Tender opportunities

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Notice categories:

10 of 476
List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
Guyed Tower Replacement Construction, Services related to goods 2016/07/06
2016/07/15 Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Antenna, Guy Goods 2014/05/30 2014/07/10 Department of National Defence
Guy-Favreau Complex - Chairs Goods 2021/10/15
2021/10/15 Employment and Social Development Canada
Reconstruction of Guy Street and Walton Street Construction 2024/05/10
2024/04/03 City Of Cornwall
Fit-Up Guy Favreau Complex (CGF) Construction, Services 2019/09/05
2019/09/09 Public Works and Government Services…
Aménagement du parc Antoinette-Guy Services 2023/04/12
2023/03/21 Ville de Matane
106.7m Guyed Tower Replacement – Odessa MCTS Construction, Services related to goods 2016/09/14
2016/09/19 Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Réaménagement Parc Jean-Guy Fournier Construction 2024/06/25
2024/06/14 Municipalité de Sainte-Croix
Moving services for Guy-Favreau Complex Services 2022/07/21
2022/08/03 Public Works and Government Services…
Réaménagement Parc Jean-Guy Fournier Construction 2024/10/18
2024/07/08 Municipalité de Sainte-Croix
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 184
List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
Guy-Favreau Complex - Chairs Goods 2021/10/25 N/A Employment and Social Development Canada
Moving services Guy Favreau Services 2022/08/05 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
106.7m Guyed Tower Replacement – Odessa MCTS Construction 2016/09/27 N/A Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Amend 006 - Marshalling and Warehousing - Boyd Moving and Storage Ltd. Services 2024/10/31
2024/10/31 Department of Public Works and Government…
Amend 003 - W0106-20S033 - RISO Inspections, Repairs, Parts GM Vehicles… Goods 2024/02/27
2023/08/31 Department of National Defence (DND)
Amend 002 - W0106-20S033 - RISO Inspections, Repairs, Parts GM Vehicles… Goods 2023/08/31
2023/08/31 Department of National Defence (DND)
Renovation of the Security Operation Centre -- Guy-Favreau Complex Construction 2014/10/02 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
91.5m (300 ft) Guyed Tower Replacement CCG Cobourg MCTS Site Construction 2017/09/12 N/A Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Replacement of Guyed Receiver Tower (33.53m), Magdalen Islands, Quebec Construction 2019/08/09 N/A Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Relocation of the Canada Revenue Agency, Guy-Favreau Complex, Montreal (… Construction 2017/03/23 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
50 of 520
List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
Boyd Excavating Ltd. EW699-151374/001/PWZ Public Works and Government Services… 2015/01/02 CAD 93,827.00
Boyd Excavating Ltd. EW699-151374/001/PWZ Public Works and Government Services… 2015/02/10 CAD 5,198.00
Guy Potvin EN966-140305/046/ZF Public Works and Government Services… 2022/03/15 CAD 0.00
Guy Potvin EN966-140305/046/ZF Public Works and Government Services… 2015/07/31 CAD 0.00
Guy Potvin EN966-140305/046/ZF Public Works and Government Services… 2020/07/22 CAD 0.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08009-190260/001/LS FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2022/10/27 CAD 0.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08009-190260/001/LS FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2022/10/27 CAD 0.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08009-190260/001/LS FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2020/12/17 CAD 0.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08009-190260/001/LS FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2019/10/22 CAD 0.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08009-140060/001/LM FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2014/11/18 CAD 0.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08956-110350/004/LM FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2013/11/19 CAD 0.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08009-080171/001/LM FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2013/09/09 CAD 720,000.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08956-110350/004/LM FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2013/08/27 CAD 0.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08956-110350/004/LM FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2013/03/20 CAD 0.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08209-080381/005/LM FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2012/09/14 CAD 725,000.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08009-080171/001/LM FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2011/11/03 CAD 1,000,000.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08283-080102/001/LM FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2011/06/21 CAD 1,800,000.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08209-080381/005/LM FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2010/09/24 CAD 725,000.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08209-080381/005/LM FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2009/09/03 CAD 725,000.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08209-080381/005/LM FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2009/08/31 CAD 725,000.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08127-060001/003/LM FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2009/03/06 CAD 500,000.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08009-190260/001/LS FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2021/09/27 CAD 0.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08009-190260/001/LS FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2020/12/17 CAD 0.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08009-190260/001/LS FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2020/02/25 CAD 0.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08009-140060/001/LM FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2018/10/10 CAD 0.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08009-140060/001/LM FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2018/04/04 CAD 0.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08956-110350/004/LM FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2017/10/26 CAD 0.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08009-140060/001/LM FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2017/10/10 CAD 0.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08956-110350/004/LM FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2017/02/27 CAD 0.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08956-110350/004/LM FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2016/03/07 CAD 0.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08956-110350/004/LM FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2015/03/04 CAD 0.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08283-080102/001/LM FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2013/09/17 CAD 1,800,000.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08209-080381/005/LM FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2012/12/19 CAD 725,000.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08009-080171/001/LM FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2012/11/06 CAD 4,540,000.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08283-080102/001/LM FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2012/09/20 CAD 1,800,000.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08283-080102/001/LM FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2012/06/11 CAD 720,000.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08009-080171/001/LM FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2012/03/06 CAD 4,540,000.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08209-080381/005/LM FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2012/03/02 CAD 725,000.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08209-080381/005/LM FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2011/06/07 CAD 725,000.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08209-080381/005/LM FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2011/02/16 CAD 725,000.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08009-080171/001/LM FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2010/04/09 CAD 4,540,000.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08283-080102/001/LM FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2010/02/08 CAD 1,800,000.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08209-080381/005/LM FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2010/01/22 CAD 725,000.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08209-080381/005/LM FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2009/07/27 CAD 725,000.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08127-060001/003/LM FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2009/05/28 CAD 500,000.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08127-060001/003/LM FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2009/05/19 CAD 500,000.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08009-080171/001/LM FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2009/03/13 CAD 120,000.00
Boyd Moving & Storage Ltd. 08127-060001/003/LM FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2009/03/03 CAD 500,000.00
GUY BROUILLET W3380-10B220/001/MTB Department of National Defence 2013/08/08 CAD 46,000.00
GUY BROUILLET W3380-10B220/001/MTB Department of National Defence 2011/09/12 CAD 136,500.00

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