Maintenance on CanadaBuys

The CanadaBuys website and SAP Ariba will be down for scheduled maintenance at the times listed below. We apologize for any inconvenience. 

  • SAP Ariba on Saturday, February 15 from 7:00 pm until 10:59 pm (Eastern Time)   

Tender opportunities

Browse the list of tender opportunities and sign up for notifications to stay up to date. To download contracting information posted on CanadaBuys and contract history: 

Notice categories:

10 of 14461
List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
SBIPS - ERP/CRM - Industry Canada Services 2014/12/30 2015/01/19 Industry Canada
Automotive expert analysis on the Canadian automotive industry Services 2013/08/28
2013/09/13 Industry Canada
TBIPS - Technical Architect - Intermediate - Industry Canada Services 2014/06/09 2014/06/24 Industry Canada
TBIPS - I.7 Platform Analyst - Level 2 - Industry Canada Services 2015/02/16 2015/02/27 Industry Canada
TBIPS - A.7 Programmer Analyst - Intermediate - Industry Canada Services 2014/12/17 2015/01/06 Industry Canada
Maintenance and Support of the Integrated Security System - Industry… Services 2016/03/04 2016/03/18 Industry Canada
TBIPS - A.7 Programmer Analyst - Intermediate - Industry Canada Services 2014/07/29 2014/08/14 Industry Canada
TBIPS - A.7 Programmer Analyst - Senior - Industry Canada Services 2015/02/11 2015/02/25 Industry Canada
TBIPS - A.7 Programmer Analyst - Intermediate - Industry Canada Services 2014/09/11 2014/09/23 Industry Canada
TBIPS - A.7 Programmer Analyst - Intermediate - Industry Canada Services 2014/08/13 2014/09/05 Industry Canada
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 5998
List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
Industrial Boilers Goods 2013/12/06 N/A National Research Council Canada
Industrial Boilers Goods 2020/11/25 N/A Department of National Defence
Industrial Systems Services 2016/05/09 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
Furnaces, Industrial Goods 2015/11/10 N/A Department of National Defence
Industrial Boilers Goods 2021/01/29 N/A Department of National Defence
Chillers (Industrial) Goods 2017/01/23 N/A Public Health Agency of Canada
Industrial Boilers Goods 2016/03/14 N/A Department of National Defence
Industrial Boilers Goods 2017/08/30 N/A Department of National Defence
Industrial Shredder Goods 2019/02/05 N/A Department of National Defence
Industrial Shredder Goods 2015/01/26 N/A Department of National Defence
50 of 14629
List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
Davtair Industries 47419-209539/001/MTA Canada Border Services Agency 2020/06/18 CAD 34,090.00
Davtair Industries 21120-080563/001/HS Correctional Service of Canada 2011/10/18 CAD 68,139.00
Davtair Industries 21120-080563/001/HS Correctional Service of Canada 2011/02/02 CAD 66,529.00
Davtair Industries 21120-080563/001/HS Correctional Service of Canada 2010/04/01 CAD 259,644.00
Davtair Industries 21120-080563/001/HS Correctional Service of Canada 2010/01/29 CAD 60,401.00
Davtair Industries 21120-097061/001/HS Correctional Service of Canada 2010/01/08 CAD 499,581.00
Davtair Industries 21120-097061/001/HS Correctional Service of Canada 2009/10/02 CAD 499,581.00
Davtair Industries 21120-080563/001/HS Correctional Service of Canada 2009/09/24 CAD 64,575.00
Davtair Industries W8486-184091/001/HS Department of National Defence 2021/03/17 CAD -6,648,199.00
Davtair Industries HT235-202692/001/HP Health Canada 2021/01/04 CAD 43,172.00
Davtair Industries HT235-202692/001/HP Health Canada 2020/12/17 CAD 2,492.00
Davtair Industries HT235-202692/001/HP Health Canada 2020/11/25 CAD 43,172.00
