Maintenance on CanadaBuys

The CanadaBuys website and SAP Ariba will be down for scheduled maintenance at the times listed below. We apologize for any inconvenience. 

  • CanadaBuys on Friday, February 14 from 7:00 pm until February 16 7:00 pm (Eastern Time)
  • SAP Ariba on Saturday, February 15 from 7:00 pm until 10:59 pm (Eastern Time)   

Tender opportunities

Browse the list of tender opportunities and sign up for notifications to stay up to date. To download contracting information posted on CanadaBuys and contract history: 

Notice categories:

10 of 849
List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
Automated Gene Synthesizer Goods 2023/04/28
2023/05/05 University of Alberta
Entretien ménager complexe sportif Desjardins Services related to goods 2024/10/20
2023/10/20 Ville de Dolbeau-Mistassini.
Entretien ménager - Centre Henry-Desjardins Services related to goods 2023/07/19 2023/08/31 Ville de Baie-Comeau
Automated Digital PCR for Absolute Quantification of Gene Expression Services, Goods 2024/03/04
2024/03/04 University of Ottawa
Surveillance des travaux – travaux de réfection des avenues de Gênes et… Services 2024/02/01 2024/02/22 Ville de Candiac.
Automated Droplet Digital PCR for Absolute Quantification of Gene… Goods, Services 2023/07/21
2023/07/25 University of Ottawa
Rotor-Gene Q 5plex High-Resolution Melting (HRM) Platform Goods 2022/02/16 2022/03/03 Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Analysis of microbial diversity and functional genes in soil samples Services 2014/04/17
2014/05/05 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Legal, Ethical, Social, and Policy Dimensions of Somatic Gene and… Services 2019/07/10
2019/07/23 National Research Council Canada
Réfection toiture - glace Nutrinor - centre sportif Desjardins Construction 2024/11/02
2023/11/02 Ville de Dolbeau-Mistassini.
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 590
List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
39903-240341 - Gene Up Thermocycler System Goods 2024/10/08
2030/12/31 Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)
Automated Digital PCR for Absolute Quantification of Gene Expression Services, Goods 2024/05/15 2029/05/15 University of Ottawa
Legal, Ethical, Social, and Policy Dimensions of Somatic Gene and… Services 2019/08/06 N/A National Research Council Canada
Rotor-Gene Q 5plex High-Resolution Melting (HRM) Platform Goods 2022/03/15 N/A Canadian Food Inspection Agency
General Maintenance - Grand Falls Armoury, Grand Falls, N.B. &… Construction 2012/10/11 N/A Department of National Defence
Amend 006 - Gene Expression Hybridization Kit - Agilent Technologies… Goods 2023/09/20
2023/09/20 Department of Health (HC)
Snow/Ice Control and Grass Cutting/Lawn Maintenance, Grand Falls and… Services 2017/02/27 N/A Department of National Defence
Janitorial Services - Barrack Green Armoury & HMCS Brunswicker,… Services 2016/03/21 N/A Department of National Defence
Janitorial Services Services 2014/12/17 N/A Department of National Defence
Janitorial Services, Bathurst and Cambellton Armouries, New Brunswick Services 2013/03/27 N/A Department of National Defence
50 of 5661
List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
Gene Desjardins Landscaping W6837-175301/001/STJ Department of National Defence 2018/04/26 CAD -48,314.00
Gene Desjardins Landscaping W6837-175301/001/STJ Department of National Defence 2017/02/27 CAD 52,706.00
Gene Desjardins Landscaping W6837-175301/001/STJ Department of National Defence 2017/12/29 CAD 52,706.00
Gene Desjardins Landscaping W0105-16E010/001/PWB Department of National Defence 2017/12/29 CAD 136,344.00
Gene Desjardins Landscaping W0105-16E010/001/PWB Department of National Defence 2017/02/01 CAD 136,344.00
Gene Desjardins Landscaping W0105-16E010/001/PWB Department of National Defence 2016/03/21 CAD 133,973.00
Gene Desjardins Landscaping W0105-14E010/001/PWB Department of National Defence 2015/03/26 CAD 20,701.00
Gene Desjardins Landscaping W0105-13E014/001/PWB Department of National Defence 2015/02/27 CAD 23,716.00
Gene Desjardins Landscaping W0105-13E050/001/PWB Department of National Defence 2015/02/27 CAD 75,941.00
Gene Desjardins Landscaping W0105-13E013/001/PWB Department of National Defence 2015/02/27 CAD 127,175.00
