Tender opportunities

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Notice categories:

10 of 3325
List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
Exterior Conservation Project at Duff-Baby House 2023/08/01
2023/08/01 Ontario Heritage Trust
Duff Roblin Aquaculture Facility Treated Water System Upgrade Construction 2023/12/06
2023/12/06 University of Manitoba
SAINT JOHN FLEET RELOCATION Construction 2022/11/22
2022/11/29 City of Saint John
Plowing Services - Saint John Parking Services 2023/10/31 2023/11/15 City of Saint John
CAD/AVL System - Saint John Transit Services 2023/01/18
2023/01/25 City of Saint John
Venue Management Services - Saint John Trade and Convention Ctr Services 2024/02/26
2024/03/12 City of Saint John
CITY OF FORT ST. JOHN - 2023 CAPITAL ROADWORKS 2023/04/12 2023/04/25 City of Fort St John
City of Fort St. John - 2023 Water & Sewer Upgrades 2023/02/24 2023/03/14 City of Fort St John
CITY OF FORT ST. JOHN 2023 Trails, Sidewalks and Streetlighting 2023/03/16 2023/03/29 City of Fort St John
2024 FORT ST JOHN REFRIGERATION MAINTENANCE SERVICES 2024/08/15 2024/08/20 City of Fort St John
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 2600
List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
ICPM - Saint John Services 2023/05/16 2028/06/30 Correctional Service Canada
ProServices SA - John F Wilmshurst Services 2024/02/20
2100/01/01 Department of Public Works and Government…
2023 John Wiley and Sons Goods 2023/12/31
2023/12/31 Department of Health (HC)
St John’s, Newfoundland – Demolition of St. John’s Airport Detachment Services 2013/10/09 N/A Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Community Case Management - John Howard Society Services 2018/05/11 N/A Canada Border Services Agency
CCGS John Cabot Alongside Refit Goods 2024/03/20
2024/03/31 Canadian Coast Guard (CCG)
Saint John Ferry Terminal Warehouse, Design-Build Construction 2020/01/17 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
Amend 002 - 2022 John Wiley and Sons Subscription Goods 2024/03/11
2024/12/31 Department of National Defence (DND)
Garbarino Pump Parts John Cabot Goods 2023/06/27
2023/06/27 Canadian Coast Guard (CCG)
Backflow Prevention Upgrade - John Cabot Building, St. John's Construction 2015/12/20 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
50 of 15960
List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
John Duff EN960-231030/045/ZF Public Works and Government Services… 2024/06/11 CAD -39,550.00
John Duff EN960-212323/043/ZF Public Works and Government Services… 2023/05/01 CAD 11,300.00
John Duff EN960-202683/059/ZF Public Works and Government Services… 2021/03/01 CAD 149,468.00
John Duff EN960-192231/060/ZF Public Works and Government Services… 2019/05/03 CAD 100,000.00
John Duff EN960-231030/045/ZF Public Works and Government Services… 2023/09/21 CAD 67,800.00
John Duff EN960-212323/043/ZF Public Works and Government Services… 2022/05/12 CAD 11,300.00
John Duff EN960-212323/043/ZF Public Works and Government Services… 2021/06/01 CAD 141,250.00
John Duff EN960-202683/059/ZF Public Works and Government Services… 2021/02/01 CAD 74,731.00
John Duff EN960-202683/059/ZF Public Works and Government Services… 2020/12/17 CAD 281,689.00
John Duff EN960-202683/059/ZF Public Works and Government Services… 2020/06/09 CAD 57,490.00
John Duff EN960-192231/151/ZF Public Works and Government Services… 2019/05/14 CAD 100,000.00
John Howard Society Saint John Branch 21280-140001/001/MCT Correctional Service of Canada 2018/09/12 CAD 25,000.00
John Howard Society Saint John Branch 21280-140001/001/MCT Correctional Service of Canada 2016/08/25 CAD 18,825.00
John Howard Society Saint John Branch 21280-140001/001/MCT Correctional Service of Canada 2016/03/29 CAD 384,325.00
John Howard Society Saint John Branch 21280-140001/001/MCT Correctional Service of Canada 2015/10/05 CAD 384,325.00
John Howard Society Saint John Branch 21201-090124/001/MCT Correctional Service of Canada 2015/03/31 CAD 204,041.00
