Maintenance on CanadaBuys

The CanadaBuys website and SAP Ariba will be down for scheduled maintenance at the times listed below. We apologize for any inconvenience. 

  • CanadaBuys on Friday, February 14 from 7:00 pm until February 16 7:00 pm (Eastern Time)
  • SAP Ariba on Saturday, February 15 from 7:00 pm until 10:59 pm (Eastern Time)   

Tender opportunities

Browse the list of tender opportunities and sign up for notifications to stay up to date. To download contracting information posted on CanadaBuys and contract history: 

Notice categories:

10 of 29585
List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
SSC Depot Fit-Up Construction 2020/02/26
2020/03/05 Public Works and Government Services…
Depot Outdoor Fitness Courses Construction 2018/01/12
2018/01/16 Royal Canadian Mounted Police
2014/02/20 Department of National Defence
2015/01/21 Department of National Defence
Commercial Fitness Equipment - Supply and Service Goods 2024/01/16
2024/03/14 Edmonton
FITNESS EQUIPMENT Goods 2023/10/03
2023/10/03 Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
City of Edmonton - Negotiated Request for Proposal - RFP 938458-2… Goods 2024/08/30 2024/09/26 City of Edmonton
Depot Operator - West Compost Depot Services related to goods 2025/02/12 2025/03/04 City of Saskatoon
Supply, Delivery, and Installation of Commercial-Grade Fitness and… 2023/07/11
2023/07/11 Queen's University
Depot Stock Goods 2013/05/30
2012/04/23 Department of National Defence
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 69944
List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
FITNESS EQUIPMENT Goods 2014/03/13 N/A Department of National Defence
SSC Depot Fit-Up Construction 2020/04/30 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
Depot Outdoor Fitness Courses Construction 2018/02/12 N/A Royal Canadian Mounted Police
FITNESS EQUIPMENT Goods 2024/03/31
2024/03/31 Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
COMMERCIAL FITNESS EQUIPMENT Goods 2015/02/04 N/A Department of National Defence
COMMERCIAL FITNESS EQUIPMENT Goods 2015/01/29 N/A Department of National Defence
COMMERCIAL FITNESS EQUIPMENT Goods 2014/03/12 N/A Department of National Defence
Non- Electrical Fitness Equipment Goods 2024/01/22
2024/01/22 RCMP Procurement and Contracting Services.
W0133-24T046 - CFSSAR Fitness Equipment Goods 2024/03/01
2024/02/29 Department of National Defence (DND)
23295-241176 Valve-Fittings Standing Offer RISO Goods 2024/06/13 2027/08/31 Department of Natural Resources (NRCan)
50 of 287167
List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
Fitness Depot Commercial Inc. W3380-130006/001/PSD Department of National Defence 2014/02/18 CAD 38,861.00
Fitness Depot Commercial Inc. W3931-120082/001/PV Department of National Defence 2012/06/29 CAD 68,340.00
Fitness Depot Commercial Inc. W0107-112330/001/PET Department of National Defence 2011/03/15 CAD 13,380.00
Fitness Depot Commercial Inc. W8474-110062/002/PD Department of National Defence 2011/02/21 CAD 54,873.00
Fitness Depot Commercial Inc. W0135-083436/002/TNB Department of National Defence 2009/01/19 CAD 7,534.00
Fitness Depot Commercial Inc. W0135-083436/002/TNB Department of National Defence 2009/01/16 CAD -7,534.00
Fitness Depot Commercial Inc. W010X-14A002/004/HAL Department of National Defence 2014/03/14 CAD 18,987.00
Fitness Depot Commercial Inc. W010X-14A002/004/HAL Department of National Defence 2014/03/13 CAD 18,987.00
Fitness Depot Commercial Inc. W0114-11Q013/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2010/12/07 CAD 7,597.00
Fitness Depot Commercial Inc. W0114-10Q391/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2009/11/19 CAD 68,528.00
Fitness Depot Commercial Inc. W0114-09Q627/003/KIN Department of National Defence 2009/05/19 CAD 150,000.00
Fitness Depot Commercial Inc. W3191-08A304/001/BOR Department of National Defence 2009/03/06 CAD 7,448.00
Fitness Depot Commercial Inc. W0114-09Q627/003/KIN Department of National Defence 2009/02/24 CAD 150,000.00
