-180343/001/XL Privy Council Office 2020/06/12 CAD 20,340.00
Conseillers en gestion et informatique CGI inc. 35035-180343/001/XL Privy Council Office 2018/06/06 CAD 103,960.00
Conseillers en gestion et informatique CGI inc. W7701-083296/001/QCV Department of National Defence 2010/09/21 CAD 908,250.00
Conseillers en gestion et informatique CGI inc. W7701-083296/001/QCV Department of National Defence 2010/03/26 CAD 908,250.00
Conseillers en gestion et informatique CGI inc. W7701-054996/005/QCL Department of National Defence 2010/02/08 CAD 795,000.00
Conseillers en gestion et informatique CGI inc. W7701-083296/001/QCV Department of National Defence 2010/02/01 CAD 908,250.00
Conseillers en gestion et informatique CGI inc. W7701-083296/001/QCV Department of National Defence 2009/03/17 CAD 908,250.00
Conseillers en gestion et informatique CGI inc. W7701-083296/001/QCV Department of National Defence 2009/02/24 CAD 908,250.00
Conseillers en gestion et informatique CGI inc. W7701-083296/001/QCV Department of National Defence 2011/03/11 CAD 908,250.00
Conseillers en gestion et informatique CGI inc. W7701-083296/001/QCV Department of National Defence 2011/02/16 CAD 908,250.00
Conseillers en gestion et informatique CGI inc. W7701-083296/001/QCV Department of National Defence 2010/06/04 CAD 908,250.00
Conseillers en gestion et informatique CGI inc. W7701-083296/001/QCV Department of National Defence 2009/10/05 CAD 908,250.00
Conseillers en gestion et informatique CGI inc. W7701-054996/005/QCL Department of National Defence 2009/03/31 CAD 795,000.00
Conseillers en gestion et informatique CGI inc. EN537-05IT01/072/EI Treasury Board of Canada 2014/11/25 CAD 0.00
Conseillers en gestion et informatique CGI inc. EN537-05IT01/072/EI Public Works and Government Services… 2013/01/25 CAD 0.00
Conseillers en gestion et informatique CGI inc. EN537-05IT01/072/EI Public Works and Government Services… 2013/01/11 CAD 0.00
Conseillers en gestion et informatique CGI inc. EN537-05IT01/072/EI Public Works and Government Services… 2012/11/16 CAD 0.00
Conseillers en gestion et informatique CGI inc. EN537-05IT01/072/EI Public Works and Government Services… 2011/07/28 CAD 0.00
Conseillers en gestion et informatique CGI inc. EN537-05IT01/072/EI Public Works and Government Services… 2010/06/09 CAD 0.00
Conseillers en gestion et informatique CGI inc. W8486-05JF02/001/ZM Department of National Defence 2009/11/27 CAD -719,657.00
trisotech services-conseils en informatique inc EN578-055605/475/EI Public Works and Government Services… 2013/12/06 CAD 0.00
trisotech services-conseils en informatique inc EN578-055605/475/EI Public Works and Government Services… 2012/12/20 CAD 0.00
trisotech services-conseils en informatique inc EN578-055605/475/EI Public Works and Government Services… 2012/11/28 CAD 0.00
trisotech services-conseils en informatique inc EN578-055605/475/EI Public Works and Government Services… 2011/08/05 CAD 0.00
trisotech services-conseils en informatique inc EN578-055605/475/EI Public Works and Government Services… 2010/08/23 CAD 0.00
GESTION CONSEIL M.D. INC. EN966-140305/041/ZF Public Works and Government Services… 2020/08/31 CAD 0.00
GESTION CONSEIL M.D. INC. EN966-140305/041/ZF Public Works and Government Services… 2015/07/31 CAD 0.00
GESTION CONSEIL M.D. INC. EN966-140305/041/ZF Public Works and Government Services… 2020/09/10 CAD 0.00
OVA Gestion conseil inc. EN579-173355/001/SC Public Works and Government Services… 2019/09/24 CAD 1,155,641.00
OVA Gestion conseil inc. EN579-173355/001/SC Public Works and Government Services… 2019/06/26 CAD 1,155,641.00
OVA Gestion conseil inc. EN579-173355/001/SC Public Works and Government Services… 2019/05/01 CAD 1,155,641.00
OVA Gestion conseil inc. EN579-173355/001/SC Public Works and Government Services… 2018/10/25 CAD 1,155,641.00
cim conseil en immobilisation et management inc E60ZT-180027/340/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2021/06/22 CAD 0.00
OVA Gestion conseil inc. UT849-221131/001/SC INNOV, SCI AND ECON DEVT CAN 2022/06/22 CAD 85,388.00
OVA Gestion conseil inc. UT849-221131/001/SC INNOV, SCI AND ECON DEVT CAN 2022/03/23 CAD 1,326,597.00
OVA Gestion conseil inc. UT849-221131/001/SC INNOV, SCI AND ECON DEVT CAN 2021/11/25 CAD 1,326,597.00
OVA Gestion conseil inc. UT849-221131/001/SC INNOV, SCI AND ECON DEVT CAN 2021/09/24 CAD 1,241,209.00
OVA Gestion conseil inc. W7714-217585/001/SV1 Department of National Defence 2020/06/30 CAD 133,550.00
cim conseil en immobilisation et management inc. EF950-131892/001/MTC Public Works and Government Services… 2013/07/08 CAD 5,910.00
cim conseil en immobilisation et management inc. EF950-131892/001/MTC Public Works and Government Services… 2012/10/31 CAD 30,450.00
CGI INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS INC./CONSEILLERS EN… E60ZT-180028/130/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/02/20
CAD 0.00
GEG Conseils en structure Inc. E60ZT-180025/290/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2023/12/21
CAD 0.00
cim conseil en immobilisation et management inc. E60ZT-18TSSO/049/ZT Public Works and Government Services… 2019/04/15 CAD 0.00
cim conseil en immobilisation et management inc. E60ZT-18TSPS/072/ZT Public Works and Government Services… 2020/12/15 CAD 0.00
cim conseil en immobilisation et management inc. E60ZT-16TSPS/435/ZT Public Works and Government Services… 2018/06/26 CAD 0.00
LEADERS & CIE, CONSEILS EN GOUVERNANCE ET LEADERSHIP INC. E60ZT-180029/099/ZT Public Works and Government Services… 2021/03/09 CAD 0.00
CGI INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS INC./CONSEILLERS EN… CW2354594 Administrative Tribunals Support Service… 2024/04/01 CAD 68,440.80

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