Tender opportunities

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Notice categories:

10 of 4421
List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
KEATING COURT CURB & GUTTER Construction 2024/04/25 2024/05/09 Municipality of the County of Antigonish
St. Mary's Active Transportation Plan Services 2023/02/28 2023/03/24 Municipality of the District of St. Marys
St. Mary's Recplex Refrigeration Maintenance Agreement Goods 2024/08/19 2024/09/11 Municipality of the District of St. Marys
Float Replacement Keats Landing Port 2023/03/07
2023/03/20 Sunshine Coast Regional District
Highway No. 17 Keating Cross Flyover Construction 2023/02/28
2023/03/08 South Coast Regional Office
Kathleen Lake Boat House Construction – Kluane National Park Construction 2018/07/13
2018/07/19 Parks Canada
RFQ #2023-12: Keating Channel Pedestrian Bridge Services, Goods 2023/06/09
2023/06/19 Toronto Waterfront Revitalization…
Demolition of Residential Building – 6006 Kathleen Avenue 2023/05/01 2023/05/23 City of Burnaby
2023/07/11 Ville de Ville-Marie .
Major Works Construction Supervision, Hwy 17, Keating Cross Road Fly Over Services 2022/06/16 2022/07/19 Provincial Field Services
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 1196
List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
Kathleen Lake Boat House Construction – Kluane National Park Construction 2018/11/16 N/A Parks Canada
Val Marie and West Val Marie Dams, Geotechnical Reviews Services 2015/12/23 N/A Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
MARY JANE EMERGENCY SPILLWAY REHABILITATION Construction 2022/11/22 2023/06/15 Manitoba Infrastructure - Contract…
5P432-220242 - Dry Spruce Firewood - Kluane National Park and Reserve -… Goods 2024/10/31
2024/10/31 Parks Canada Agency (PC)
ACCOMMODATION IN SAULT STE-MARIE, ON Services 2016/04/27 N/A Department of National Defence
Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. St. Mary's River Maintenance Dredging… Construction 2020/07/28 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
Dredging Cape St. Mary's Construction 2016/07/29 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
Marie Joseph Wharf Construction Construction 2016/01/05 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
SA - Mary's Harbour Construction Services 2015/05/08 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
Exterior Concrete Restoration St. Mary's Light Tower, Cape St. Mary… Construction 2015/08/20 N/A Fisheries and Oceans Canada
50 of 4710
List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
Mary Kathleen Keating 5N001-070003/019/ZG Indian Residential Schools Resolution… 2009/02/05 CAD 1,580,776.00
Kathleen m Stevens 21210-100108/001/HAL Correctional Service of Canada 2015/06/02 CAD 21,896.00
Kathleen m Stevens 21210-100108/001/HAL Correctional Service of Canada 2014/06/12 CAD 20,608.00
Kathleen m Stevens 21210-100108/001/HAL Correctional Service of Canada 2013/07/11 CAD 19,320.00
Kathleen m Stevens 21210-100108/001/HAL Correctional Service of Canada 2012/04/26 CAD 18,032.00
Kathleen m Stevens 21210-100108/001/HAL Correctional Service of Canada 2012/02/22 CAD 96,600.00
Kathleen m Stevens 21210-100108/001/HAL Correctional Service of Canada 2011/07/07 CAD 16,744.00
Kathleen m Stevens 21210-060108/001/HAL Correctional Service of Canada 2010/07/22 CAD 14,352.00
Kathleen m Stevens 21210-060108/001/HAL Correctional Service of Canada 2009/09/15 CAD 45.00
Kathleen m Stevens 21210-060108/001/HAL Correctional Service of Canada 2009/07/24 CAD 12,882.00
Kathleen Mell A0318-144374/001/ZG INDIGENOUS AND NORTHERN AFFAIRS CANADA 2018/05/31 CAD -2,319,537.00
Kathleen B McIsaac A0318-144372/001/ZG INDIGENOUS AND NORTHERN AFFAIRS CANADA 2018/05/11 CAD -2,464,474.00