Gene Desjardins Landscaping W0105-15E013/001/MCT Department of National Defence 2014/12/17 CAD 68,162.00
Gene Desjardins Landscaping W0105-13E012/001/PWB Department of National Defence 2014/05/21 CAD 18,744.00
Gene Desjardins Landscaping W0105-12E072/001/PWB Department of National Defence 2014/05/21 CAD 1,880.00
Gene Desjardins Landscaping W0105-13E050/001/PWB Department of National Defence 2014/04/10 CAD 6,170.00
Gene Desjardins Landscaping W0105-13E014/001/PWB Department of National Defence 2014/04/10 CAD 1,763.00
Gene Desjardins Landscaping W0105-13E013/001/PWB Department of National Defence 2014/04/10 CAD 10,929.00
Gene Desjardins Landscaping W0105-13E012/001/PWB Department of National Defence 2014/03/31 CAD 18,744.00
Gene Desjardins Landscaping W0105-13E013/001/PWB Department of National Defence 2014/03/20 CAD 114,935.00
Gene Desjardins Landscaping W0105-13E050/001/PWB Department of National Defence 2014/02/26 CAD 69,031.00
Gene Desjardins Landscaping W0105-13E014/001/PWB Department of National Defence 2014/02/13 CAD 21,741.00
Gene Desjardins Landscaping W0105-12E072/001/PWB Department of National Defence 2014/02/13 CAD 18,781.00
Gene Desjardins Landscaping W0105-13E050/001/PWB Department of National Defence 2013/03/27 CAD 69,031.00
Gene Desjardins Landscaping W0105-12E072/001/PWB Department of National Defence 2013/03/06 CAD 18,781.00
Gene Desjardins Landscaping W0105-13E013/001/PWB Department of National Defence 2013/01/24 CAD 114,935.00
Gene Desjardins Landscaping W0105-13E014/001/PWB Department of National Defence 2013/01/24 CAD 21,741.00
Gene Desjardins Landscaping W0105-11E023/001/PWB Department of National Defence 2012/12/07 CAD 11,859.00
Gene Desjardins Landscaping W0105-13E012/001/PWB Department of National Defence 2012/10/12 CAD 37,489.00
Gene Desjardins Landscaping W0105-13E003/001/PWB Department of National Defence 2012/10/11 CAD 565,000.00
Gene Desjardins Landscaping W0105-12E072/001/PWB Department of National Defence 2012/10/09 CAD 37,606.00
Gene Desjardins Landscaping W0105-11E023/001/PWB Department of National Defence 2011/03/01 CAD 11,859.00
Gene Desjardins Landscaping W0105-09E032/001/PWB Department of National Defence 2010/11/25 CAD 35,968.00
Gene Desjardins Landscaping W0105-09E032/001/PWB Department of National Defence 2009/11/19 CAD 35,702.00
Gene Desjardins Landscaping W0105-09E032/001/PWB Department of National Defence 2009/03/19 CAD 35,575.00
Gene Desjardins Landscaping W0105-14E010/001/PWB Department of National Defence 2016/01/15 CAD 20,701.00
Gene Desjardins Landscaping W0105-13E012/001/PWB Department of National Defence 2015/02/27 CAD 39,595.00
Gene Desjardins Landscaping W0105-13E012/001/PWB Department of National Defence 2014/04/11 CAD 1,880.00
Gene Desjardins Landscaping W0105-14E010/001/PWB Department of National Defence 2013/11/27 CAD 20,701.00
Gene Desjardins Landscaping W0105-13E050/001/PWB Department of National Defence 2013/05/03 CAD 220,173.00
Gene Desjardins Landscaping W0105-13E012/001/PWB Department of National Defence 2013/01/29 CAD -18,744.00
Gene Desjardins Landscaping W0105-11E023/001/PWB Department of National Defence 2011/11/28 CAD 11,859.00
GENE CODES CORPORATION 6D063-090235/001/WPG Public Health Agency of Canada 2009/05/12 CAD 4,285.00
ASPHALTE DESJARDINS INC. 21896-105005/001/MTC Correctional Service of Canada 2010/12/02 CAD 408.00
ASPHALTE DESJARDINS INC. 21896-105005/001/MTC Correctional Service of Canada 2010/10/04 CAD 6,038.00
ASPHALTE DESJARDINS INC. 21896-105005/001/MTC Correctional Service of Canada 2010/08/10 CAD 53,079.00
Desjardins conception graphique inc 9K001-070506/005/MTA Economic Development Agency of Canada for… 2012/03/27 CAD 413,400.00
Desjardins conception graphique inc 9K001-070506/005/MTA Economic Development Agency of Canada for… 2011/03/30 CAD 413,400.00
Desjardins conception graphique inc 9K001-070506/005/MTA Economic Development Agency of Canada for… 2010/03/31 CAD 413,400.00
ASPHALTE DESJARDINS INC. EF997-130123/001/MTC Public Works and Government Services… 2012/05/16 CAD 112,372.00
OXFORD GENE TECHNOLOGY INC HT227-145811/001/PV Health Canada 2016/10/31 CAD -45,964.00
OXFORD GENE TECHNOLOGY INC HT227-145811/001/PV Health Canada 2016/01/18 CAD 19,401.00

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