Tender opportunities

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10 of 14726
List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
Aménagement de la place Charlevêque. Arrondissement de Montréal-Nord Construction 2024/02/22
2023/05/10 Ville de Montréal - Arrondissement…
Aménagement de la Mini-Forêt. Arrondissement de Montréal-Nord Construction 2023/10/17 2023/11/08 Ville de Montréal - Arrondissement…
Revêtement synthétique pour terrain de soccer au parc Henri-Bourassa à… Construction 2024/04/15
2024/04/10 Ville de Montréal - Arrondissement…
Équipements de dentisterie -Point de service Montréal Nord-est Goods 2024/06/21
2024/04/24 CIUSSS du Nord-de-l'Île-de-Montréal
Réfection de l'entrée sud de la mairie de l'arrondissement de… Construction 2023/12/05
2023/04/12 Ville de Montréal - Arrondissement…
RÉFECTION DE L'ENTRÉE SUD DE LA MAIRIE DE L'ARRONDISSEMENT DE… Construction 2022/11/08 2022/11/30 Ville de Montréal - Arrondissement…
Réfection de la toiture de l'Aréna Rolland située à l'… Construction 2024/07/03
2024/06/26 Ville de Montréal - Arrondissement…
Rénovation majeure du chalet du parc St-Laurent, de l’arrondissement de… Construction 2024/03/21
2024/03/08 Ville de Montréal - Arrondissement…
Réfection de la toiture du garage des travaux publics de l’… Construction 2024/06/04
2024/05/22 Ville de Montréal - Arrondissement…
Réfection du système mécanique de la DAUSE à la mairie de l’… Construction 2023/12/07
2023/03/22 Ville de Montréal - Arrondissement…
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 9452
List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
Reroofing of the Slate Shingle and Membrane Roof - National Historic… Construction 2017/10/17 N/A Parks Canada
ProServices SA - SELECT GLOBAL INTERNATIONAL LTEE Services 2024/02/20
2100/01/01 Department of Public Works and Government…
MON – Re-Roofing Construction 2015/08/26 N/A National Research Council Canada
MON – Re-Roofing Construction 2015/08/26 N/A National Research Council Canada
MON - Re-Roofing Services 2013/09/30 N/A National Research Council Canada
Reroofing of sections no 7, 8, 12, 13 of the Horticulture Research and… Construction 2015/10/19 N/A Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Roof Replacement - Varennes Construction 2014/10/02 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
ROOF REFECTION - AAFC St-Hyacinthe, QC Construction 2019/09/12 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
Roofing works Laval CSC Construction 2018/10/09 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
Roof repair, FTC Building 20 Construction 2017/12/20 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
50 of 57947
List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
Couverture Montréal Nord Ltée EF236-200328/001/MTC Public Works and Government Services… 2020/05/07 CAD 6,908.00
Couverture Montréal Nord Ltée EF236-200328/001/MTC Public Works and Government Services… 2019/09/12 CAD 424,258.00
Couverture Montréal Nord Ltée EF236-191112/001/MTC Public Works and Government Services… 2018/10/09 CAD 2,224,766.00
Couverture Montréal Nord Ltée EF236-181153/001/MTC Public Works and Government Services… 2017/12/20 CAD 505,833.00
Couverture Montréal Nord Ltée EE520-150962/001/MTC Public Works and Government Services… 2016/02/25 CAD 69,181.00
Couverture Montréal Nord Ltée EE520-150962/001/MTC Public Works and Government Services… 2015/12/04 CAD 48,467.00
Couverture Montréal Nord Ltée EE520-150962/001/MTC Public Works and Government Services… 2015/10/07 CAD 107,013.00
Couverture Montréal Nord Ltée EE520-150962/001/MTC Public Works and Government Services… 2015/03/30 CAD 57,346.00
Couverture Montréal Nord Ltée EE520-150962/001/MTC Public Works and Government Services… 2014/10/02 CAD 1,086,456.00
Couverture Montréal Nord Ltée EE520-110287/001/MTC Public Works and Government Services… 2010/11/12 CAD 630.00
Couverture Montréal Nord Ltée EE520-110287/001/MTC 2010/11/02 CAD 16,263.00
Couverture Montréal Nord Ltée EE520-110287/001/MTC Public Works and Government Services… 2010/08/13 CAD 94,448.00
Couvertures Victo 2000 inc. EF930-151286/001/MTC Public Works and Government Services… 2015/04/08 CAD 33,385.00
Couvertures Victo 2000 inc. EF930-151286/001/MTC Public Works and Government Services… 2014/11/26 CAD 172,463.00