Kathleen Mell A0318-144374/001/ZG INDIGENOUS AND NORTHERN AFFAIRS CANADA 2014/09/15 CAD 2,723,732.00
Kathleen B McIsaac A0318-144372/001/ZG INDIGENOUS AND NORTHERN AFFAIRS CANADA 2014/09/15 CAD 2,723,732.00
Kathleen Chard W0105-101067/001/MCT Department of National Defence 2010/01/27 CAD 8,873.00
Kathleen Mell 5N001-070003/030/ZG Indian Residential Schools Resolution… 2009/02/05 CAD 1,580,776.00
Kathleen B McIsaac 5N001-070003/028/ZG Indian Residential Schools Resolution… 2009/02/05 CAD 1,580,776.00
Kathleen Harper W0114-10P138/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2010/11/30 CAD 9,820.00
Kathleen Morrison & Associates Inc. E60BQ-01ISSA/508/ZG Public Works and Government Services… 2009/04/01 CAD 0.00
MARY BUTTERFIELD EN930-11T005/002/ZP Public Works and Government Services… 2013/01/22 CAD 74,580.00
MARY BUTTERFIELD EN960-10T004/001/ZP Public Works and Government Services… 2012/05/10 CAD -50,241.00
MARY BUTTERFIELD EN960-10T006/001/ZP Public Works and Government Services… 2012/05/08 CAD -14,219.00
MARY BUTTERFIELD EN930-11T005/002/ZP Public Works and Government Services… 2012/03/28 CAD 74,580.00
MARY BUTTERFIELD EN960-10T004/001/ZP Public Works and Government Services… 2011/04/05 CAD 63,441.00
MARY BUTTERFIELD EN960-10T006/001/ZP Public Works and Government Services… 2011/04/01 CAD 5,906.00
MARY BUTTERFIELD EN960-10T004/001/ZP Public Works and Government Services… 2010/04/06 CAD 85,680.00
MARY BUTTERFIELD EN960-10T006/001/ZP Public Works and Government Services… 2010/04/06 CAD 14,438.00
MARY BUTTERFIELD EN955-07I017/001/ZP Public Works and Government Services… 2009/11/04 CAD -66,000.00
Mary Lambert Productions W0113-080910/001/BOR Department of National Defence 2009/03/06 CAD 1,050.00
Marie Brine 51019-062011/001/HAL Veterans Affairs Canada 2009/11/04 CAD 15,750.00
Mary Elizabeth Snow E60ZG-030001/030/ZG Public Works and Government Services… 2010/06/22 CAD 0.00
Mary Elizabeth Snow E60ZG-030001/030/ZG Public Works and Government Services… 2009/08/28 CAD 0.00
Mary Elizabeth Snow E60ZG-030001/030/ZG Public Works and Government Services… 2009/06/12 CAD 0.00
Marie Boti EN960-212323/057/ZF Public Works and Government Services… 2023/03/17 CAD 56,500.00
Marie Boti EN960-212323/057/ZF Public Works and Government Services… 2022/05/12 CAD 39,550.00
Marie Boti EN960-212323/057/ZF Public Works and Government Services… 2021/06/01 CAD 56,500.00
Marie Boti EN960-202683/079/ZF Public Works and Government Services… 2021/03/01 CAD 57,488.00
Marie Boti EN960-202683/079/ZF Public Works and Government Services… 2020/12/18 CAD 114,978.00
Marie Boti EN960-202683/079/ZF Public Works and Government Services… 2020/06/08 CAD 57,490.00
Marie Boti EN960-192231/078/ZF Public Works and Government Services… 2019/05/03 CAD 100,000.00
MARIE DESCHAMPS W8484-150008/001/ZG Department of National Defence 2015/04/29 CAD 1,000.00
MARIE DESCHAMPS W8484-150008/001/ZG Department of National Defence 2015/04/02 CAD 977,362.00
MARIE DESCHAMPS W8484-150008/001/ZG Department of National Defence 2015/03/05 CAD 977,362.00
MARIE DESCHAMPS W8484-150008/001/ZG Department of National Defence 2015/01/23 CAD 137,796.00
MARIE DESCHAMPS W8484-150008/001/ZG Department of National Defence 2014/06/27 CAD 838,566.00
Mary Ann Liebert Inc HT218-203332/001/PI Health Canada 2021/10/21 CAD 30,450.00
Mary Ann Liebert Inc HT218-203332/001/PI Health Canada 2020/10/05 CAD 28,957.00
Marie Helene Duval EE001-10T003/001/ZP Public Works and Government Services… 2012/05/15 CAD -69,550.00
Marie Helene Duval EE001-10T003/001/ZP Public Works and Government Services… 2011/04/28 CAD 73,107.00
Marie Helene Duval EE001-10T003/001/ZP Public Works and Government Services… 2010/04/26 CAD 78,593.00

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