Fitness Depot Commercial Inc. W0107-09D011/001/PET Department of National Defence 2009/02/05 CAD 24,982.00
Fitness Depot Commercial Inc. W0114-09Q541/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2009/01/15 CAD 10,433.00
Fitness Depot Commercial Inc. W0114-09Q627/003/KIN Department of National Defence 2010/01/22 CAD 150,000.00
Fitness Depot Commercial Inc. W0114-10Q391/002/KIN Department of National Defence 2010/01/20 CAD 40,926.00
Fitness Depot Commercial Inc. W0114-10Q391/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2009/12/17 CAD -1,072.00
Fitness Depot Commercial Inc. W0114-10Q391/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2009/12/17 CAD 540.00
Fitness Depot Commercial Inc. W0114-10Q391/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2009/11/25 CAD 67,996.00
Fitness Depot Commercial Inc. W0125-09Q671/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2009/03/11 CAD 62,666.00
Fitness Depot Commercial Inc. W6399-12DC40/001/PD Department of National Defence 2011/08/25 CAD 10,735.00
Fitness Depot Commercial Inc. W6399-11CC69/001/PY Department of National Defence 2010/09/28 CAD 7,390.00
Fitness Depot Commercial Inc. W0125-15LM04/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2014/12/02 CAD 397,940.00
Fitness Depot Commercial Inc. W0125-15LM04/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2014/11/12 CAD 397,940.00
FITNESS DEPOT COMMERCIAL W0117-100159/001/WPG Department of National Defence 2011/02/28 CAD 10,238.00
FITNESS DEPOT COMMERCIAL W0135-100476/001/TNB Department of National Defence 2011/02/02 CAD 22,544.00
FITNESS DEPOT COMMERCIAL W0105-110696/001/MCT Department of National Defence 2011/02/23 CAD 11,418.00
FITNESS DEPOT COMMERCIAL W0135-085330/001/TNB Department of National Defence 2009/02/27 CAD 6,779.00
FITNESS DEPOT COMMERCIAL W0113-08A309/001/BOR Department of National Defence 2009/03/10 CAD 24,418.00
FITNESS DEPOT COMMERCIAL W0113-08A203/001/BOR Department of National Defence 2009/01/27 CAD 24,270.00
FITNESS DEPOT COMMERCIAL W0125-10J042/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2011/01/31 CAD 7,852.00
FITNESS DEPOT COMMERCIAL W0113-08A300/001/BOR Department of National Defence 2009/03/03 CAD 23,792.00
FITNESS DEPOT COMMERCIAL W06Y1-10F038/001/MTA Department of National Defence 2010/12/14 CAD 6,214.00
Fitness Depot Commercial W0130-08GP32/001/MTA Department of National Defence 2009/03/30 CAD 7,429.00
Fitness Town Commercial Alberta INC. W0107-117215/001/PET Department of National Defence 2010/12/14 CAD 6,983.00
Fitness Town Commercial Alberta INC. M5000-094942/002/REG Royal Canadian Mounted Police 2009/03/06 CAD 105,306.00
Fitness Town Commercial B.C. Inc. W0103-218876/002/VIC Department of National Defence 2021/02/08 CAD 44,783.00
Fitness Town Commercial Alberta INC. M5000-094942/002/REG Royal Canadian Mounted Police 2009/03/04 CAD 126,905.00
Fitness Town Commercial Alberta INC. W0127-08P120/001/EDM Department of National Defence 2010/03/02 CAD 63,000.00
Fitness Town Commercial Alberta INC. W0127-08P120/001/EDM Department of National Defence 2009/04/24 CAD 63,000.00
1153584 Ontario Inc. WN536-150022/003/TOR Department of National Defence 2015/03/30 CAD 11,948.00
1153584 Ontario Inc. WN536-150022/003/TOR Department of National Defence 2015/03/04 CAD 11,948.00
1120860 ONTARIO INC W0102-155124/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2015/02/23 CAD 39,095.00
1120860 ONTARIO INC W0102-155124/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2015/02/17 CAD 34,839.00
1120860 ONTARIO INC W0107-101014/001/PET Department of National Defence 2011/02/26 CAD 21,458.00
1120860 ONTARIO INC W8486-095042/001/PY Department of National Defence 2009/01/19 CAD 11,748.00
1120860 ONTARIO INC W0100-16C099/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2016/02/22 CAD 96,255.00
1120860 ONTARIO INC W0127-13P027/001/WPG Department of National Defence 2015/04/30 CAD 140,000.00
Metagenics Fitness Inc. CW2335212 Department of National Defence (DND) 2023/11/23 CAD 23,655.87

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