Couvertures Victo 2000 inc. EF950-141666/001/MTC Public Works and Government Services… 2014/02/19 CAD 290,542.00
Couvertures Victo 2000 inc. W0106-08138V/002/QCM Department of National Defence 2009/09/17 CAD 150,000.00
Couvertures Victo 2000 inc. W0106-08138V/002/QCM Department of National Defence 2009/02/25 CAD 300,000.00
LES COUVERTURES ST-LEONARD EF236-190865/001/MTC Public Works and Government Services… 2019/07/17 CAD 62,386.00
LES COUVERTURES ST-LEONARD EF236-190865/001/MTC Public Works and Government Services… 2019/05/02 CAD 36,449.00
LES COUVERTURES ST-LEONARD EF236-190865/001/MTC Public Works and Government Services… 2019/04/12 CAD 3,822,552.00
LES COUVERTURES ST-LEONARD EF236-190865/001/MTC Public Works and Government Services… 2019/03/19 CAD 23,362.00
LES COUVERTURES ST-LEONARD EF236-190865/001/MTC Public Works and Government Services… 2018/10/17 CAD 3,700,355.00
Sélect Global International Ltée E60ZT-180028/327/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/02/20
CAD 0.00
MONTREAL BRONZE LTD. / BRONZE MONTRÉAL LTÉE W8482-178467/001/HP Department of National Defence 2016/10/04 CAD 35,468.00
MONTREAL BRONZE LTD. / BRONZE MONTRÉAL LTÉE W8482-167927/001/HP Department of National Defence 2016/05/17 CAD 740.00
MONTREAL BRONZE LTD. / BRONZE MONTRÉAL LTÉE W8482-167927/001/HP Department of National Defence 2016/04/07 CAD 64,092.00
MONTREAL BRONZE LTD. / BRONZE MONTRÉAL LTÉE W8482-168240/001/HP Department of National Defence 2016/01/13 CAD 69,960.00
MONTREAL BRONZE LTD. / BRONZE MONTRÉAL LTÉE W8482-167927/001/HP Department of National Defence 2016/01/04 CAD 63,352.00
MONTREAL BRONZE LTD. / BRONZE MONTRÉAL LTÉE W8482-167890/001/HP Department of National Defence 2015/09/15 CAD 48,180.00
MONTREAL BRONZE LTD. / BRONZE MONTRÉAL LTÉE W8482-167859/001/HP Department of National Defence 2015/07/30 CAD 50,485.00
MONTREAL BRONZE LTD. / BRONZE MONTRÉAL LTÉE W8482-167884/001/HP Department of National Defence 2015/07/02 CAD 28,382.00
MONTREAL BRONZE LTD. / BRONZE MONTRÉAL LTÉE W8482-167898/001/HP Department of National Defence 2015/06/12 CAD 42,240.00
MONTREAL BRONZE LTD. / BRONZE MONTRÉAL LTÉE W8482-167891/001/HP Department of National Defence 2015/06/11 CAD 206,844.00
MONTREAL BRONZE LTD. / BRONZE MONTRÉAL LTÉE W8482-156654/003/HP Department of National Defence 2015/05/15 CAD 120,086.00
MONTREAL BRONZE LTD. / BRONZE MONTRÉAL LTÉE W8482-156654/002/HP Department of National Defence 2015/04/09 CAD 289,436.00
MONTREAL BRONZE LTD. / BRONZE MONTRÉAL LTÉE W8482-156654/001/HP Department of National Defence 2015/03/10 CAD 369,557.00
MONTREAL BRONZE LTD. / BRONZE MONTRÉAL LTÉE W8482-156440/001/HP Department of National Defence 2014/10/14 CAD 26,384.00
MONTREAL BRONZE LTD. / BRONZE MONTRÉAL LTÉE W8482-146312/001/HP Department of National Defence 2014/05/06 CAD 36,999.00
MONTREAL BRONZE LTD. / BRONZE MONTRÉAL LTÉE W8482-146149/001/HP Department of National Defence 2014/02/26 CAD 59,731.00
MONTREAL BRONZE LTD. / BRONZE MONTRÉAL LTÉE W8482-146145/001/HP Department of National Defence 2014/01/15 CAD 53,061.00
MONTREAL BRONZE LTD. / BRONZE MONTRÉAL LTÉE W8482-145829/001/HP Department of National Defence 2013/10/22 CAD 114,885.00
MONTREAL BRONZE LTD. / BRONZE MONTRÉAL LTÉE W8482-135098/001/HP Department of National Defence 2013/06/25 CAD 33,922.00
MONTREAL BRONZE LTD. / BRONZE MONTRÉAL LTÉE W8482-145300/001/HP Department of National Defence 2013/06/06 CAD 68,828.00
MONTREAL BRONZE LTD. / BRONZE MONTRÉAL LTÉE W8482-135062/001/HP Department of National Defence 2013/05/28 CAD 85,185.00
MONTREAL BRONZE LTD. / BRONZE MONTRÉAL LTÉE W8482-134675/001/HP Department of National Defence 2013/05/02 CAD 33,825.00
MONTREAL BRONZE LTD. / BRONZE MONTRÉAL LTÉE W8482-134628/001/HP Department of National Defence 2013/04/16 CAD 46,179.00
MONTREAL BRONZE LTD. / BRONZE MONTRÉAL LTÉE W8482-129295/001/HP Department of National Defence 2012/10/22 CAD 74,876.00
MONTREAL BRONZE LTD. / BRONZE MONTRÉAL LTÉE W8482-121275/001/HP Department of National Defence 2012/09/19 CAD 46,775.00
MONTREAL BRONZE LTD. / BRONZE MONTRÉAL LTÉE W8482-132428/001/HP Department of National Defence 2012/09/10 CAD 7,270.00
MONTREAL BRONZE LTD. / BRONZE MONTRÉAL LTÉE W8482-120437/001/HP Department of National Defence 2012/07/24 CAD 63,544.00

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