Tender opportunities

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10 of 3377
List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
Doc4575004168 - (Notice of Intent) Extension of Access VIRGO… 2024/05/07 2024/05/15 TransLink(South Coast British Columbia…
Agriculture Weather Stations Services, Goods 2024/07/23 2024/08/05 Perennia Food and Agriculture Corp.
Agriculture Weather Stations Services, Goods 2024/07/09 2024/07/22 Perennia Food and Agriculture Corp.
Empire St. (York St. – High St.) Watermain Upgrades Construction 2024/08/15 2024/09/10 Town of Bridgewater
empirical research study on fatigue and load during remote simultaneous… Services 2020/05/19 2020/06/03 Public Works and Government Services…
NPP 0702 Kaastra Capital Corp. Services 2024/01/04
2024/01/04 Agriculture Financial Services
Development of Empirical Correlation Models for Hydrogen Production due… Services 2020/10/13
2020/11/10 Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
Grow Light Software and Support, Sonorous Technology Corp. Services 2023/01/18 2023/02/02 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
NOI for direct award to Planet Labs Geomatics Corp. Services 2024/03/28 2024/04/07 Ministry of Water, Land and Resource…
Lonsdale Energy Corp. - Wastewater Energy Transfer System (WETS) 2023/06/12
2023/06/23 City of North Vancouver
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 3035
List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
Empirical Framework for Measuring FCC's economic impact Services 2023/05/24 2024/05/28 Farm Credit Canada (FCC)
GRAPHIC DESIGN SERVICES Services 2014/01/27 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
Proservices SA - Elastalink Corp. Services 2024/02/22
2100/01/01 Department of Public Works and Government…
Amend 003 - Carahsoft Technology Corp. - (ServiceNow) Goods 2023/09/30
2023/09/30 Department of Public Works and Government…
Plumbing Contractor Services - INDUSTRA CONSTRUCTION CORP. Services 2023/07/26
2023/03/31 Department of Public Works and Government…
T3033-220003-Englobe Corp. Services 2024/06/12
2025/09/07 Department of Transport (TC)
EE517-220492-Englobe Corp. Services 2024/03/01
2025/03/31 Department of Public Works and Government…
Proservices SA - CDW Canada Corp. Services 2024/08/06
2028/07/04 Department of Public Works and Government…
ProServices SA - Novacene AI Corp. Services 2024/02/22
2100/01/01 Department of Public Works and Government…
ProServices SA - 9468269 Canada Corp. Services 2024/02/20
2100/01/01 Department of Public Works and Government…
50 of 11012
List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
LA COMPAGNIE EMPIRE CROCKERY INC./EMPIRE CROCKERY COMPANY INC. 21120-175659/001/PD Correctional Service of Canada 2017/08/09 CAD 182,996.00
LA COMPAGNIE EMPIRE CROCKERY INC./EMPIRE CROCKERY COMPANY INC. 21120-174025/001/EE Correctional Service of Canada 2016/03/31 CAD 53,008.00
LA COMPAGNIE EMPIRE CROCKERY INC./EMPIRE CROCKERY COMPANY INC. 21120-133426/001/KIN Correctional Service of Canada 2015/10/02 CAD 15,000.00