John Howard Society Saint John Branch 21280-140001/001/MCT Correctional Service of Canada 2015/02/26 CAD 56,500.00
John Howard Society Saint John Branch 21280-140014/002/MCT Correctional Service of Canada 2014/06/11 CAD 82,773.00
John Howard Society Saint John Branch 21280-140014/002/MCT Correctional Service of Canada 2014/03/17 CAD 82,773.00
John Howard Society Saint John Branch 21280-140001/001/MCT Correctional Service of Canada 2013/11/06 CAD 56,500.00
John Howard Society Saint John Branch 21201-090124/001/MCT Correctional Service of Canada 2013/09/17 CAD 20,428.00
John Howard Society Saint John Branch 21201-090124/001/MCT Correctional Service of Canada 2013/03/26 CAD 20,428.00
John Howard Society Saint John Branch 21201-090124/001/MCT Correctional Service of Canada 2012/01/20 CAD 39,680.00
John Howard Society Saint John Branch 21281-100001/001/MCT Correctional Service of Canada 2011/10/28 CAD 207,920.00
John Howard Society Saint John Branch 21201-090124/001/MCT Correctional Service of Canada 2010/12/17 CAD 38,505.00
John Howard Society Saint John Branch 21281-100001/001/MCT Correctional Service of Canada 2010/11/30 CAD 51,980.00
John Howard Society Saint John Branch 21284-070104/001/MCT Correctional Service of Canada 2010/04/21 CAD 18,645.00
John Howard Society Saint John Branch 21281-100001/001/MCT Correctional Service of Canada 2010/03/22 CAD 51,980.00
John Howard Society Saint John Branch 21284-070104/001/MCT Correctional Service of Canada 2009/04/08 CAD 20,250.00
John Howard Society Saint John Branch 21280-140001/001/MCT Correctional Service of Canada 2018/04/26 CAD 28,750.00
John Howard Society Saint John Branch 21280-140001/001/MCT Correctional Service of Canada 2017/10/31 CAD 384,325.00
John Howard Society Saint John Branch 21280-140014/002/MCT Correctional Service of Canada 2017/03/27 CAD 84,238.00
John Howard Society Saint John Branch 21280-140001/001/MCT Correctional Service of Canada 2017/02/23 CAD 57,500.00
John Howard Society Saint John Branch 21280-140014/002/MCT Correctional Service of Canada 2016/06/27 CAD 84,238.00
John Howard Society Saint John Branch 21280-140001/001/MCT Correctional Service of Canada 2016/02/15 CAD 56,500.00
John Howard Society Saint John Branch 21280-140001/001/MCT Correctional Service of Canada 2015/12/01 CAD 28,250.00
John Howard Society Saint John Branch 21280-140014/002/MCT Correctional Service of Canada 2015/06/16 CAD 82,773.00
John Howard Society Saint John Branch 21280-140001/001/MCT Correctional Service of Canada 2015/03/27 CAD 384,325.00
John Howard Society Saint John Branch 21280-140001/001/MCT Correctional Service of Canada 2015/02/10 CAD 384,325.00
John Howard Society Saint John Branch 21280-140001/001/MCT Correctional Service of Canada 2014/06/09 CAD 384,325.00
John Howard Society Saint John Branch 21280-140001/001/MCT Correctional Service of Canada 2014/04/30 CAD 56,500.00
John Howard Society Saint John Branch 21201-090124/001/MCT Correctional Service of Canada 2013/12/09 CAD 42,031.00
John Howard Society Saint John Branch 21281-100001/001/MCT Correctional Service of Canada 2013/02/14 CAD 51,980.00
John Howard Society Saint John Branch 21281-100001/001/MCT Correctional Service of Canada 2012/03/21 CAD 51,980.00
John Howard Society Saint John Branch 21201-090124/001/MCT Correctional Service of Canada 2011/08/23 CAD 5,639.00
John Howard Society Saint John Branch 21284-080102/002/MCT Correctional Service of Canada 2011/02/07 CAD 48,251.00
John Howard Society Saint John Branch 21284-070104/001/MCT Correctional Service of Canada 2010/05/25 CAD 38,895.00
John Howard Society Saint John Branch 21201-090124/001/MCT Correctional Service of Canada 2010/04/29 CAD 204,041.00
John Howard Society Saint John Branch 21284-080102/002/MCT Correctional Service of Canada 2010/04/20 CAD 48,251.00
John Howard Society Saint John Branch 21201-090124/001/MCT Correctional Service of Canada 2010/03/29 CAD 37,330.00

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