Davtair Industries W3996-190001/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2020/11/20 CAD 61,933.00
Davtair Industries HT235-202692/001/HP Health Canada 2020/08/18 CAD 40,680.00
Davtair Industries W8486-148758/001/HS Department of National Defence 2020/04/07 CAD 4,907,000.00
Davtair Industries W8476-185772/001/HP Department of National Defence 2020/03/30 CAD 968,706.00
Davtair Industries W3996-190001/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2020/01/17 CAD 261,238.00
Davtair Industries W8476-185772/001/HP Department of National Defence 2019/11/01 CAD 968,706.00
Davtair Industries W8486-184091/001/HS Department of National Defence 2019/10/29 CAD 6,648,199.00
Davtair Industries M9062-194259/001/HP Royal Canadian Mounted Police 2019/10/16 CAD -442,750.00
Davtair Industries W8486-148758/001/HS Department of National Defence 2019/09/27 CAD 4,907,000.00
Davtair Industries W3996-190001/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2019/09/16 CAD 199,305.00
Davtair Industries M9062-194259/001/HP Royal Canadian Mounted Police 2019/09/06 CAD 442,750.00
Davtair Industries W8476-185772/001/HP Department of National Defence 2019/03/15 CAD 968,706.00
Davtair Industries W8476-185772/001/HP Department of National Defence 2019/03/07 CAD 114,434.00
Davtair Industries W8476-185772/001/HP Department of National Defence 2018/11/22 CAD -12,393.00
Davtair Industries W8486-148758/001/HS Department of National Defence 2018/11/13 CAD 500,000.00
Davtair Industries W8476-185772/001/HP Department of National Defence 2018/10/23 CAD 866,665.00
Davtair Industries W8486-148758/001/HS Department of National Defence 2018/09/19 CAD 4,907,000.00
Davtair Industries W8486-173542/005/HS Department of National Defence 2018/02/26 CAD 7,153.00
Davtair Industries W8486-148758/001/HS Department of National Defence 2017/10/05 CAD 4,907,000.00
Davtair Industries W8476-175501/001/HP Department of National Defence 2017/06/08 CAD 498,853.00
Davtair Industries W8486-148758/001/HS Department of National Defence 2017/05/16 CAD 565,000.00
Davtair Industries W8476-175501/001/HP Department of National Defence 2016/11/17 CAD 3,817,897.00
Davtair Industries W8486-148758/001/HS Department of National Defence 2016/10/06 CAD 4,907,000.00
Davtair Industries W8486-148758/001/HS Department of National Defence 2016/08/10 CAD 4,907,000.00
Davtair Industries W8486-148758/001/HS Department of National Defence 2016/05/20 CAD 4,907,000.00
Davtair Industries W8486-148758/001/HS Department of National Defence 2016/02/02 CAD 4,907,000.00
Davtair Industries W8486-148758/001/HS Department of National Defence 2014/12/10 CAD 4,907,000.00
Davtair Industries W8486-148758/001/HS Department of National Defence 2014/10/30 CAD 4,907,000.00
Davtair Industries W8486-148758/001/HS Department of National Defence 2014/10/21 CAD 3,842,000.00
Davtair Industries K8A01-080226/001/HP Environment Canada 2010/01/11 CAD 992.00
Davtair Industries W8486-097082/001/HP Department of National Defence 2009/08/17 CAD 18,375.00
Davtair Industries K8A01-080226/001/HP Environment Canada 2009/07/27 CAD 104,580.00
Davtair Industries W8486-080337/003/HS Department of National Defence 2009/03/11 CAD 7,119.00
Davtair Industries W8486-094599/003/HN Department of National Defence 2009/02/13 CAD 17,654.00
Davtair Industries W0142-18X001/002/STN Department of National Defence 2018/02/28 CAD 367,500.00
Davtair Industries W0142-18X001/002/STN Department of National Defence 2017/10/25 CAD 367,500.00
Davtair Industries W0130-16B020/001/MTA Department of National Defence 2017/09/07 CAD 51,739.00
Davtair Industries M9062-111S16/001/HP Royal Canadian Mounted Police 2012/03/14 CAD 134,894.00

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