LA COMPAGNIE EMPIRE CROCKERY INC./EMPIRE CROCKERY COMPANY INC. 21120-122000/001/PD Correctional Service of Canada 2015/06/01 CAD 929,955.00
LA COMPAGNIE EMPIRE CROCKERY INC./EMPIRE CROCKERY COMPANY INC. 21120-133426/001/KIN Correctional Service of Canada 2015/03/17 CAD 93,202.00
LA COMPAGNIE EMPIRE CROCKERY INC./EMPIRE CROCKERY COMPANY INC. 21120-122000/001/PD Correctional Service of Canada 2015/03/10 CAD 124,489.00
LA COMPAGNIE EMPIRE CROCKERY INC./EMPIRE CROCKERY COMPANY INC. 21120-133426/001/KIN Correctional Service of Canada 2015/01/06 CAD 1,384.00
LA COMPAGNIE EMPIRE CROCKERY INC./EMPIRE CROCKERY COMPANY INC. 21120-133426/001/KIN Correctional Service of Canada 2014/11/06 CAD 9,115.00
LA COMPAGNIE EMPIRE CROCKERY INC./EMPIRE CROCKERY COMPANY INC. 21120-148953/001/KIN Correctional Service of Canada 2014/11/06 CAD 382,087.00
LA COMPAGNIE EMPIRE CROCKERY INC./EMPIRE CROCKERY COMPANY INC. 21120-133620/001/KIN Correctional Service of Canada 2014/09/10 CAD 84,993.00
LA COMPAGNIE EMPIRE CROCKERY INC./EMPIRE CROCKERY COMPANY INC. 21120-148953/001/KIN Correctional Service of Canada 2014/09/08 CAD 382,087.00
LA COMPAGNIE EMPIRE CROCKERY INC./EMPIRE CROCKERY COMPANY INC. 21120-133426/001/KIN Correctional Service of Canada 2014/08/18 CAD 87.00
LA COMPAGNIE EMPIRE CROCKERY INC./EMPIRE CROCKERY COMPANY INC. 21120-133426/001/KIN Correctional Service of Canada 2014/08/01 CAD 5,651,906.00
LA COMPAGNIE EMPIRE CROCKERY INC./EMPIRE CROCKERY COMPANY INC. 21120-133426/001/KIN Correctional Service of Canada 2014/07/25 CAD 6,410.00
LA COMPAGNIE EMPIRE CROCKERY INC./EMPIRE CROCKERY COMPANY INC. 21120-133426/001/KIN Correctional Service of Canada 2014/07/09 CAD 2,401.00
LA COMPAGNIE EMPIRE CROCKERY INC./EMPIRE CROCKERY COMPANY INC. 21120-122000/001/PD Correctional Service of Canada 2014/06/16 CAD 137,614.00
LA COMPAGNIE EMPIRE CROCKERY INC./EMPIRE CROCKERY COMPANY INC. 21120-133426/001/KIN Correctional Service of Canada 2014/05/28 CAD 3,087,227.00
LA COMPAGNIE EMPIRE CROCKERY INC./EMPIRE CROCKERY COMPANY INC. 21120-133617/001/KIN Correctional Service of Canada 2014/03/27 CAD 45,454.00
LA COMPAGNIE EMPIRE CROCKERY INC./EMPIRE CROCKERY COMPANY INC. 21120-133620/001/KIN Correctional Service of Canada 2014/03/27 CAD 84,993.00
LA COMPAGNIE EMPIRE CROCKERY INC./EMPIRE CROCKERY COMPANY INC. 21120-133623/001/KIN Correctional Service of Canada 2014/03/27 CAD 208,777.00
LA COMPAGNIE EMPIRE CROCKERY INC./EMPIRE CROCKERY COMPANY INC. 21120-133623/001/KIN Correctional Service of Canada 2014/03/13 CAD 208,777.00
LA COMPAGNIE EMPIRE CROCKERY INC./EMPIRE CROCKERY COMPANY INC. 21120-133620/001/KIN Correctional Service of Canada 2014/03/13 CAD 84,993.00
LA COMPAGNIE EMPIRE CROCKERY INC./EMPIRE CROCKERY COMPANY INC. 21120-133426/001/KIN Correctional Service of Canada 2014/03/11 CAD 91,282.00
LA COMPAGNIE EMPIRE CROCKERY INC./EMPIRE CROCKERY COMPANY INC. 21120-122000/001/PD Correctional Service of Canada 2014/03/10 CAD 929,955.00
LA COMPAGNIE EMPIRE CROCKERY INC./EMPIRE CROCKERY COMPANY INC. 21120-122000/001/PD Correctional Service of Canada 2014/01/31 CAD 929,955.00
LA COMPAGNIE EMPIRE CROCKERY INC./EMPIRE CROCKERY COMPANY INC. 21120-133623/001/KIN Correctional Service of Canada 2014/01/17 CAD 379.00
LA COMPAGNIE EMPIRE CROCKERY INC./EMPIRE CROCKERY COMPANY INC. 21120-133620/001/KIN Correctional Service of Canada 2013/11/26 CAD 84,993.00
LA COMPAGNIE EMPIRE CROCKERY INC./EMPIRE CROCKERY COMPANY INC. 21120-133426/001/KIN Correctional Service of Canada 2013/11/21 CAD 2,345,798.00
LA COMPAGNIE EMPIRE CROCKERY INC./EMPIRE CROCKERY COMPANY INC. 21120-133617/001/KIN Correctional Service of Canada 2013/11/12 CAD 45,454.00
LA COMPAGNIE EMPIRE CROCKERY INC./EMPIRE CROCKERY COMPANY INC. 21120-133623/001/KIN Correctional Service of Canada 2013/10/01 CAD 208,398.00
LA COMPAGNIE EMPIRE CROCKERY INC./EMPIRE CROCKERY COMPANY INC. 21120-122000/001/PD Correctional Service of Canada 2013/09/30 CAD 4,864.00
LA COMPAGNIE EMPIRE CROCKERY INC./EMPIRE CROCKERY COMPANY INC. 21120-122000/001/PD Correctional Service of Canada 2013/06/17 CAD 662,988.00
LA COMPAGNIE EMPIRE CROCKERY INC./EMPIRE CROCKERY COMPANY INC. 21301-096792/001/MTA Correctional Service of Canada 2011/10/27 CAD 333,333.00
LA COMPAGNIE EMPIRE CROCKERY INC./EMPIRE CROCKERY COMPANY INC. 21301-096792/001/MTA Correctional Service of Canada 2011/10/24 CAD 333,333.00
LA COMPAGNIE EMPIRE CROCKERY INC./EMPIRE CROCKERY COMPANY INC. 21801-090405/001/VAN Correctional Service of Canada 2010/03/29 CAD 44,375.00
LA COMPAGNIE EMPIRE CROCKERY INC./EMPIRE CROCKERY COMPANY INC. 21301-096792/001/MTA Correctional Service of Canada 2010/01/04 CAD 333,333.00
Empire North Inc. EW038-123024/001/EDM Public Works and Government Services… 2012/05/28 CAD 209,743.00
Empire North Inc. EW038-123024/001/EDM Public Works and Government Services… 2012/04/19 CAD 209,743.00
Empire North Inc. EW076-093296/001/EDM Public Works and Government Services… 2009/02/26 CAD 61,121.00
LA COMPAGNIE EMPIRE CROCKERY INC./EMPIRE CROCKERY COMPANY INC. B8114-170050/001/HP Citizenship and Immigration Canada 2016/07/18 CAD 38,544.00
Franklin Empire inc 31206-153914/001/BAP National Research Council Canada 2016/06/17 CAD 37,182.00
Empire Machinery & Tools Ltd. 21537-088014/001/STN Correctional Service of Canada 2009/03/13 CAD 57,745.00
FRANKLIN EMPIRE INC 21301-206874/001/MTA Correctional Service of Canada 2020/05/26 CAD 73,417.00
Empire Machinery & Tools Ltd. 21C41-190432/001/TOR Correctional Service of Canada 2019/03/15 CAD 111,757.00
Empire Crockery Canada Inc. W0105-112711/001/MCT Department of National Defence 2011/03/17 CAD 19,911.00
Empire Crockery Canada Inc. W0105-111673/001/MCT Department of National Defence 2011/02/25 CAD 6,893.00
Empire Crockery Canada Inc. W0105-112815/001/MCT Department of National Defence 2010/07/05 CAD 24,058.00
Empire Welding and Machining Ltd. 01R11-090764/001/REG Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 2009/03/10 CAD 22,050.00
Empire Crockery Canada Inc. W0105-096384/001/MCT Department of National Defence 2009/03/05 CAD 11,896.00
franklin empire inc 31184-102627/001/PV National Research Council Canada 2011/03/16 CAD 480.00

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